Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 233 Hello guest, have you heard of Cambrian plus?

Just before the happy gathering of three generations (?) of old, middle and young people (?) in the Antarctic base.

The Iron Hearts are trying to move their flagship over Pearl Moon's North Pole and try to maintain a synchronous orbital rate there.

All other ships, including the Space Marine cruisers, were in Carrick's orbital dock for rest and recuperation - whatever the details, the Iron Lords had kept their promise and given them some breathing space, so no one was being offended for the time being. Make some requests to leave your void ship.

The seawater covering the entire planet in the Pearl Moon is a beautiful blue-green, but the salt content and other ingredients are quite rich. Even the power armor of the Space Marines is exposed to the water pressure and corrosive environment under the deep sea at the North Pole. It is difficult for Chuya to keep all his servos at normal combat capability levels for a long time.

If Iron Heart and Angron had come by themselves, they would not have started the exploration operation so early, seeking the help of the Mechanicus to build a large forward offshore platform, and then slowly planned it - referring to the unit of hundreds of years and The loss of biochemical flesh and steel at every step forward, starting with thousands, is almost an inevitable choice.

Well, the current Iron-Blooded Ship is no longer the one in the Eye of Terror. As certain "progresses" are completed in the visual list, the Iron-Blooded Ship's existence becomes more and more apparent in this galaxy... "It cannot be measured with common sense." "" and "origin" are transformed.

In the words of some psychic gods, it is not quite accurate to say that "countless threads of fate have been re-knotted here and a new web has been opened."

Although everything is invisible, few people can describe it in any racial language or words. But in fact, in several nearby star sectors and even further away in the craft worlds and pirate groups or in the most secret chambers of Commorragh, a prophecy has been whispered constantly, one or several dead worlds, millions or even Tens of millions of compressed pain and life essences, treasures that can satisfy the insatiable thirst of the gods, and a god of death waiting quietly in the darkness.

"Speaking of which, it seems that your defense against the Eldar here is not very strict."

Having returned to the flagship of his own Chapter, Angron, the Primarch of the Twelfth Legion, is re-examining the various new data and intelligence brought to him by further scanning of the Desert Ark's sensor array.

As an envoy sent by the Iron Lord to assist his brother, Dassadra is currently at odds with the Mechanic-Priests on the Heart of Iron.

The former believes that the latter does not understand how to rigorously modify deep-diving machinery, while the latter believes that the former is simply messing around without following the rules.

Dassadra swore that if this were Medlengard or Honso - oh, thank God this stubborn and eyesore scourge was finally gone. The Ironbloods felt a lot cleaner. The only question was where they would find a new apothecary. ——Dassadra, who suddenly realized that this problem was very serious, immediately recorded it and sent a new memo——Honso’s war gang, then he would have used guns and hammers to ask these red robes to understand it. That makes sense!

But it is a pity that they are in this situation now, in an atmosphere that the father of genes jokingly calls "friendly, united, and progressive" (hell!), so Dassadra can only endure his anger and wait for the group of priests on the bridge. After completing the sacred incense and anointing process, which they circled three times, they completed their muttered prayers before proceeding to the next modification step.

So now the War Blacksmith of the Iron Warriors, apart from secretly suppressing his anger towards the mechanical believers, all he can do is show his courtesy and accompany the 12th Primarch here to talk - of course how much of it is out of curiosity about "such a thing" Is the World Eater Primarch taught by a half-blood priest recruit who is the eternal co-choice really loyal?" This is hard to say - the Iron Warriors who can live until at least the 41st millennium are very concerned about expression management. Aspects are generally well done.

——Yes, although the people they have come into contact with from other parts of the galaxy seem to believe so far that the Twelfth Legion is called the Iron Heart, a small but always loyal legion, and the respected primarch of the Twelfth Genome. The name is Angron Petra, the Conqueror and Supreme Tyrant of Nuceria. But each of the "Silver Skulls" on the Iron Blood were surprised and vigilant to find that they had another memory about them - the war dog of the 12th Legion was renamed the World Eater, and their original body finally became The memory of the demon king Angron.

So does this Angron really exist? Or is Angron just a collective hallucination caused by trauma and insanity after we fell into the Eye of Terror?

After retracting his thoughts, he calmed down and thought about Father Ironheart's question seriously before replying, "Maybe it's because of the anti-psionic traps and the density of positions on our mothership. "It's very high, and it has experience in successfully capturing it. Oh, by the way -" he also added, "The previous prophet 'masters' in the Hall of Omens... all have their own unique characteristics, and their power helps us Very well protected from prying eyes from many aliens and inanimate beings.”

