Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 168 Let's Die Together (Subscribe)

Many mechanical sages looked at Kaul, and the logic computing cores in their skulls were humming slightly.

All are quickly making judgments about the current situation.

Obviously, the radical faction headed by Kaul wants to eliminate the die-hard conservatives headed by the current casting general.

In a sense, this is indeed not a betrayal of Mars, nor a betrayal of Mechanicus, nor a betrayal of Omnisea.

The Forged General is the Forged General, he does not represent Mars, nor does he represent Omnisea.

Call turned his head, and the sound of pistons and gears came from the neck.

His electronic prosthetic eyes looked around the many sages, collecting and analyzing their every move.

The high-speed logic center quickly judged the thoughts of the sages from their various tiny movements.

It has been shaken, but the chips are not big enough, so it is wobbly.

Strike while the iron is hot, seeing the silence of the crowd, Kaul decided to throw out some more news.

"This meeting is very critical, it determines the future of the Mechanicus. The Regent of the Empire has already hated the slow efficiency and conservative ideas of the Mechanicus. He urgently needs a strong scientific research institution to ensure the military power of mankind, so as to strengthen the Empire. The power of the Mechanicus can choose to join, or can choose to be destroyed."

"If you choose to destroy, the regent will select suitable people from among the sages who are loyal to him, and rebuild the Mechanic Church according to his wishes. Of course, war is an action that will be taken after there is no other way. Now, we still have a choice The Regent of the Empire is willing to give more technology, more resources, and a more relaxed research environment in exchange for your support."

"Starting a civil war for his own reforms? Is he sure he wants to suffer the consequences?" A conservative said mockingly, "We have tens of billions of priests and technical slaves, as well as the Order of Titans And the knight family, is he sure he has to pay such a heavy price?"

Kaul switched the display content of the holographic projection and enlarged it to the low-earth orbit of Mars, and the battleships etched with the double-headed eagle of the Empire were suspended in the orbit, densely packed and hard to count.

"For your question, I can tell you that he has the answer ready. Thirty thousand Primaris Space Marines, six hundred regiments of the Astra Militarum armed to the teeth, and six fleets of the Imperial Navy. Besides these, he There are also hole cards outside the solar system, ready to be activated at any time." Kaul switched the screen, showing the scene of the solar system, several large-scale celestial-level fortresses suspended in the void.

"Six celestial-level fortress battleships, each equipped with star-killing cannons capable of destroying stars. Don't think about winning. These celestial-level fortress battleships are cheap and are all assembled. The only thing worthy of praise is the gravity technology on them. And energy technology, if the Mechanicus and the Regent of the Empire go to war, the consumption alone will be enough to kill the Mechanicus, not to mention that the Primaris Space Marines are demigods of war, and the Primarch itself is the Lord of War."

"No matter from which point of view, Mars has no chance of winning. Even if Mars immediately reaches an agreement with the subspace demon, it will not be able to prevent its fate."

Kaul's voice was full of mechanical coldness and rationality, without any emotion.

Talking about this army capable of destroying Mars is as indifferent as telling a trivial matter.

His words also represent the attitude of the Empire's regent, Guilliman.

The Primarch will never allow any forces outside his control to exist.

The Mechanicus has two choices, either obey or die.

Don't try to negotiate terms.

"We surrender to him and he allows the Mechanicum to continue? Independent of the bureaucrats of the Empire?" asked the Sage of Sigmar.

"Yes, he has already made a promise. The Regent of the Empire has already made plans. Technology research and development and politics will be separated. The Mechanicus only needs to pursue the truth and hand over the corresponding results to the Empire." Kaur said , "This move is not to betray Mars, but to clean up those traitors on Mars who have betrayed Omnissia and reshape the Mechanicum."

"For this reason, he promised to give Mars more technical support and a more relaxed research environment."

"If this is the case," said the Great Sage of Sigmar, "I will agree to join it, remembering that if the Regent of the Empire breaks his promise, then he will bear the consequences."

The Great Sage of Sigmar's voice is loud enough to ensure that all Sages can be heard clearly.

Seeing that someone agreed, the other sages could only choose to agree after thinking for a moment.

Seeing this, Sigma and Karen smiled at each other, everything was under control.

