Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 249 Champion of Slaanesh? Very good, mine

The situation in the defense of the Cantor's Palace became increasingly critical.

Saul Tarvits understands this very well. The main forces still defending this place are only a part of the soldiers of the Third Army and a part of the Sixteenth Army.

The Twelfth Legion was the farthest from the bunker during the previous virus bomb disaster. Their number of survivors was not as high as that of the other three legions. As for the loyalists of the Fourteenth Legion, many of them died after Mortarion dropped them. At the hands of the Death Guard, almost all the remaining people should be here now.

The Third Legion is now led by Captains Sol Tarvitz and Solomon Demeter, with the Ancient Sage Rilanor and Swordsman Champion Lucius as their important supports, while the remnants of the Sixteenth Legion are led by Led by Garviel Loken and Taric Torgadun, the loyal legionnaires were well-defended in the wide positions and underground passages in front of the Cantor's Palace, and used the original city limits under the city walls to conduct efficient operations. However, The situation can only get worse, because they have no support and no follow-up, and every loyalist fighter they lose is an irreparable loss for them.

With the warning of Tarvitz and the help of Captain Gallo, these loyal warriors found bunkers at the last minute and survived, and pierced the sky where they came with angry questions and condemnations, even though it was no longer there forever. Will reply to them again.

According to Sol Tarvitz's estimation, the betrayal Warmaster's attack rhythm has been disrupted by those stubborn and unwilling to die, because he saw more new legion troops and vehicles, which were constantly being destroyed. Put it down.

"This place is very strong." The commander of the Emperor's Children tucked a strand of long hair behind his ears and raised his head to look at Loken and Togaton opposite. "But if they use heavy artillery and Titans, I don't think they can hold up much." Round salvo.”

"Perhaps before our father wants to burn us from the sky to ashes, we can let those bastards consume some more ammunition. At least we will not have people standing high in the sky and slaughtering us without blood on their hands. , we dragged them down, this is guerrilla warfare, tunnel warfare, and fortress warfare." Tarik Togaton grinned, his face was blackened by smoke, and sweat left streaks on the black ash. "If anyone wants to kill us, they have to come down and fight us."

Loken looked at the rough defense terrain map and pondered, "Who came this time? Who served as...our father's vanguard?"

"The Emperor's Son." Tavitz replied calmly, almost making people think that he was not emotionally shaken by the words that came out of his mouth. Only the blazing fire in his eyes could make people feel... Peep into the intensity of his heart.

"If my experience is still valid, the commander of my former brothers should still be Lord Commander Eidolon."

He said expressionlessly, "Based on what I know about him, I think he will definitely want to use the precision strike double-edged form that the Third Legion is best at to launch an attack."

"Striking Twin Blades? Brothers Tarvitz."

"The Open Blade, and the Hidden Blade." The officer of the Emperor's Children replied. Although Captain Solomon Demeter and the ancient sage Rilanor present were both higher than him in the old Legion, but in the Over the past few months of fighting, and especially since the start of the guerilla warfare and ambush campaign as they gathered at the Cantor's Palace, Sol Tarvitz's reputation has grown, and his leadership, command, and keen tactical instincts have aided the Loyalists. He achieved great results and actually became the main commander here.

"The Open Blade is the first attack, a feint, but the Hidden Blade is the attack that actually completes the mission."

The Moon Wolves also understand very well that when they are all leaderless remnants and the talent of one commander has reached this point, a unified command voice is much more practical than ordinary coordination discussions.

"Precision strike operations." Loken nodded, "But it seems that they have just completed their assembly. This time is definitely not enough to complete reconnaissance and necessary arrangements under severe interference here."

"Because that is Lord Commander Eidolon." Tarvitz frowned tightly, "I will not deny that many of my once noble brothers have become less so since the battle in the Lar'an system. Being modest - this will make the timing of the Hidden Blade's attack less appropriate - it needs to be stabbed out at the most perfect time in order to play its due role."

"Then this will be our chance."

Loken looked around at the only survivors.

Further away, the rumbling sound of the Titan Legion's walking shook the earth and reached everyone's ears. They all knew that no matter how strong the palace's curtain wall was, it would not be able to last longer under the bombardment of the main cannon of the God's Machine.

"We will spread out the defense. Only about thirty or fifty warriors can be assigned to each side. Let us try to kill as many traitors as possible before the final battle is over. For courage, loyalty and glory!"

"Loyalty lasts forever!"

Everyone received orders not to conserve ammunition or any energy.

Just inflict maximum damage.

The enemy's, or one's own.

Lucius, wearing a helmet, led thirty scarred legionnaires on the road to the defensive position on the east side of the Cantor's palace.

What the hell.

I just don't want to lose to him!

how so!

He thought to himself, this should not be my burial place! God knows, I obviously... I just want honor! I just want to be praised! I want to surpass him! Sol Tarvitz, why should he... I obviously helped notify so many people so that they could hide in the bunker instead of being turned into mud! Obviously my swordsmanship is so strong and my results are so impressive, why do they all listen to that Tavitz? Why call him a hero? I bet! His swordsmanship must be inferior to mine!

No, I have to think of a way.

The ceramite boots of the Space Marines hammered against the shattered marble floor as they passed through a long gallery of collapsed arches, the defensive positions ahead.

No, I should get more... I should get more victories, honors and cheers, instead of dying with them in this damn place, and finally dying here without being known!

He thought as his wireless communication channel began to intermittently pick up familiar communication bands nearby.

Lucius suddenly realized that his brothers from the old legion had landed here and were near the palace, and the final general attack was indeed about to begin.

Jealousy for Sol Tarvitz caused resentment to grow in his heart like poison ivy, and his fingers found their way to the hilt of his sword.

He glanced at the other people who were starting to set up their defenses. Almost all of them had their backs to him, without any defense.

After all, who would be prepared to guard against someone who had been fighting through thick and thin with him for months in this environment?

My sword is very fast...

very fast……


The air crackled, and the Thirteenth Company Captain of the Emperor's Children was unable to avoid the huge body that emerged out of thin air with his own dexterity. He sent his beautiful head into the opponent's hands.

"Look who we found. ...I'm sorry, but there is no time. Forgive me for what I have done, Emperor's Children."

Someone said above his head, a strong, gentle but completely irresistible will washed through every sulcus and cortical cell of his brain, like a basin of ice-water mixture pouring from his heavenly cap. In his past life, Every emotional fluctuation and memory are laid out naked in front of a certain great will for you to read.

He reexamined his life in a tenth of the blink of an eye.

His eyes suddenly widened.

"You... don't... you..."

The voice of the great being spoke his name.

"So you are Lucius... In this case, Captain Lucius, take me to see your commander, quickly."

He knew immediately that he couldn't and wouldn't say no.

Behind a gorgeous curtain in the distance, something let out an angry and ferocious scream, and countless Eldar trembled at that moment.

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