Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 332 Dark Evil Wealth

Chapter 332 Darkness·Evil·Wealth

(*I said, even with my abilities, it was a bad decision for us to explore here. We don't have enough mature combat psykers - not counting me! We lack reliable shields and flankers - —We should come in after adding a little bit of Perturabo and the Children of Dorne. At least, if we can add some iron rings to the vanguard, the Phalanx Guards, the Warhounds, no, World Eaters, that's not the line either. ——Heart of Steel, with a dash of precision marksmanship and psychic resonance at the end makes me feel better at the moment).

"It seems that the actual scene here is indeed disturbing to a certain extent, so that I can hear this sentence from your mouth. But it is still very comforting. It shows that learning more knowledge is really useful. Keep learning. Sooner or later you will become one of the wisest of your brothers, and you may have the opportunity to teach others - so which one should you choose? Left? Middle?"

With the sound of ceramic boots stepping on thick ash, steel and mud, the exploration team stopped in a room with a three-way road. This was after they passed through the twisted and cracked charred black strata and found the formed road. Encountered the third fork in the third room.

Now a team with considerable weight elsewhere - including the First Claw - Markarian was asked to remain on the bridge as a anchor, and the Weeping Eye's loyalty was deemed worthy of trust. Therefore, Ptolemion and Aeneas of the Origin Chapter, as well as Bishop Dietrian and his young apprentice, were left as auxiliaries for the slow-moving (*Note 1) Macharion.

In other words, eight Astartes equipped with Apothecaries and heavy firepower, a Mechanic Bishop and apprentice, and a Primarch and his summoned beast, a total of twelve people (?) are currently relying on the Primarch's Strength guides them to move forward cautiously in this hellish place that looks like it could eat people alive at every step.

As soon as the followers of the God of All Machines learned about where they were going, they immediately suppressed other colleagues with their physics scholarship and locked them in their own laboratories, and then rushed over.

"Don't you think of exploring it alone!" he declared, insisting that he bring his apprentice with him, the girl, Tora Psyche, who had proven to be gifted in the machine-spirit connection, and Lamizane had told Everyone, this is not her tainted babble, but she is indeed affected by some probability, just like other psychic children with abnormal birth rates on this planet, so it is indeed more appropriate to bring her here than to leave her there.

There is something invisible, huge, and constantly emitting influence that has been dormant in the projection of the planet's non-existent moon under the sea of ​​warp on this planet, affecting them due to the last connection of the fragile contract thousands of years ago.

They then made preparations and "summoned" a "crack" to the "moon" in the catacombs of the North Pole so that they could pass through the zone between reality and fiction and reach the ruined and dead place they were exploring. star.

This is the greatest dark evil, the greatest secret of Thesaguarsa.

The greatest hidden wealth.

(*Yes, wealth, wealth, and greed are like a knot, tying people's hearts tighter and tighter, resulting in the loss of reason.)

"You can still say aphorisms! But money is not the root of all evil as is usually said. Only greed for money, that is, the excessive, selfish, and greedy pursuit of money, is the root of all evil. The root of all evil.'"

(*...) The black and white long-haired cat let out a dissatisfied breath, then jumped away from his body's shoulders and jumped onto Talos's shoulder armor. They didn't wear Terminators because they needed speed here more than firepower - after all it's really better to get through certain areas quickly when you have a living map that can see through the darkness.

Dietrian made many preparations without asking, including installing cables and relay beacons along the road.

"I only hope that what you said is true that the control core here has stopped moving and entered dormancy, and that there are no genestealers or tyranids, sir." His robotic arm found a position at the entrance of the room that looked slightly clean and flat. , and then insert the beacon. "The cables I brought ran out after five kilometers. We should have walked dozens of kilometers downward, and the temperature here... is very wrong. It stands to reason that we should all be baked to a fever."

"It's strange. The geological structure of this planet has been hollowed out and replaced. Common sense geography doesn't work here. Dietrian, you didn't bump into anything along the way, right?"

"…No, my lord, absolutely not. I serve the true Messiah of Ohm. These things are too…too blasphemous even from the most tolerant heretical perspective."

"Torah?" The little girl whose name was called looked nervously at her mentor and then at the tall god behind the transparent mask, "No, Your Highness." She replied crisply, "The teacher just couldn't help it. The probe collected several biological samples.”


Then, amid the murmurs of dissatisfaction from the Mechanical Bishop, all the sample test tubes under his robe were taken out and destroyed on the spot, while he himself was caught between two Fierce Claws.

"Although future vision is very useful, frequent use of on-the-spot performance also requires as little interference as possible to achieve the most accurate results, especially in this place, where the weak intersection and chaos of reality and subspace will greatly interfere with accuracy. I told you." Ramizann narrowed Curze's black eyes, "and'never take off the mask I gave you for anything, even if you are going to die', understand?"

(*From what I saw, I can't use any of the Nostramo's language I know to describe the mixture of slaughterhouse sewers and noble banquets. You should weld your thought-up mask to their faces to avoid any accidents.)

The black and white long-haired cat's ears have been tightened back since he came in-one of the instinctive little movements caused by what he saw, but from the reaction of this animal who dared to bite and play cat-and-cat boxing with the fastest warrior among the Eldar like teasing a bird, it reminds everyone well that they are actually walking in an indescribable place.

"As far as I know, that's the case. But." Ramizane walked back and forth in front of three doors that looked exactly the same with three different faces, "So which one is it?"

(*Don't worry! The construction of this place and the users' habits in using the power of the warp were too bad... uh... too... Instinct overcomes reason and has wisdom and power. If that's the case, maybe I can understand why our father of corpses always lies... Ugh.)

"...? Did you want to vomit just now? It is said that cats have a sense of smell..."

(*No! Most of them have been turned into ashes, corpse wax and mummies by high temperature! Not really! Well, let Tora take Ursus over there.)

Although he was puzzled by this request, under the order of the Lord of Night, Tora still took Ursus's hand, who was bent as much as possible, and walked around the last three doors.

(*Right! That's it.)

The cat jumped down, ran to the door on the left, and punched the stomach on the door that looked like a decayed human body.

Amid a silent scream and vomiting, the door opened, revealing the ashes stirred up behind.


Talos, who entered first, felt a familiar touch under his feet. He did not turn on the headlights - the Night Lords can all move freely in the dark.

"Hunting vision." He spit out a single word, then looked around, and it was dark.

So Talos carefully turned over what he stepped on with the tip of his boot.

Just as he felt very familiar, it was a fragment of a Space Marine's ceramic steel shoulder armor.

On the almost burnt white paint, a yellow-red lightning emblem with a red edge was faintly revealed.


(Note 1: The maximum road speed of the fastest dreadnought is 12 kilometers per hour, while the off-road speed is only 7 kilometers per hour. If it is such a collapsed, complex and narrow terrain, you can't run away or take it away unless you smash the sarcophagus.)

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