He had already reached an agreement with Keren.

In the Beta-Garmon galaxy, Kron had already used technology in exchange for Angmar to join the Primarch's camp.

These days, it's just a matter of trying to guide conservatives.

Although this meeting of sages is in the name of discussion.

But the threat in Kaul's mouth is also full of meaning. It can be said to be coercion and temptation. Those who agree will be given various new technologies, and those who disagree will be killed.

In addition, several sages headed by Sigma have long been tempted by the Primarch and secretly surrendered.

After going back and forth, the Mechanicum naturally fell to the Primarch in an all-round way.

Although the Mechanicism in the empire is a whole, it is not really monolithic.

There are many conflicts between other forge worlds and Mars, and it is not once or twice to use weapons to fight civil wars.

Guilliman asked money for money, technology for technology, and also encouraged the Mechanics to engage in research and development.

These conditions alone are enough to attract many followers of Mechanicism.

Many conservatives are also very aware that if Mars really rebelled, not many followers of the Mechanicus would respond.

At that time, the gains will only outweigh the losses.

If you don't get the benefits, you will be killed as a traitor.

After several rounds of consultations, many conservatives were forced to bow their heads.

Agree with Guilliman's various reforms, bow to the Radicals, and decide to abolish the current Martian Foundry General.

This meeting attracted nearly three-quarters of the mechanical sages.

In a sense, the casting general who was still in Terra was completely emptied and became a hapless guy in name only.

Of course, in order to avoid leaking the wind and causing unnecessary trouble.

Cast General-Lasky's faction, Kaur did not win over, nor let them participate in the meeting.

There are many schools in the Mechanic Church, and many sages stand on their own hills, and the phenomenon of forming cliques is very serious.

Every casting general is the product of the game of various schools.

As for Lasky's faction, Kaul felt that there was no need to win over, since it was too dangerous after all.

It's better to give up on them, so the situation can be better controlled.

At the end of the meeting, Kaul sent a message to Terra, and prepared to rush to Terra to assist Guilliman in stabilizing the situation.

The Shanzhen is one of the few Celestial-class fortresses and warships in the Empire.

It's a moon wrapped in armor and rock.

Its scale is unimaginable.

The fort like a giant peak rises from the mountains on the steel back.

Countless launch ports dot its surface.

A layer of atmosphere and engine smoke enveloped the buildings.

This is no longer a battleship, but a world.

It was not the first time Calgar had walked into this monastery belonging to the Imperial Fist.

But the number of times he came up is also very few.

The empire is too big, and each battle is calculated for decades.

What's more, he still has to sit in Ultramar, and he can't leave casually.

For this reason, the number of times he has come to Terra can be counted on one's fingers, and naturally he has no chance to board the Mountain Array.

This time, he followed the Primarch to Terra, and boarded the Mountain Array again after hundreds of years.

This time, there are many heavyweights who came to the Shanzhen.

There's the wolf king from Space Wolves.

The Librarian of the Dark Angels.

Captain of the Raven Guard.

Chapter Master of the Iron Hands.

Chapter Master of the Imperial Fists.

There are also the main leaders of other sub-groups.

It is estimated that nearly ninety chapters sent representatives to participate.

It has to be said that this was a grand meeting.

A meeting representing one of the strongest military forces in the empire.

After the events of the Beast War's High Wall Agreement, the High Lords further strengthened the precautions and restrictions on the Space Marines.

They did not allow the Chapters to gather in large numbers where they could threaten them.

More than ninety battle groups, this power is enough to keep many people in Terra awake.

The meeting place was chosen at the command bunker of the Shanzhen.

It is more than 300 meters long and stands next to two high black rock towers connected by bridges made of plastic steel and marble.

By the time Calgar reached the command fort.

The leaders of many warbands have gathered here.

The huge holographic projection has been turned on, displaying the information of each battle group.

Chapter Master of the Imperial Fists - Vladimir sat at the head of the fortress hall.

Behind him is a team of Terminator.

They were heavily armored and looked ready for battle.

Meetings among Space Marines are never peaceful.

Disagreement is the norm.

At this time, the fist is their most powerful proof.

When there are disagreements, the most primitive method is often chosen, which is duel.

The winning side gets the final decision.

