Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 395 The Road to Expedition: We will all find our way home

Reina has forgotten how long it has been since she has seen the starry sky. The real starry sky, not the artificial night sky in the webway, but now Reina can be sure that the starlight she is bathing in is the real star. The real universe.

The captain raised her head and looked up at the bright Milky Way above her head and let out a long sigh. She could feel the temperatureless starlight in the Milky Way. The memories came flooding back like a tide. Everything in the past she thought she had forgotten. All the memories were recalled and brought up again from every corner of my mind.

The memory of sailing under the stars seemed like yesterday. When she was in the Webway, she mistakenly thought it was just a long dream several times. But now, that dream has shined into reality, and all the memories in the Webway, It seemed like it was just a long dream, and now she still woke up.

Reina breathed a long sigh of relief. She opened her eyes and pressed on the communication interface at hand. "Astropath, have you confirmed our position? Can the Emperor's light bathe us?"

"The light of hope is like a candle swaying in the wind, the storm swallows up all the light, darkness! Only darkness exists in the night sky, and we become blind travelers!"

"Speak Gothic, Astropath." Reina said speechlessly. Every time she talked to the Astropath, it gave her a headache. I really don't know why these guys always like to talk in such random riddles. They also bring the emperor. Why do people who were personally selected by the Emperor and trained by the beloved Emperor always speak so strangely?

It seems that Reyna doesn't know. In fact, this may be part of the Emperor's training. After all, you know, the Emperor himself is also a Riddler who never speaks human words and insists on giving you various metaphors. Press Vito's words are like a trick.

The communication channel was silent for a moment, but then spoke again quickly, "We are trying our best to find any available information, Captain, but the storm is shrouded in the void and the light of the star torch is flickering, making it impossible to accurately judge us. The only thing my Astropaths and I can be sure of is that we have returned to the Empire."

"That's enough, continue to collect all the information you can find, and next time speak human words."

Reina turned off the communicator at once. She frowned and looked up at the beautiful but extremely deadly Milky Way night sky outside. The subspace has not faded away after ten thousand years? This is not good news.

"Are there dangers in subspace navigation?" Reina immediately asked again. She must immediately master the information in the current universe as quickly as possible and update the ancient route data that has expired for thousands of years.

Captain Bird stared at the screen in front of her. His fingers quickly slid on it to unlock the information. A ray of light flashed on Captain Bird's long mechanical prosthetic eye. She turned around and looked at the captain above. respond.

"The navigator has surveyed the subspace situation and praised the beloved Emperor. Although the storm still exists, Geller's position can still ensure our safety in it, and we can jump."

"Very good, use all methods to determine our position. Try the star map to analyze the starry sky and determine the position." "Yes, Captain."

Reina's order was immediately implemented. The Birdmaster turned around and started working. The data screen in front of him quickly skipped large sections of parameters. Reina also waved her finger in front of her, and the holographic image generator above her head A holographic projection screen was immediately projected.

The captain looked at the large star map that kept flashing in front of him. Those star maps kept matching with the starry sky outside the window, but nothing was right. Reina looked at the star map in front of her that kept turning red and emitting a low warning sound. He held his chin, but this was not a surprise. After all, ten thousand years had passed and the star map on the ship had long expired.

It seems that there is one more problem that needs to be solved. When the empire's star port or any friendly ship is found, Reina must ask the Mechanic Priest to update all these outdated data as soon as possible.

But just as Reina was thinking about this problem, a star map without errors suddenly flashed in front of her. The holographic starry sky overlapped with the night sky outside, and a pleasant green spectrum flashed on it.

Reina was startled and immediately pushed herself forward on the armrest. She looked down at the bird divination commander below, "The star map matches, identify it immediately!"

"As ordered, Captain, the Thinker is being scanned." Chief Bird said in a long voice and quickly tapped the screen with his modified mechanical fingers. His head also kept jumping between multiple complex display windows. The hanging data cable was constantly swaying in the air as the head turned.

