Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 127 Lysander clenched his fist again

A counter embedded in Lysander's body skipped a certain agreed-upon attack time point.

He knew that if they had followed the plan before setting off, his comrades should have successfully used their skilled teleportation raid tactics to paralyze the small Titan army, and then boarded a plane. The ancient and powerful Stormbird gunship (the Primarch is on top! It's really big and so solid and powerful, Lysander doesn't think anyone in this place can break through its six void shields in a short time), is heading to Assault Shell. On the way to the Lakaan Astropathic Chorus Tower.

But now he is not with them, he is here, thousands of kilometers above the planet, watching the monk Nilaidoa who has the face of the Primarch of the Imperial Fist Legion lift his feet and steadily Stepping over the melting remains of Nurgle beasts and plague walkers underfoot - it's hard to imagine that they were all lurking in the space under the floor below the entrance stairs -

Lysander's shaken brain suddenly realized something unusual in his high-speed thinking: Why did Brother Nilaidoa obviously have weapons to restrain these opponents who should be quite difficult and tough? Obviously, even for the living saint of Dorne, it is quite incredible for one person to deal with these filthy things in a short period of time.

Secondly, why do I have acidic salivary glands? Lysander swore his salivary glands had never existed the last time he wore the bright yellow power armor of the Imperial Fists, but why were they still functioning now? No, no, Lysander, this is not the time to think about this... think about it instead!

Okay, so in the end, although this is only the bottom and outermost part of the entire orbital platform, the maintenance content of the team they joined at the beginning was only daily cleaning, which seemed to have nothing to do with the control center they wanted to seize...

"But this is the end of the line for the backup energy unit of the orbital platform. In fact, there is only one line. One alarm notification circuit line is related to the backup unit." Among the corpses that drowned in their own lung fluids with horrible stench and bulging deformation, such as As if strolling in a courtyard, Lysander saw a tall white-haired man wearing a one-piece yellow overalls walking smoothly to the equipment column hanging down like a giant upside-down stalactite in the center of the room.

"But one wire is enough. These mechanical creations were designed far earlier than today. A genius designed their original blueprints. This wire was originally designed as a kind of 'fuse', but due to the redundancy of other parts The relationship was never triggered."

"So, after the fall of this genius, sadly this blueprint was left in the dust as a cocoon of increasing insularity and distrust formed, and the lords were too busy defending their own current interests and positions... Oh, Council Sage "Evidently none of them have thought of concentrating on research or at least trying it, each one lost in the position they have achieved and what is in front of them." He took off his work gloves, revealing a full hand, Laishan De's eyes were immediately attracted.

As a man who once served as the 3rd Company Terra Sentinel and the 1st Company Emperor's Shield Captain, Danat Lysander, he very clearly remembers where the huge sacred hand bone on the Phalanx is. On one side, and what has been added to those hand bones by generations of senior heroes.

And the now exposed hand of Parogov Nilaydoa was shining with dots of light, as if he was wearing a glove made of strange light.

Each string of light points is emitted by a name. Those names, Lysander can recall them with his eyes closed. They have been deafening in the ears of every recruit and veteran. Their owner's every move has never made the empire proud. The names of Fist and Dorne were disgraced.

But why, why is this color so ominous?

They were indeed flashing, but not the golden light he was familiar with or expected.

These sacred names now shone with an ominous, all-light-devouring darkness on the surface of Nilaidoa's skin, and only the edges where they touched the air erupted with golden rays of light.

Dorn's face reflected the longing light and shadow, turning sideways to look at Lysander. Only the pair of eyes under the short white hair were still the same, with a light white-blue color, like thousands of years of glaciers, and like blazing flames.

The saint's words continued, echoing in this cone-shaped space.

"So, in fact, from this end branch, it is theoretically possible to advance backwards to the Thinker host of the entire orbital platform, and then continue to extend the infection link to Bela Kahn's entire planetary orbital defense array, airport platform and planet Rings and anything else that could spray filth, pestilence and uncleanness from the universe onto this planet."

The machinery is silent and cold, the planet's ground is beneath their feet, and there are countless structures hovering in the surrounding void, and there are countless human souls among them.

There are countless people on the ground, including Ohm Messiah believers, Titan Legions, Skitarii, and hundreds of millions of slave workers. His once eternal enemies and his only fighting brothers now.

Lysander's mind and experience automatically carried out tactical calculations uncontrollably in his strengthened brain and neural links. Therefore, in the next moment, the former company commander suddenly understood why Nilaydoa or maybe... why To come here, the appetite of the corrupt enemy of living beings is obviously much greater than he thought.

"So," he tried, "what was supposed to happen here?"

"The moment when any brave warrior thinks they have conquered the general, stormed the center and won the victory; or cut off communications to prevent reinforcements, and gradually grasps Bela Kahn in his hand like an iron fist, that moment when they relax. ." The man with the face of his genetic father replied, "The plague in the entire bottom cabin here will spread and ferment to its fullest state, opening like a broken and rotten pomegranate, spilling its rich seeds onto this planet. on every inch of land.”

He paused slightly to allow Lysander to absorb the meaning of his words.

"Originally this will not affect the competition between you, Brother Lysander. Because I will control the situation before everything happens, and then I only need to tell you normally that I have obtained the partial control you need on the orbital platform. Yes. But you insisted on following me. Of course, this is also an option, so you can choose it again now. "

Rogal Dorn's voice declared to him grimly.

"I know you want victory, you want revenge, and you dislike those Iron Warriors very much, and I can tell you they are all on the ground now."

"So if you ask me, I can pause the whole process for just a little while, just a little while."

"They will never get in your way. You can achieve your greatest victory yet against the Iron Warriors, and even gain vengeance against the Iron Lord."

"As for the price, you know very well that this is not the first time you have paid."

"So you want to ask me for help?"

Lysander fainted.

I was struck by the ease of planning, the lack of responsibility, and the sweetness of so much revenge and destruction.




After getting answers from the confused who are no longer confused.

The white-haired man raised his hand.

Lysander's eyes were inevitably caught by the man's movements.

He saw visions that were in no way consistent with any knowledge of mechanical creation from the 41st Millennium or the past.

The hand engraved with the glory of the Imperial Fist for thousands of years is "sinking" incredibly into the surface of this mechanical column, resonating with the metal machinery and programs.

Metal, pipelines, circuits, programs and flesh and blood are all connected and "fused" together.

Lysander clenched his fist again.


The second update has

*Seeing the last surprise of the book friends, I laughed proudly and evilly, hahahahahahahahahahaha

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