To put a Terminator squad here is to let everyone involved in the meeting know where the dimensions are.

Let everyone know that this is the domain of the Imperial Fists.

Very barbaric and also primitive means.

But such a method is the most effective for space fighters.

Representatives of the Space Wolves were sitting in the corner, with wine next to them, their faces slightly excited, obviously after drinking for a long time, they came to the meeting.

They have always been like this, and the blood in the wolf of Fenris is wine.

The Raven Guard was as gloomy as ever, standing in the shadows, their eyes were sharp.

When Calgar walked in, he felt their gaze.

They are the most infiltrating Chapter of the Empire.

If you are against them, you must always worry about where the battle will break out.

Frontal confrontation is the method they will use after other methods are ineffective.

The warriors of the Iron Hands are also very cold, as emotionless as machines.

Their Warframes differ in many ways from those of other Chapters.

The most special thing is that they will install shoulder cannons and various mechanical arms to assist attacks on the armor.

They are more artisans than fighters.

"I thought you wouldn't participate in this meeting." Vladimir stood up when he saw Calga walking in.

"Some things were delayed, and I had a final conversation with the Primarch to determine the actions we would take," Calgar said.

"Perhaps you could say the word Regent of the Empire instead of the Primarch," said Vladimir, "to take care of the emotions of the brother troops, wouldn't you?"

Calgar glanced around, and found that representatives of the founding legions such as Iron Hands and Space Wolves looked at him with strange eyes.

All of you here know the bond between the Primarch and the Chapter.

In the past, they called the Primarch their father, and the Primarch called them their sons.

During the rebellion, the Primarch of the World Eaters was tyrannical and cruel, completely irrational, but many World Eaters fighters still steadfastly followed him into the dark abyss.

The Sons of Horus, the Emperor's Children.

Many of them know that the path of the original body is wrong, but they still have no way to give up the original body, they can only go to the dark one way.

This is enough to prove how powerful this fetter is.

Calgar's constant mention of the Primarch will only remind other chapters of the relationship between the Ultramarines and the Regent of the Empire, and feel that they and others will always be nothing but tools abandoned by their father and driven by Guilliman.

"It was my mistake," Calgar said apologetically, "I'll take care of that."

"Sit down, the arrival of the Imperial Regency has brought some changes, and we have reached a crossroads where we have to change," Vladimir said. "This meeting is held for that."

Calgar got his place.

There is always something special about the parent group.

Especially a mother group whose Primarch has returned.

"Is the Regent planning to abolish the Holy Code?" The representative of the Scarlet Archon was the first to ask.

The full name of the Codex is the Codex Astartes, which was introduced by Guilliman after the end of the Horus Heresy.

Lessons learned from the Horus Rebellion, no longer maintain an overly large system of space fighters, and prevent the empire from falling into a crisis of rebellion again.

Judging from the various changes in the past ten thousand years, this scripture has undoubtedly helped mankind avoid many disasters.

If the Legion of Space Marines continues to be maintained, the consequences will be unimaginable, and it is very likely that the empire will be torn apart again.

Of course, no system is ever perfect.

As humanity's situation became increasingly difficult, the Codex also limited the Empire's ability to fight back.

It makes it difficult for a small number of space fighters to guard the vast empire.

"No, the sacred scripture is very important to the empire, and it is impossible to abolish it lightly." Calgar shook his head. "The regent of the empire said that he would modify some outdated regulations so that they can adapt to the development of mankind. If they are completely abolished, the impact will be too great."

"So have our responsibilities changed?" asked another person involved in the meeting.

"This word.".

The main topic of this meeting is to promote the reform of the battle group and ban some outdated rules.

With the promotion of original casting technology, the strength of space fighters will also be enhanced.

Add to that the threat posed by the Great Rift.

The old battle group model must undergo some changes in order to better adapt to this era and ensure that mankind can survive this crisis safely.

In the past, each battle group had a strong sense of autonomy, as long as they completed the tasks in their own area, no one cared about what to do with the rest of the time.

The Terra Council is also in a state of obedience and disobedience.

Now, Guilliman needs to make some adjustments.

Strengthen Terra's grip on the various Chapters and increase their loyalty to the Imperium.

