Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 345 The Road to Expedition: Webway Alliance

Some people say that the physical universe and subspace are like two sides of a mirror. One side is reality, and the other side is broken adversity. In the endless storm of subspace, the opposite reflections of the real world are torn in it. One is positive and the other is negative, just like Light and shadow, then, there is another place, which is just between the mirror of reality and nothingness, and that is here.

The Webway was created by the Ancient Sage, the founder, forerunner and guide of countless lives among thousands of galaxies, in the budding era when the Milky Way was just born, when civilization first cried.

This is a highway between the real universe and the subspace storm, a perfect creation that perfectly combines all the advantages of entity and nothingness. The ancient saints use it to travel throughout the galaxy, spreading life and creating civilization. This is the ultimate perfection. The creations of the Ancient One are eternal and immortal. Even after the ancient saints left the galaxy after the tragic war in heaven, and after his civilization's eldest son, the Eldar, inherited the Webway, they still used it to create and connect their own huge galactic empire. every corner.

No one thought that the Webway would be destroyed one day. The Eldar believed that it was eternal and the most precious asset they had. No foreign race could touch it. Therefore, it was precisely because of this that the arrogant Eldar refused. And ignored one point, a crucial point.

Those civilizations, those seemingly meaningless, small and unintentional civilizations in the eyes of the Eldar, will one day catch up with this powerful but ancient stagnant Eldar empire, perhaps through a technological explosion, perhaps, in a long period of time After the accumulation and research, but one day, they will catch up.

The Eldar ignored this, and their arrogance brought tragic consequences. It came from a planet on the edge of the galaxy called Ord Trini by the Eldar, a "monkey civilization" born on a planet next to the sun. , at least that's what the Eldar call them disparagingly, but in other civilizations and their own names, they call themselves humans.

When the Eldar race, the humans who laid the foundation for the future of the galaxy for the next millennium, began, the Eldar race did not believe in any way, nor did they want to believe that their eternal empire would be defeated by a group of monkeys flying into the universe. They were sitting on the Webway. , As long as the Webway exists, the Eldar Empire will be undefeated, and no one can destroy it.

But the final result was shocking. The arrogant and ancient Eldar Empire was defeated by the rising humans. The human civilization known as the barbarians successfully found a way to destroy the Webway. In the Iron Rain, Before the war, countless webways and the artificial planets within them were destroyed. The webways that once connected different corners of the empire collapsed in raids one after another.

Only then did the Eldar discover that the technology and civilization they were proud of were entirely based on the Webway, and when the Webway was destroyed, they suddenly realized that their arrogance for thousands of years had brought about In the end, no matter what, the Eldar could not rebuild the Webway, or even understand it, so when the Great Fall came, the Eldar, who had nowhere to escape, finally ushered in their own destruction like many civilizations they had once despised.

Today, there are only a few surviving branches of the Eldar, hiding throughout the galaxy, either cutting off all emotional connections in order to protect themselves, or hiding in the Webway and obliterating psychic powers. This race of their own has once attracted They are so proud that they anesthetize themselves by cruelty and torturing others, and some have completely given up on all the success of civilization and are hiding on ancient planets in the hope that they can live longer.

But in any case, the Eldar have forgotten their former pride, whether it is scientific or magical. They are like the survivors who survive on the ruins of a huge empire after the collapse, fighting for survival in battles. In the struggle, he forgot everything he had.

It is extremely ironic that humans, who are regarded as monkeys by the Eldar, should perhaps be called the heirs of the Eldar civilization. In order to defeat the Eldar, humans have learned and understood many things of the Eldar, their technology, their Civilization and "magic".

When the Eldar Empire collapsed, humans became the heirs to the mantle of the ancient saint. Relying on the Eldar technology learned and studied during the war, the booming human civilization should have ushered in its own prosperous age and replaced the Eldar as the Lord of the Galaxy. of prosperity.

But the final result was not like this. At the end of the golden age, mankind came to its own end with the enemy who had loved and killed each other for decades. With the decline of the spirit race and mankind, those ancient technologies Almost completely forgotten, but that was not the case, the man known as the Emperor preserved all the research results of the Golden Age and, in particular, the technology of the Webway.

Humans understand the Webway better. In order to defeat the Eldar, they humbly studied and understood the technology and principles of the Webway. Humans can use this to destroy the Webway, or they can use this to create a new Webway, one that is completely independent of the Eldar. The new network of subspace and all material existence belongs only to human beings.