The auger's eyes flickered again, and he looked at the screen in front of him and answered, "The system has completed identification. According to the calculations of the navigation system, we are on the northern border of Terra, a galaxy border called Cadia. ”

"Cadia?" Rena frowned slightly. She pondered for a moment and searched for information about Cadia in her mind. If she remembered correctly, Cadia should be an unknown frontier galaxy during the Great Expedition. Near the Eye of Terror at the northernmost tip of the Milky Way, only one stable route remains due to abnormal celestial phenomena and subspace interference nearby.

This led to the empire having little interest in the dangerous star field that could be cut off by storms at any time and isolated from the empire's mainland. This place is inaccessible all year round. Only a few scientific research ships shuttle here to study those abnormal astral phenomena, but all this is After the Micaea Conference, it was stopped by the Emperor himself, and since then it has been completely reduced to a no man's land with no information.

Reina held her chin, thought thoughtfully for a while, then raised her head to look at the dangerous night sky outside, "This is close to the Eye of Terror. According to the marshal, although the rebellion has ended long ago, the traitors and traitors hiding inside are still there. Their Chaos allies have not stopped invading the Empire."

"Fire Control Officer, put all weapons into standby mode, recharge shields at any time, and keep the entire ship on alert and ready for battle!" Reina turned to look at the side of the bridge, clenched her fists and ordered loudly, sitting on the edge In the middle of the fire control team, the fire control officer wearing a military cap nodded immediately, and then explained to his subordinates on both sides.

As they worked, Reina saw a flashing shield outside the window. The shield flickered vaguely and put the entire battleship under protection. This made Reina feel a lot more relaxed, at least now this giant ship The ship is ready for battle, just like it was thousands of years ago.

"Captain Bird, we need supplies and rest. We are looking for any identifiable imperial units, starports, planets or any signals nearby to find the loyalists."

"Yes, Captain, let's do it." Captain Bird said, turning his head filled with cables, and began to control the system with his own thoughts. The servitor next to him immediately began to hum in a low voice, as stiff as The echoes from the sonar echoed below Reina again and again.

The captain raised his head and looked around at the night sky, and Yeta leaned close to him. She held a cup of coffee in her hand and handed it to the captain. The latter naturally took it and took a sip. Yeta stood beside her. He looked around at the night sky with surprise on his face.

"As my father said, this place is so beautiful, even more beautiful than I imagined." "Don't just look at the beauty on the surface, there are many dangers lurking underneath. This night sky was full of dangers in the past, and it became even more dangerous after the rebellion. It became a nautical purgatory.”

Reina said while drinking coffee, letting the caffeine stimulate her brain and make her thoughts sober again, but Yeta didn't feel nervous at all. She leaned on the armrest and looked out the window with a look of joy. of shining night sky.

"Then let the war come. We are all prepared. After decades of training, a war battle will test us." Yeta said confidently. Reina behind her glanced at her slightly. They were smiling, but suddenly the two of them were interrupted, and a scarlet alarm lit up above their heads.

Reina immediately put the coffee cup on the armrest. He strode to the armrest and looked at the source of the alarm below, "Report the situation, right away."

Sitting next to the servitor who raised his head and used the sound horn on his belly to send out a piercing warning, the Bird Commander looked at the screen in front of him with his face illuminated by the warning red light, "We have received a signal from the Imperial Navy, although The opponent's ship information is not within our identification of friend or foe, but the communication specifications and internal information are completely consistent with ours, and the identity of friendly forces can be determined."

Reina frowned. He and Yeta next to him looked at each other. The latter immediately nodded and strode down the steps of the bridge and returned to the bottom. Reina took a deep breath and confirmed to the Birdmaster. nodded.

"Bring it in." "Yes, Captain."

As the oracle opened the light keyboard, a trembling audio signal immediately jumped out in front of Reina, but the rotating identification mark on it was undoubtedly that of the Imperial Navy. What came from it was not the soulless broadcast sound of the servitor, but The voice of a leader as strong as steel.