After all, in the past ten thousand years, there have been a large number of rebellious space fighters, which have caused great damage to the empire.

Moreover, in order to kill the enemy, many battle groups ignored the civilians, causing a large number of casualties, resulting in a bad reputation of the war group.

These are things that need to change.

With the upgrading of the original casting, the power of the space fighters will also be qualitatively improved and become more terrifying.

If there is a defection, the threat will be even more serious.

Rigorous censorship must be established to nip the seeds of corruption in the bud.

Strengthen the promotion of publicity and stencil technology to ensure the loyalty of Primaris Space Marines and bring them closer to the common people of the Empire.

At least not at the expense of civilians.

Ula-style anti-terrorism that actively kills hostages is not a good idea.

This time, Calgar was ordered to negotiate with various war groups and promote ideological and institutional reforms.

The dispute between them was very serious, and they once drew their swords and glared at each other, but in the end they reached a consensus one by one.

House of Representatives.

Many imperial councilors have gathered here, including high-ranking military officials of the imperial army, representatives of rogue traders, etc., on a large scale.

These people were involved in every aspect of the empire, and once something went wrong, the consequences would be unimaginable.

When Guilliman attended, he was treated to the highest standard.

A huge bronze chair with a golden double-headed eagle was moved from the secret vault of the palace and placed on the high platform of the council, even the council of the high lords had to bow down.

Ten thousand years ago, the Primarchs gathered on Terra, so Terra has many personal items belonging to them.

With the disappearance of the Primarchs, these items were also put into storage.

Many are housed in the Vaults and Temples of the Empire.

These things are already sacred objects to the people of the empire and the major regiments.

To Guilliman, these objects were nothing more than furniture for him and the other Primarchs.

Guilliman sat on the bronze chair like a king.

If one ignores the Emperor who is no longer speaking, Guilliman is a king.

In today's empire, no one can challenge his position.

The high lords sat in their seats, their faces not looking very good.

They naturally heard about what happened during this period.

Primarchs are constantly emptying them.

But they couldn't resist. If they lost the Battle of Beta-Garmon, they had already lost the capital to fight against the antigen.

A servant in robes announces the start of the meeting loudly through a loudspeaker.

He was about to announce the procedure of the meeting and the matters to be decided.

Guilliman stopped him.

Perhaps in the minds of these congressmen, this is just an alternative political game.

Primarchs put forward various proposals, and they vetoed and approved according to their own needs.

Unfortunately, they were wrong.

There will be no more games.

In this place of Terra, there will only be one voice in the future.

Today is the beginning of the storm.

The servant in charge of the parliamentary process looked at Guilliman with confusion.

He didn't know why the Primarch called a halt.

Guilliman stood up from his seat, and he began to address everyone, announcing his decision.

Levitating servo-skulls and cherubs broadcast his words for everyone on Terra to hear clearly.

"My lords, generals, parliamentarians, and the people of the empire who are listening to my words, I am very happy that I can fight side by side with you again. I once fought for this empire and was one of its founders. I founded Gao The Council of Lords created the Codex Astartes and created the ruling system of the empire, and I hope that this empire can go to glory in accordance with my father's vision."

Guilliman paused for a moment, letting everyone focus on him before continuing.

"But I found that I was very wrong. There is no system that can adapt to 10,000 years. I once hoped that with the help of such a system, human beings can independently prosper and live in the galaxy with their own abilities. But When I awoke, what I saw broke my heart. My father's teachings had been forgotten, science and reason were stillborn, and greedy people used power to gain wealth without taking responsibility for their own. "

"Looking up, all that's left of this empire is fear, hatred, and ignorance. You were born in the darkest of times, struggling with no redemption. Everything must change. We've gone astray and gone too far. The Emperor tried to guide you back to the path he had envisioned, but was distorted by some greedy people with ulterior motives, thus constantly leading the world into the abyss."

"However, all mistakes will be corrected, and those sinners will also be purged, paying the heaviest price."

Guilliman's tone was ups and downs, he was like a conductor of an orchestra, waving a small stick, making people's mood fluctuate with his words.

"I hereby declare in the name of the Empire's regent that the Empire's high lord parliamentary system will be abolished from today, and the empire's military, economics, and politics will usher in comprehensive reforms. For any world under the empire, Terra will no longer Recognize hereditary rule, and no longer recognize systems other than the imperial system, and any world or family that violates this rule will be declared a traitor."

