Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 311 The time has not come yet

As the crew of the Coronation reluctantly began to move their ship in compliance with the Night Lord's orders, they discovered to their surprise - and mainly their navigator's surprise - that the conditions in the nearby Warp were extremely...

"I have never seen the Warp like this. I don't think a lot of people have seen it in their lifetimes," admits Morachi Gibran, Navigator of the Coronation, the most powerful, ancient and noble Navigator on Terra. One of the youngest fringe members of the Yuan family, his family background can usually fully cover his lack of experience as a navigator. "In my family records, such a calm situation at the dark edge of the galaxy is extremely, very Rare - to use an inappropriate metaphor, Sergeant Aeneas."

The navigator's face, wearing a gorgeous and thick metal link crown that covered the upper half of his face, turned to the Astartes officer with a troubled face next to him - pretending not to see the slave collar around his neck.

"It's like we have been sailing in a dark place full of unknown storms, claws in the sky and terrifying tentacled sea monsters in the abyss, and the light of the God-Emperor's Star Torch on Holy Terra is the only thing that illuminates this place. The vast dark lighthouse prevents us from being involved and allows the navigator to concentrate on leading the ship back to the real universe; but now, the evil and unclean things dozens of light years around this planet are... hidden , it was like I was piloting the Coronation in a big calm bathtub with ease. I wouldn't say these abominations disappeared or ran away, but they were like monsters that sensed something and retreated to their lairs... …”

"——Being frightened by a bigger, stronger, and more ferocious monster king, he instinctively avoided the danger and hid back." Aeneas's expression showed a calm look of death, "I'm not surprised. So. What do you and our astropaths think about this, Moraki?" The voice of the veteran adjutant of the 3rd company had a hint of reproach, "They and you both felt when we were under psychic attack from the other side. doing what?"

"First of all, I must warn you, the other side has a... although I hate to say this, but they have an extremely otherworldly, talented and skillful navigator who is equally astonishing and audacious. Hard work has almost turned the nearby star field into a path in my own garden. According to my observation, I currently have a few difficulties in confronting her or him. As for the astropaths..." Obviously. Gibran was considering his statement, "The leader of the Astropathic Choir said that he and his choir... received a 'promised and unallowed revelation.'"

"What? Can you explain it in more detail and in simpler terms?"

The navigator shook his head, and the hanging, metallic cables brushed against his expensive silk clothes like hair tips. "I can't provide any more information. The astrological choir on the ship transmitted it to the people through the psychic sea." After my news, the collective went into a frenzied chorus of prayers and praises, refusing to respond or serve any more, including resistance, and those prayers and praises are not over yet - but I have a foreboding line with them. The tarot divination results are provided to you, Sergeant Aeneas.”

"Are you sure this omen is not polluted and unclean? Moraki." Even though they were actually behind bars, the consequence of not making a decisive decision at that time to carry out a collision attack or risk jumping into the subspace was that they were all changed now. Tottering - but Sergeant Aeneas is still considering the possibility of leaving here, reporting the dark heresy here to the Chapter and Macragge, or expressing his unfulfilled loyalty.

"If you think that the purity and loyalty of me and my family can be trusted, Aeneas, then you can listen, otherwise I will not force myself to do anything."

The Astartes officer nodded, "Then please speak, Morachi Gibran."

The navigator solemnly said word for word, "You should revere and obey the black starry sky, because he is the judge of your heart."

"What do you mean?! Is this asking us to fear... obey... heretics? That's it?! This is impossible, Morach, the revelation of the throne cannot ask us... to ask the loyal sons of Guilliman to do this!"

"——Also, follow the black and white plush."

"...What does this mean? Plush? This place? Black and white? Black-faced sheep? This planet is barren of grass!"

"To be honest, I don't know, but the instructions for this sentence are very clear. I have read it over and over again many times, and there is no way I can get it wrong. It must have its own special meaning, or maybe it's just that the time has not come yet."


"The special version of the remote self-sensing remote control collar Astartes - it is indeed a wonderful invention, Dietrian, a master of psychic, mechanical and human nature, and the perfect crystallization of manual skills. As expected, Lou Frix also expressed his gratitude to The people I recommended were absolutely right. Your service deserves recognition and your work should be rewarded.”

"I'm glad to hear you say that, Your Highness." The mechanical bishop used the ancient Martian etiquette to bow respectfully to the person on the throne, "Then may I..."

"But you are still not allowed to display your artistic talent on the outer armor of the Fearless Elder's sarcophagus, Bishop." The expressionless Lord of the Night coldly extinguished the flames of hope that were ignited in Dietrian's several eyepieces. "And if you are found to have disobeyed orders and sneaked into the Dreadnought hangar, I will confiscate your favorite priest assistant and all hand-modified servitors."

(*Ha! Coffin painting enthusiast and master of human torture! I thought he would be a perfect fit for my Legion - Pact with Mars was truly one of the least regretful execution decisions I've ever made.)

"...No, no, you won't! You can't do this!"

"Don't bring about your own destruction, it won't happen, Dietrian." Lamizane added a hint of warning to his words, "So what's going on with our captive Titan captain?"

(*These words have a bit of the demeanor of the Lord of the Eighth Army. I hope you can use more words like this. Really.)

"Ah, this, Your Highness." Dietrian bowed slightly, "He has suffered too much pain before and has been in a state of deep anesthesia. According to my observation, it may take a long time to regain consciousness."

"And the pain was entirely inflicted by you - will he be able to return to service as a pilot after recovery?"

"This - I can't say, Your Highness, after regaining basic sanity, I still need to completely reconstruct his personality, otherwise according to the model prediction, he will immediately fall into a state of madness and start severe epileptic seizures, yes, um, I I think it is necessary to rebuild all the destroyed personality and rational cognition for him.”

"A good research topic. Dietrian, I leave it to you. The necessary application materials and resources can be submitted directly to me. If I am not available, submit them to Markarian or Talos."

Looking away from the Mechanicus, the Night Lord turned to the communications lady, "Put me through to Navigator Octavia."

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