Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 328 I really want to live another 500 years

empire of man

Ultima Segmentum

There is a dark void for tens of millions of kilometers nearby.

A space far away from any shipping lanes and planets

"What's the collection volume today? Is it full? Is it full? Alas..."

Every sigh of the Gene Father seemed to be a soul torture that hit Talos Valcolan's heart.

This Night Lord who is extremely proficient and good at cutting a complete living person into a living network of blood vessels, nerves, organs, and something that has no bones and muscle tissue and can howl for a long time before dying has been in the past few centuries. He has never had so much time to think about guilt and guilt, and now he feels like he is going to be overwhelmed, suffocated, and swallowed by this feeling every moment.

But he was completely different from when he arrived in Thesaguarsa.

What if he was desperate and confused at that time, pulled here by the prophecy, and saw the illusion that everyone left before him? At this point, he calmly accepted his fate and left the last remnants of the Night Lords in the past together. Staying where their father is buried is even a happy ending.

But the Lord of the Night miraculously returned to the human world.

Everything is getting better.

Ciel did not die in the scene of his first vision.

Nor did he die in the real-life gang-hopping for the second time.

They have more and better logistics personnel, servants and equipment, as well as precious fresh water and food - although the Night Lords can choose to eat some slaves, if they have to choose fresh amino acid oatmeal and glycerin flavored with juice Triester clots, as well as the Primarch's strict orders and hand-made cakes and biscuits, but also the choice to eat some food from the past. Without Talos's order, a large number of invitations to murder duels will find that ignorant guy until he corrects himself. Or more likely, the end.

Both Sirion and Ursus were visibly recovering from the corruption that had crept into their bodies and sought to penetrate their minds.

Loufrix and his Weeping Eye raptors were not abandoned by their father - although everyone now knew they might have been - transformed by their past encounters and the curse that the Eighth Legion had suffered. It's hard to say that they are still alive - existing, but the raptors don't care now. They are happy every day, and the food has changed from the viscera and flesh of the Astartes to the food specially prepared by Valier and Dietrian, because of the light It's the food in the physical universe that can no longer keep them healthy.

The first harvest season on Thesaguarsa has passed, and every day, when the thunder eagle carrying the five-flowered and speechless Jaan Zar - known as the "rain-bringing bird" by the people on the ground - comes from As they flew slowly over the planned new reclamation route, the Eighth Legion's cheers, praises and affirmations of their honor, which were ten thousand years late, were all thrown at them as if they were free of money.

Under this situation, Talos saw no need to give up. He had never had such a clear goal. He wanted to live. He wanted to pass on the history of the Legion and the meaning of real fear to the next generation. A new generation of blood, he doesn't want to die, he also wants to accompany the father of genes to conquer the star sea, just like ten thousand years ago, let every planet surrender to the arrival of the Night Lord.

as well as.

Building—a word he had chewed many times in his room—their new home.

Now when he went to undergo the genetic examination and treatment that he was originally unwilling to accept, Valier, who had always been calm, seemed to have become the most irritable among them.

His murderous intent was evident every time he heard about a new mission assigned to him, and now his mantra was "I'm an Apothecary! Apothecary Astartes! Not a fucking plant." And the Agricultural Sage!”

And if the father of genes adds lazily at this time, "Oh, they are all seeds. Researching gene seeds is also a seed, and researching crop seeds is also a seed." Then the perfectly alert black and white long-haired cat will say "Meow--" —" With a word of agreement, they were able to watch Valier's transition from violence to collapse to "You can't do this to me! I have dedicated my life to the Legion!" But fortunately, all this did not affect his medical treatment. techinque level.

It's just that the current situation is still not optimistic... Although the abnormal activity of Talos's gene seeds sometimes begins to decline, and is even better than before according to tracking, it is still developing slowly and eroding other parts of Talos's organs. Lieer suspected that the suppression he was currently receiving was not the result of pharmaceutical treatment, but some kind of subspace-influenced radiation, so what...


The soul hunter's thoughts of recollection were interrupted, "My Lord?"

"Come here and take a look at this." The proximity alarm light was flashing, and the buzzer was notifying the bridge that a target large enough to trigger the alarm was approaching.

"As you wish, my lord."

Following the movement and pace of the prophet, the servo motors of the power armor painted in midnight and lightning colors hummed slightly. Now they sounded the same as those of the past, which were poorly maintained, mismatched and aged. Chi Mu's feeling is completely different. Although he is still not convinced, this set of Terminator Machine Souls, which originally belonged to members of the 18th Legion, is different from Talos's original set. Every part of the power armor comes from a different chapter. The powerful machine spirit of the fragments "From the control of the eyepiece color to the soles of the feet, who took the first step? They fought for 800 rounds and then they couldn't win and decided to call a truce!" (Dietrian said his young apprentice told him) Working for him has been okay since then.

He walked to the console directed by the increasingly lazy Lord of the Night, and two officers in cleanly starched old navy uniforms respectfully made room for him.

"This is... an Imperial Navy ship belonging to the Pseudo-Emperor, my lord. Its firepower and tonnage are inferior to ours, but their sensors are trying to scan our loyalty codes and keel codes."

"Oh. Did they send a communication signal?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Put on the audio channel and let's see what they say."

"Yes, communications lady, put us through."

With a slight crackle of the access signal, an Imperial Navy officer's voice sounded on the bridge with deep suspicion but still maintaining a very cautious and polite voice, "Rogue Trader cruiser Star of Bethlehem? Your keel code The sequence is not in our identification database. Which dynasty do you belong to?"

"Yes." The Lord of Night raised his hand and suppressed the black and white cat in his arms that started to jump up and explode. At the same time, he gave Talos a wink. The latter didn't understand very well but immediately closed his mouth.

Then during the conversation on the communication channel, Talos's eyes were opened.

I really need to live another five hundred years.

he thinks.

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