"The planet will adopt a democratic selection system. Each planet can choose its own spokesperson. Since participating in the big environment of the empire, it will strive for reasonable rights and interests for its own planet. The Imperial Tribunal and the Assassin Court will serve as supervisors. , any high-ranking person who violates the democratic voting system will be ruthlessly cleared away. All interstellar trade fleets need permission from the Imperial Commerce Department, and no family or force is allowed to cross the Terra Merchant Organization."

"The empire will have direct control over all military forces. It does not need to obey the orders of the local star sector or galaxy government, nor is it allowed to have any interest disputes with the local merchant fleet. It only has the responsibility to protect its fleet and planetary world."

"From today onwards, any family, any force, anyone must be unconditionally loyal to the Empire. The interests of mankind are above all else, and," Guilliman paused again, he looked at Calgar, the leader of the Ultramarines Chapter Direction, "Even if one day, I am unfortunately in trouble. The candidates for the imperial regent will also be voted by the chapter masters of the founding mother regiment and the marshal of the imperial army to decide who will serve as the imperial regent."

All the MPs stared wide-eyed.

They looked at Guilliman sitting on the throne of the highest power in disbelief, and a huge wave was set off in their hearts.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Everyone was stunned.

The meaning of these words is already obvious.

Dictatorship, military dictatorship.

Guilliman wanted to create a military dictatorship.

Even if he dies, it will be left to the Chapter Master of the Founding Mother Chapter to decide who will be the next Regent.

In other words, the position of supreme power can only be handed over to the space fighters, or to the Custodians.

The entire council hall fell into a brief silence.

After a while, there were noisy noises from all corners.

Guilliman turned a blind eye to this and continued to deliver his speech, "The empire will turn to military and expansion in an all-round way, and loyalty to the emperor will be strengthened. All citizens of the empire need to receive an education that meets imperial standards, ensuring that they Able to possess maturity, self-discipline, independent thinking, and be able to make the most of the Emperor's cause."

The whispers quickly converged into a protest loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Will you be a dictator, my lord?" said a congresswoman. "Will you take all the power to yourself?"

"If you think so, yes, I will dictate the fate of mankind. The situation in the Empire is so bad that someone must act now," Guilliman said.

"Dictatorship does not conform to your father's ideals. He founded the first High Lords Council. He hopes to have a democratic system to lead mankind." The woman shouted, and the others followed suit.

"Yeah, democracy, we need democracy."

"You cannot do this, my lord."

"Dictatorship can only have extremely bad consequences."

All MPs are against it.

They voiced their opinions loudly, as if this could change Guilliman's mind.

"Quiet." Guilliman took a step forward, his voice penetrated everyone's ears, telling everyone to shut up and listen to him with dignity.

The councilors fell silent, all looking at Guilliman to see what else he wanted to say.

"Democracy? Then I can ask, who is elected by the people of the empire?" Guilliman looked around these members and asked, "It's not from the family, but elected by the people of the empire. Please stand by my side.

Representative, you looked at me, and I looked at you, but no one dared to speak.

The current parliamentarian system in the empire has undergone earth-shaking changes long ago.

The position of MP is hereditary through the family.

Then they decide who gets promoted to a higher position.

Essentially speaking, a family and a small force push out a representative, and then choose the person who is in line with their own interests to take the position.

Guilliman looked around and smiled.


No background is required, no additional conditions are required.

As long as the majority of people can be persuaded and those who demonstrate their ability can stand for election, it is called a democratic system.

Circle two people and let others choose. Is this also called democracy?

It is nothing more than the difference between choosing this dictator and that dictator.

The current parliamentary system of the Empire is hardly a democracy at all.

The people of the empire have no choice at all.

If you want to stand for election, you have to be a member of this force.

How to become a member of this force?

You have to run to be part of this force.

Then how to run for election?

If you want to stand for election, you have to be a member of this force.

You have to be a member of this party and this force to enter this circle.

In the circle, exchange interests and conspiracies with those families.

In the end, people feel that you can represent the interests of this circle,

Then you can be a candidate.

