Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 345: Mass production of some rare workers to increase production capacity

The Black Templars' fanaticism was curbed by the sacred events that happened one after another, but their emotions of fighting and sacrificing themselves continued to increase.

At first they saw their lost and long-suffering genetic father, with all his remains imprisoned in this golden cage, stand up.

His mind, which was too far away from them to understand what the descendants were trying to do, seemed to have some understanding that they were going to launch a never-ending battle of atonement and salvation for him against such a powerful being as the Primarch.

The golden mechanical giant reaches out toward his offspring, his metallic death mask and surrounding bundles of electronic muscles making him look like a cross between an ancient statue and distant technology.

Then, an incredible sight enveloped the eyes of the blessed.

Brother Atreus was the first to come and lay claim to Priest Geratos.

"I heard him. He knelt before the Lord and the Priest. His voice was soft and dreamy.

"I see, brother priest, I now know our sin, our pride is our sin, I see our atonement, this is what I saw in the vision."

Caleb and Geratos looked at each other.

Although this was neither the Pillar of Bones nor the incense- and honor-flanked chapel of their own Nemesis, the location and setting of the Holy Land were not what made it.

This is the edge of the Star Torch, the farthest point that the God-Emperor can see - the God-Emperor is still watching the Black Templars, they firmly believe.

"Tell me about that vision you saw," said the priest.


So they put on Atreus the ancient consecrated black armor anointed with sacred oil, and the great black sword was placed in his hands, and the golden laurel wreath shone softly on his helmet.

"Atreus, you are the Crusader Champion of our expedition. You will..."

But before Geratos's blessing ceremony was over, another brother knelt down and claimed that he had been inspired by a divine vision.

At first the priest was furious, thinking this was due to unforgivable jealousy or other emotions, "Even if we are filled with so much anger at what happened to Saint Donne, we must not allow ourselves to deviate from His right path!"

But one after another, until Caleb and Geratos themselves fell into confused dreams.

They saw how their father was kidnapped by their old enemy, and how he endured humiliation and preserved a trace of his will until they met them. For a more noble goal, the holy Dorne was willing to make himself the cornerstone of humankind's greatness again.

How dare they arrogantly ask their so selfless and great father with their own narrow speculation!

Pride and stubbornness are their sins, and they need to atone for this, serving their most intolerable enemy and protecting their holy father. The atonement expedition will be the only way for them to redeem themselves, and they wash away their blindness. Penance stained with pride.

For this reason, they even received an unprecedented honor, so as to once again ensure that the faith of everyone in this crusade will never be shaken by anything they encounter.

The Black Templars put down their weapons and shed tears as they looked at the remains of the Gene Father, who stood silently above and stretched out his hands towards them.

"We will obey!"

Rich sacred hymns blasted from the loudspeakers.

"The Black Templar never refuses a challenge!"

"For atonement! For you! Emperor on the throne! For you! Holy Dorne!"

They sang in the wild joy of being shown the way, weeping in their helmets.

"We will all make atonement here. As champions, we swear to endure all strange looks, endure the test of serving the enemy's mind, obtain lofty forgiveness with our extreme asceticism, and protect our holy father until the glorious mountain array welcomes us back. The day of its true master."

Magna was pleasantly surprised to find that the stop gesture he made when he stood up to ask them to come back seemed to be really effective. This noisy group of black people seemed to be on the edge of "Fight! Have fun!" and "Go fight! Have fun fighting!" The children suddenly became quiet and gathered around him again with tears in their eyes, letting him touch their heads and weapons one by one.

Well, that's good. Well, I'll touch each one's head.

...? Why are you crying and kissing my hand? ...Forget it, considering how settled they are now, this is not a big deal.


Lamizane, as he has always said to others, he used to be just an ataxic librarian. He was not proficient in all the incredible wars or subspace skills here. He was outstanding among the Night Lords. The performance was partly (in Lamizane's opinion) because Konrad Curze "transferred" part of his authority and "lent" him power, with the curiosity of a naughty boy, an observer, and a cold-blooded hunter at the same time.

Fortunately, in the end (he thought), he impressed the midnight ghost with his sincerity, politeness, and superb smoothing and verbal skills, and successfully brought the person back to the area where he can think and communicate normally - God knows! He just realized that he had to cheer up and work hard to settle everything, otherwise what would happen if his soul was eaten by Curze? Or are you unable to get help from this master of omens? ! Then he would definitely not be able to come back and touch his Perturabo with his own hands!

Who could have guessed how eager he was to come back and enjoy the ideal retirement life of "dogs working and people watching the show"!

I struggled to be a librarian just to lie flat!

I'm not here to work!

I hope I can lie down and eat delicious food, drink coffee, play with my dog, and sleep every day, then get up to paint handmade chess pieces and go to the sand table in the hall of the Twelve Temples to play games with everyone...

So we must deal with the unrest in time! Black Templars... Anyway, everyone was the Imperial Fist 10,000 years ago, so adding another team to the Iron Blood is okay, right?

To be honest, the method of showing the omen illusion in the consciousness that Curze used to help him understand the future is really useful for temporarily spreading a fake miracle of revelation...

The soul floating on the ceiling made a guilty look around. The one on the Golden Throne should not come to collect the copyright fee, after all, he does not have the universe's first legal department or the universe's first internal tax bureau...

But to be honest, can you really use the scenes read in history books to match one set?

I'm not saying.

You Black Templars seem to be a little easy to fool.

Great, I have dealt with such a large group of Imperial Space Marines with their own equipment, ships and identities for Pepe and Magna! The more people working, the better! As long as there are enough people working consciously, I can finally retire and do handicrafts!

...By the way, can I use this method to tell them that I'm back? ! Yes!

Someone's soul suddenly reacted and happily rushed back to the room where the fourth Primarch's body was kept.

Behind the distant curtain, although the Tzeentch Demon Army was still at its peak, the other three Supreme Beings also reaped a lot of rewards. At least, a new boundary and balance were re-formed.

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