"Masters of the Seer?" Angron blinked, "Wait a minute, are you talking about the psychic consultant Master Utherma Atla and the head of the Emmenut Think Tank?"

"Ah, it was them, you already knew it...? It is the unfolding of this big rift that has caused many incredible events. The good thing is that it brought you and your heirs to us, I feel like this It's a great honor." The war blacksmith's voice sounded like he was nostalgic but didn't want to see us again. "But on the contrary, many of our members, including all the prophets, also suffered due to unknown psychic storms during this incident. Lost in the rift of time and space, just disappeared from us."

"That's too bad," the Primarch commented reasonably, his voice low but very soft. "But you still remember them. I believe you will meet again one day."

"I hope so, Your Highness."


The deep submersible maintains a constant speed in the ocean rich in organic debris and algae.

The starlight of the Carrick galaxy shines palely from the sea surface. The farther they dive, the fainter the starlight becomes. Now they have dived dozens of kilometers below the sea level, and any light has completely disappeared. Only the searchlight of the bathyscaphe was faintly flashing in the dark water.

The spectacular and continuous sea snow falls like real snowflakes under the light, falling down into the bottomless depths of the seabed.

Even if the whole body is wrapped in powerful power armor, people can still feel an instinctive dislike of the deep sea from the soul. In this completely isolated and silent place, there is something inexplicably engraved in the genes. Unknown fears may be greatly amplified.

The Astartes surgical procedure removes the negative emotions and most of the fears of Space Marines. However, this so-called effect of clearing fear seems to work normally when faced with normal battles, but in some unusual scenarios It's hard to say, at least the Iron Hearts and their original body are obviously very sensitive to changes in emotions and souls, and at this moment, the awe of the irresistible power of nature makes even the sound of breathing become cautious.

Angron Petra, Dassadra, and a team led by Endred sat in the submarine cabin modified by the War Blacksmith and the Mechanic Priest. Skator was responsible for guarding the reception base on the sea.

The huge water pressure in the deep sea caused a strange creaking sound outside the metal riveting and sealing layer outside the cabin. The water flow transmitted the movement of distant and near creatures along the steel.

"I remember the description of the exploration of the ocean here is that 'most of them belong to algae and microorganisms, and there are also some annelids, molluscs and crustaceans, and the morphological structure is close to ancient Terra."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Some kind of weirder slimy crawling sound "rubbed" on the shell of the deep submersible, like some kind of giant snake or huge tentacles were carefully spying on whether there were any edible parts in this metal object. .

"But most of the deep sea here has not been fully explored, right?"

"Actually, not at all, Your Highness." The war blacksmith held his weapon, his expression still calm and firm, "But the investigation of the so-called 'sea monster attack' by the locals can basically be determined to be something similar to a giant Ouba Ben sea scorpions and primitive giant worm creatures.”

"What do you mean huge?"

"By huge I mean at least 70 feet long on average, Your Highness."

Angron slightly estimated the output of his weapon, but first there was the problem of water pressure here - "So are they carnivorous?"

"As far as I know, Your Highness, the Iron Blood's analysis of them suggests that these animals may be eating some micro or small native organisms and plankton."

One, two, harsh scraping sounds passed over their heads. Something huge hit the shell of their vehicle hard. The soldiers driving the deep submersible shook and recalibrated their balancers. .

A biological form seen only in mortal nightmares darts across the sensor's imaging screen.

"Are these the same now?"

The war blacksmith didn't speak, but everyone heard it. The shock wave vibrations caused by dozens of powerful kinetic energy bombs were transmitted to the passengers' genetically enhanced eardrums or metal sensors. Along with a strange howling, in Most of the huge figures on the augury began to move away.

"As far as I know, there is no such creature in Terra's human history. Tes Dassadra."

"That's right, Your Highness, according to the records in the Iron Blood Library, they are creatures from the Cambrian Period of Ancient Terra."

The red-haired king sighed. "Okay, I understand why you insisted on packing so many extra unconventional heavy weapons out there. Thank you for your insistence, Warsmith."

"My pleasure, Your Highness."

A red warning light illuminated above their heads, and they felt the submersible begin to shift into a parallel path while the auspicious auspicious device began to accurately scan the surrounding seabed.

To the bottom of the sea.

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