At this time, the people of the empire will be able to vote for you freely, democratically, and equally.

A tourist is captured by cannibals.

Cannibals are a very free and democratic race.

They let this guest make a choice, demonstrating their superior humanism.

First: chopped and boiled.

Second: Take out the guts and grill them whole.

It is ironic that process democracy is a very ironic thing when the result has been dictatorship.

This kind of democracy is not called democracy at all, but a dictatorship disguised as democracy.

The empire is essentially dictatorship by the family and capital forces, who is elected has nothing to do with the people of the empire.

Anyway, that's the goal of these two choices.

A person's left and right hands.

Voters choose him for the left hand and he for the right hand.

Such a system can only fool those who know nothing.

Guilliman looked around at the men with a mocking smile.

"It seems that there are only two ways for the empire to be dictatorship by you or by me. Sorry, I choose the latter. Your greed for power is higher than your loyalty to duty, and I can no longer trust you , from now on, all power belongs to my hands."

"You are slandering us." A male congressman shouted, "We have served the empire for so long, but you directly deny us."

"What have you brought to the empire?" Guilliman looked at those people, "In the past ten thousand years, has the economy increased? Has the military power increased? Has technology improved? Has the quality of life of the people of the empire improved? Maybe you think I'm talking nonsense, so look at this. You may have forgotten who you ruled."

A huge holographic projection plays above the House of Representatives.

The world was invaded by aliens, and slices of humans died.

Countless human beings have been haunted and tortured by demons, turned into monsters, corrupted, and turned their backs on the glory of the Emperor.

The men and women at the bottom of the hive capital seem to be living in hell. The average life expectancy is less than fifty years old, and there will be a riot every five years on average.

"This is your political achievement. Perhaps leaving the empire alone, it may not be so bad." Guilliman said, "The era of the family has passed, and from today onwards, the able will live."

Guilliman raised a hand, Custodians in golden armor and tall Primaris Space Marines, as well as heavily armed Imperial Star Militia troops poured in from various entrances of the Senate.

"This is the last time you will participate in this meeting. From now on, there will be no more. Now please leave in an orderly manner. From now on, you only need to obey my orders."

Valano stood on the heights of the Senate, and behind him stood a contingent of Custodians, maintaining the last "democratic" session.

Watching Guilliman's speech standing on the stage.

He knows everything has changed.

Logically, he should have stopped Guilliman from going mad.

It's not a good thing to have a single Primarch at the helm of the Empire.

But this matter has been allowed by him, at least that's what Guilliman said.

No one knows what the Primarch and the Emperor talked about.

"It's crazy, do you know the consequences of doing this?" Yi Ertu, director of the Ministry of the Interior, stood up, his face full of horror and disbelief.

He had thought that Guilliman's madness would also have a measure.

But now he is wrong, this guy is no different from a lunatic.

Guilliman broke all the unspoken rules, all the ways of playing.

He established his own rules.

No family is immune to such rules.

It also means that they will quickly weaken, and in the end there will be nothing left.

Guilliman looked at the high lord who dared to speak, and showed a cruel smile.

"I forgot to announce one thing. All members of the High Lords Council have been declared guilty, and they must wait until the investigation is clear before they can be released."

"Are you taking revenge? Do you want to take revenge on all the nobles who blocked you from entering Terra?" Yiertu asked sharply.

As soon as these words came out, the already noisy House of Representatives suddenly turned upside down.

You know, they are more or less involved in it.

If there is a real big liquidation, then one of them counts as the other, and no one can escape.

"No, you were arrested only because of the death of the former Imperial Prime Minister Tyrian. You are suspected of murdering a high-ranking official of the Empire. This involves betraying the Empire." Guilliman asked someone to play the picture of Tyrian before he died.

The picture surprised everyone again.

This is a blatant violation of the unspoken rules of Terra's political field.

Yi Ertu, who thought he had done it perfectly, suddenly turned pale.

The whole person collapsed on the chair decadently.

"I want to tell you one more thing. The killer you sent to Pluto has been stopped by the imperial army. They got more evidence from the killer. They poisoned Tyrian and wanted to kill the whole family and destroy his blood. You really performed the cruelty to the fullest."