"I am the captain of the Emperor's Gothic fleet, the Retribution-class battleship "The Emperor's Wrath", and the commander of the Gothic fleet, Admiral Speyer. My fleet and I are engaged in a battle with the Chaos Black Crusade invasion fleet. , I, the Emperor's Admiral, call upon all Imperial fleets who have heard this news in the name of the Emperor to come and respond. No matter which camp you belong to, we will work together to crush the enemy's spearhead!"

"Assembly point 114889/0234, all ships come here to gather, for the empire, for the imperial navy!"

With that shout, Spier's voice ended in the communication frequency band. Reina looked at the disappeared audio, her eyes looked downward, and everyone in the bridge below also heard the call. sound, turned to look at their captain and waited for orders.

"Fire Control Officer, charge the weapon array, light up the void shield, and sound the battle alarm."

"Yes, Captain!"

"Captain Bird, lock the source of the signal, raise the Geller position shield, and prepare the entire ship to jump into the battlefield."

"Copy that, Captain."

Reina stood up and looked up at the communication band beside her. She gently slid her finger on it, and the logo of the Mechanicus appeared on it, "Priest, make sure the machine soul is stable and prepare to enter the battlefield. ”

"We will unleash the wrath of the Omni Messiah, awakening procedures are in progress."

After speaking, Reina walked past the holographic communication channel. She leaned on the armrest and shouted at everyone below, "Get ready for battle!"

As soon as Reina finished speaking, an alarm sounded all around. He looked at the holographic interface aside under the flashing red light. The captain reached out and pressed on it, clicking on the lightning eagle logo.



The lower parking deck of the Emperor's Dream is deserted. It has a spacious space that is no less than any other deck, but it seems particularly deserted. There are only a few active soulless servitors on the entire wide plane, walking stiffly around. Cleaned and maintained equipment.

They were working diligently in silence, not noticing the burly giant walking behind them. Magnus walked across the deck. He looked around at the empty deck and stared at the silent ones. A soulless worker.

If they were mortals, they must have made a fuss about their appearance by now, and the sound of their reaction would quickly attract all the thinking people in all the surrounding decks, corridors and stairs. Then Magnus' little plan to leave quietly It went bankrupt.

And now, apart from these servitors who can't think, let alone understand, and can only silently complete all set tasks, there is only one person here to see Magnus off, and they walk through the wide parking deck together. .

"Are you sure you want to leave now? Or leave quietly." The person walking beside Magnus asked. The red Cyclops nodded slightly. He walked with the person under the spotlight. On the bright deck, he strode towards the distant deck.

A lone Thunderhawk was parked there. The huge fighter plane used by the Space Marines stood silently under the light. The entire huge fuselage was flashing with reflections, and huge shadows were projected from the wings and sides of the fuselage. One side moved out, making it even more massive.

At the Thunder Eagle station, there were two or three servitors refueling it. They dragged the thick oil pipe with their stiff elbows. They stood in the shadows and looked at the rumbling oil pipe in front of them expressionlessly. He didn't pay attention to Magnusu and the people around him.

"I think it's best for me to leave now, Vito, before the people on the ship find out that I'm a traitor and cause you trouble, so I can just disappear quietly."

Magnus said with a self-deprecating smile. He turned to look at the large exit deck on the side of Raikage. The heavy hatch there had been lifted up, revealing a shining starry sky, a real starry sky.

"And we have still returned to the physical universe. Soon you will meet people from the empire, and it will be even more inappropriate for me to be here. You know how much trouble that will bring."

Magnus said, and the people following him also stopped. He lowered his head and smiled with his hands on his waist. He took a few steps forward and then stood still, "Traitor, heretic, devil, the most shameless Betrayer, did I miss anything?"

"The bastard who betrayed the Emperor." Magnus walked to the hatch where the Thunder Eagle was lowered, stood there and looked in, and said mockingly to himself.

"That's it." Vito muttered with a smile, then raised his eyes and glanced at the servitors who had completed the fuel filling and pulled out the fuel pipe. They held the fuel pipe and took a stiff step. Stepping to the side, the automatic fuel transport vehicle parked on the side also turned on its headlights, turned backwards and drove away from the scene.

Soon they were the only ones left here. Vito let out a long sigh and raised his eyes to look at the person at the cabin door, "Magnus, do you really want to go back? Back to subspace? You can. left."

