Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 191 The blood god who has no moral ethics

Chapter 190: Report your family status? still none

As Captain Sklar swiped his sensors sternly in all directions at the spot where they were to land from his stationary slot on the Stormbird's Dreadnaught, the first thing the keen-eyed veteran noticed were some curious, inconspicuous details. .

For example, the permanently frozen surface of this planet at minus 40 degrees Celsius actually still has some traces of the movement of super-heavy vehicles within a month to 24 hours - not due to careless negligence of the user, but to any flesh and blood. It is almost impossible to notice these traces from the planet's original pits, which are covered with the latest large and small impact craters, pockmarked ice cubes and rust-red broken earth. However, those who are extremely experienced Captain Sklar has not always been limited to using only optical sensors when making such observations.

In the communication sent quietly to his fellow travelers, the ancient warrior emphasized that he believed that what he observed was the huge track marks of the Mastodon super-heavy assault vehicle, but this precious antique behemoth was in the 41st century. From the 1st millennium to the 42nd millennium - basically in most places in the empire, it can be regarded as an extremely rare holy relic-level machine, but here it is not like other counterparts - for example There are no obvious traces of battles on the surface of forging worlds such as Graeae, Agrippina, Voss, and Steel Castle that are famous for their war potential. At least six machines have appeared within the visual range alone. Old and new trajectories of mastodons.

What convinced the mechanical priests here that they need to frequently dispatch this kind of anti-aircraft artillery array, siege melta weapons and two void shield arrays in their home world, capable of carrying up to forty Asta The Special Adept, or two Dreadnoughts and two ten-man squads - from all angles, is a super-heavy vehicle that can protect its passengers safely through the most dangerous war zones and defeat the most stubborn enemy defenses. Woolen cloth?

Although the Twelfth Primarch later comforted his battle-scions both mentally and in communication, and showed full trust in the master of the place, the accompanying Priory battle-brothers also vaguely mentioned Yes, they don't actually need to regard the owner of this place as an enemy.

But the Lords of Watch and the guardians of the Primarch still dare not relax at all, because they know that no matter what kind of Eldar they are, they are always the descendants of Iron Heart and must be taken into consideration wherever they are in the universe. A combat variable - these rather difficult aliens can also use their own ancient means of transportation to appear mysteriously in various places - for example, coincidentally, the depths of a planet are where such aliens are prone to suddenly appear. The hardest hit area.

As the height of Stormbird dropped, the staggered vehicle traces leading to the interior of the ridge rings of each frozen crater began to become difficult to see clearly, and the lights of the landing points on the ground were all turned on, opening the door to the distinguished visitors. Huge landing gate.

Under the light of golden and white searchlights, the huge octagonal landing door split from the top and was divided into eight sharp-pointed triangles, slowly sliding into the hidden slot next to it. This scene made Endred groan again. He said, "This thing is just like... opening its mouth to swallow us in."

"What? Hal, what are you talking about again?" Sklar's tone didn't sound very comfortable, and the Divine Fearless opened and held his power claws.

"I mean, this scene suddenly reminds me of the past, when Dreger always liked to talk about swallowing every world for the original body..."

"When you think of him at this time, why are you finally willing to admit that you are old? Hal."

"Ha!" The Terran Terminator, who has survived to this day relying on the stasis stance, the Legion's secret technology and the "blessing" of the original body, waved his hand, "I won't grow old until you old guys die. Sklar, you should think about how to add some material to your amniotic fluid chamber to tighten your skin."

The Stormbird passed through the howling cold wind, smoothly entered the landing point, and then landed on the tarmac.

Divine Fearless glanced across from him, and the polite greeter immediately looked in the direction of his eyepiece. Maxim was not wearing a helmet, and his young and energetic face looked a little vicissitudes due to recent experiences, but to If Sklar were to comment, he would say, "This kid looks like he ran away from Ultramar and splashed himself with black paint."

Well, that special temperament that comes to an Astartes after reading a lot of paperwork and tedious civil affairs is often seen among the officers of the Children of the Thirteenth Primarch, and it is indeed very common in other Space Marine Chapters. rare.

However, after the welcoming messenger announced that his family was the "Silver Skull" chapter, the company commanders were immediately relieved: the Silver Skull was indeed a sub-group of the Ultramarines, so it was reasonable to have such a situation, but why did they do this? What about here? ——Also, Ms. Lotara complained that she always felt that the silver skull's chapter logo was different from the records in her database. Although there were no adverse records for either chapter logo, she still were very concerned and forced the officers to carry additional teleportation beacons before setting off.

Maxim's explanation for why the "Silver Skulls" chapter appeared in the Calixis sector is that this company of their chapter had just returned from the Eye of Terror, passed here and chose to rest, and coincidentally had just returned from the Eye of Terror. Having foiled a Chaos conspiracy against the Forge World, their relationship with the Forge World was now even closer, and as a result, he was sent to greet them as a more acceptable representative and communicator to his cousins ​​and Primarchs, and to We sincerely apologize for the rudeness of the reception ceremony in the rush.

As for what sent out the earth-shattering news...Maxim said that as long as he talks in detail with the great sage Kaidomo, all the mysteries will be solved.

So they were now walking on the road to the main hive palace, and it was obvious to the naked eye that the visiting officers were growing increasingly dissatisfied with the neglect caused by the followers of the Ohm Messiah here to their Primarch.

"While most of the time Ms. Lotara Salin's suggestions are a bit radical, this time even I'm starting to think that maybe that's actually a good idea sometimes. Endred, I don't like what I see. These fire robots.”

Sklar shouted, as the line of visitors stood at the head of the towering passage, his voice carried through the Dreadnaught's loudspeakers and bouncing off the rows of welcoming Marine cuirasses on either side.

"Can't this place even gather the living people needed for the welcome ceremony? Brother Maxim." The ancient sage asked with a hint of sarcasm, "If I remember correctly, Steel Castle is in the Milky Way and the Great On the other side of the rift, not here.”

It was obvious that Maxim was still a little immature in the face of such pressure. Endred smelled a hint of panic from his sweat, but the Eighth Company Commander had not yet thought about activating his power axe. He wanted to see what was going on here. What conspiracy can make his bloodthirsty ax blade as sharp as ever again.

And Angron, as calm as the mountains of the earth, did not say a word during the whole process, but the smile on his lips seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

In the distance, there was the sound of the door opening and the sound of something coming out from the end of the passage.

"Calm down, my sons." The joy and warning in the original body's voice stopped the Iron Hearts from preparing to attack. "I think the master of this place can't help but come on his own after all."

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