Guilliman's mocking words made Irtu, the Pope and several high lords paralyzed, muttering that it was impossible.

They obviously did it so seamlessly, why would they be known?


They are very puzzled.

This is impossible.

After Guilliman read out the high lord's crimes, he turned his head and looked at the councilors jumping up and down, "In the name of the Empire's regent, I declare once again that all nobles who participated in the Beta-Garmon galaxy will not be held accountable and will be liquidated afterwards. As long as you cooperate with the restructuring of the reform officials, there will be no problems. Don't try to sabotage secretly. I don't want Terra to shed blood, but if you want, I can do that too. I will tell you with the butcher knife in my hand, How tough am I on reform?"

The primarch's voice was icy cold.

At this moment, many councilors finally understood that Guilliman was not their kind.

The establishment of the human empire has never been completed in peace, but the Primarch and the Emperor took weapons and fought down galaxy after galaxy.

Guilliman, who seemed benevolent and kind, had enough blood flowing from his hands to drown Terra.

"Sorry, Mars is not under the control of the empire. My status is equal to that of the empire's regent. You have no right to arrest me, stay away from me immediately."

Foundry General Laski saw the soldiers approaching him and said loudly.

"I'm sorry, we acted on orders, please cooperate." An officer said.

"Go away, the Lord of Mars will not be humiliated."

Lasky's furnace core glowed, and all weapons charged, aiming at the soldiers who were coming towards him.

Once released, the entire House of Representatives will be razed to the ground.

"Status?" Guilliman looked at him, "What status do you have?"

"I am the Foundry General of Mars, and you have no right to arrest me," Lasky said. "According to the Olympia Agreement, Mars and Terra are equal. I just obey the orders of Omnissia."

"Who will admit that you are a foundry general?" Guilliman laughed. "Before everything can be saved, put down your weapon, otherwise, you will definitely regret it."

"All the people of Mars recognize my rule," Lasky roared.

"No, we don't admit it."

A voice sounded.

Sigma, Kaul and several mechanical sages walked in from the gate of the House of Representatives.

When Laski saw a few people, his expression suddenly changed.

"What do you mean?" Laski saw a few people, and there was a hint of panic in his mechanical tone.

"After the decision of the sage meeting, we agreed that you are no longer suitable for the post of General Mars Foundry, in other words, you have been dismissed."

Holding a mechanical scepter, Kaul said with a huge mechanical body.

The Council of Sages is a special meeting of Mars.

Martian foundry generals are elected in this way.

As long as the school with the most votes can elect their school sages to become casting generals.

Of course, this is also limited.

For example, if a school is elected this time, it will not be able to stand for election next time.

In order to prevent certain foundry generals from doing anything wrong after they took office, the Council of Sages also formulated an insurance measure.

That is, as long as the votes of the sage meeting reach two-thirds, the current casting general can be removed.

This insurance measure has never been used since its establishment.

After all, no matter how bad it is, it is impossible to offend so many sages at the same time.

Lasky is considered the first person in Mechanics.

"How dare you do this." Lasky's electronic prosthetic eye made a clicking sound, and his body like a small hill was shaking violently.

"You're so remiss, Lasky," Sigma said, "so we have to depose you to prevent you from bringing Mars into the war."

"This is betrayal. I am the Lord of Mars. You have betrayed the sacred teachings. You kneel down to accept his favor. This behavior is shameful and unforgivable. Your dismissal is illegal." Lasky growled. His mechanical sounder was sizzling, and he was almost out of control with anger.

"No, you are no longer the Lord of Mars. You cannot push the Mechanicum to greater glory, you can only bring the Empire to ruin." Kaul said, "Now disarm you and stop doing anything stupid gone."

"A group of damned traitors, how dare you do this, then go to hell, and die together with the damned Primarch who wants to take his father's position."

Laski knew it was over.

During his stay in Terra, he was emptied by Kaul and others.

I'm afraid that Mars' authority has been controlled by them, and he can't do anything.

If that's the case, it's better to die together.

Lasky aimed the massive melta at Guilliman and several other important figures.

As a foundry general, the weapons on his body are enough to annihilate a city.

Even the original body, it is difficult to stop the power of this cannon, and it will be turned into dust under the heat-melting beam.

status is not restored,

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