"No, Vito, there is no place for me in the current empire. I am a traitor to everyone, and I will not try to change their minds." Magnus said and walked up to the door of the cabin. He bent slightly and stood at the door, lighting up the smart control window on one side and checking the fuel data on it. Although he didn't actually need to fly back to the Eye of Terror, he could just find a planet nearby to land on, open the portal and go back. alright.

But Magnus was still watching. The clicks of his thick fingers on the screen seemed very uncoordinated and meaningless. Vito looked at the meaningless movements, frowned slightly and raised his head. Eyes Magnus.

He also glanced at it from the corner of his eye, and then seemingly casually pointed at the Milky Way outside the window. Vito also looked over, and he immediately saw the fear flashing in the night sky, tearing apart the background of the Milky Way. Eye.

Vito knows what Magnus means. He has now returned to the physical universe. Tzeentch has noticed him, and the evil god controls the other half of his soul and can monitor his thoughts and words at any time, so what he can do now Everything they do can only be metaphors and allusions.

Magnus nodded slightly to Vito, and then walked into the cabin. Vito stood outside the cabin door under the light and looked at Magnus, "If you find your place one day, remember, I You are always welcome back, no matter how much hostility and prejudice you have to face, I will be here waiting for you.”

"If you need help, you know where to find me." Vito said, placing his hands on his chest seemingly unintentionally, and patting his heart seemingly casually. Magnus looked at the action. He was expressionless, but responded to Vito with a wink and a look in his eyes.

Magnus pressed the button on the door of the cabin on the side. He turned around and walked into the depths of the cabin. The door at the back slowly lifted up and quickly closed in the locking anchor point above. With a sigh The hatch is closed.

Vito looked at the ignited Thunderhawk. The vector jets burned violently and sprayed blazing flames on the ground before flying up. The strong propeller airflow blew Vito's clothes. He looked up at the bird that broke away from the ground and rose. The landing gear slowly retracts into the fuselage and then the nose of the fighter jet turns towards the door.

The thunder eagle accelerated instantly, sprayed out a huge tongue of fire and flew out of the deck. It penetrated into the dark galaxy and roared towards the curtain of the Eye of Terror.

Vito walked to the deck hatch. He stood at the edge of the cliff connected to the cold void and watched the departing fighter plane. Behind him, Lilith appeared silently from somewhere. She stepped forward Silent footsteps walked to Vito's side.

"He's gone." "Yes, it's obvious, isn't it? It will take a long, long time for the Thunder Eagle to fly back to Terra." "Hmm, the question is, has he already flown to that route?"

Lilith glanced at Vito aside with a smile, and a smile appeared on Vito's lips, "I think so, we have all found our way home, and he is almost there too."

Lilith looked at Vito and chuckled softly. She stood beside Vito with her arms folded, but just as he smiled, scarlet warning lights flashed across the entire deck.

He turned his head and looked at the servitors who were walking towards the outside of the deck in the flashing red light. They walked towards the door as fast as possible with their stiff bodies. The faster fuel transport truck had already driven in quickly. He entered it and escaped into the long corridor amidst the flashing alarm.

"The whole ship is ready for battle, repeat, all parts of the ship are ready for battle."

During the broadcast, the cold servile announcer mechanically repeated that sentence with a stiff voice without any warmth. Vito raised his head and looked in the direction of the loudspeaker above his head, but soon, his attention was drawn closer. The sound attracted.

Vito raised his arm and clicked on the flashing red light on his wrist. Reina's holographic bust flashed on the holographic image, and she nodded to Vito.

"Marshal, we have received a request for help. The Imperial Navy's Gothic Fleet is engaged in a fierce battle with Chaos. Fleet Commander Admiral Speyer is calling all surrounding Imperial units to come for support. I have ordered all the ships to prepare to jump in and come to the ship. Bridge, my lord.”

Vito smiled and turned to glance at the Milky Way outside the window, then turned to look at Reina with a joking smile, "Welcome back, Captain, the Empire welcomes you."

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