The Emperor did indeed do this. When the Great Crusade was advancing, he used the Golden Age, mankind's analysis of Eldar technology and the successful research of the Webway to build a new Webway. He hoped to make the Webway a The key to a new era, the way to salvation from the sufferings of Warp Chaos.

But in the end, the Webway plan failed. During the Horus Heresy, Magnus broke the barriers of the Webway, and as countless Chaos poured into the Webway through the holes, the Emperor was forced to sit on the throne. The moment the gates to the Webway were sealed to prevent the influx of demons into the physical universe, the plan that was supposed to bring about the dawn of humanity failed.

Nowadays, the last inheritor of the Webway and all ancient technologies is still sitting on the throne, and the person who caused all the disasters is also standing in a world as broken as the Emperor's Webway, staring at account for the same losses that they caused back then.

Magnus stood on the shattered earth, looking up at the shattered sky above him. The sky flashing with countless strange lights was like a broken mirror, with every piece of glass shards flying in the air. Floating and shining with its own light.

The red Cyclops glanced at the broken ground suspended under his feet. The broken land was floating in the void. The same broken land and ground were everywhere around him. All the broken pieces were floating in the air. Through countless refractions on its mirror surface, it projects ghostly light to everywhere around it, creating a place like a twisted dream.

Magnus raised a hand. He gathered his power in his hand, trying to draw power from the Chaos Realm to open a road, a passage out of here, but he failed. The power of Chaos seemed to be Isolated from this broken world.

The one-eyed Magnus looked up at the webway barrier that seemed far away in the horizon but was right in front of him. He squeezed his chest with both hands, and a spiritual entity with twisting smoke appeared in front of him. In his hand, Magnus pushed it towards the wall in front of him with a backhand palm.

The ever-changing billowing smoke rushed towards the webway barrier, but the moment its storm-like front end hit the wall, it was instantly destroyed and dissipated. Magnus' attack was neutralized in the blink of an eye. But the webway barrier showed no damage at all, and was still intact and shining with a strange light.

"If you want to break down the original Webway barrier created by the Old Ones, you can't break through it like this."

A voice suddenly came from the twisted void, and Magnus immediately turned his head to look. He saw a figure walking out of the mist of ghostly light. His tall, armored body stepped on the broken ground of the Webway. Walking up slowly.

The man jumped down from a piece of ground that was suspended on one side of the ground where Magnus was and another piece of broken ground. He suddenly landed a few steps away from Magnus, and the sound of huge footsteps echoed loudly. Within the entire webway barrier, Magnus looked at him with one red-gold eye, looking at the man who walked out of the thin light mist.

He used his huge power claws to push away the mist. He looked around and walked over leisurely, "This thing is the original one. It is much harder than the copycat network tunnel made by the emperor. What do you think?" It takes a lot of weird methods to get in."

"Vito, you're not dead yet?" Magnus whispered as he looked at the man walking towards him, while he waved his fingers on his forehead with a smile on his face, "How could it be possible for someone as handsome and awesome as me? I will die in such a boring place, and I will definitely be surrounded by beautiful girls when I die.”

Vito was boasting to himself and seemed not to have noticed the psychic beam appearing in Magnus' hand. He shot the light towards Vito with a backhand palm, but the facts proved that Vito did not notice it. of.

When the light beam hit, Vito drew out the Phoenix Sword with his backhand, and cut off the light ball without even looking at it. The broken light ball broke into countless light particles and flew from the ear. In the past, Vito turned his head slightly and looked at Magnus with a helpless face in the light.

"Really? You're here and you still want to fight me?"

"Why not? If I can kill you here, your soul will definitely satisfy Tzeentch, even the other three gods." Magnus said as another large ball of blue appeared in his hands. Smoke, a thick mist flashing with tiny blue lightnings, hung around him, rising around the tall giant.

Vito smiled, and the smile was full of sarcasm. He pointed at the barrier of the Webway with the Phoenix Sword in his hand, "You killed me, how can you take my soul to your boss?" What? Do you know how to get out?"

After Magnus was stunned for a moment, he looked at Vito in front of him and frowned, "Listen to you, you really want to know how to get out, if you are not lying and delaying time for yourself."

"Please pay attention. This is the Internet. Is there any concept of time? Besides, do I need it? Whether you can beat me is still a question." Vito smiled sarcastically, and raised the Phoenix Sword. Carrying it on his shoulders, Magnus frowned suddenly as if he was irritated, and the blue smoke around him filled up and wrapped around his arms.

Magnus clenched his fists, and all the smoke quickly gathered in his hands. Two huge masses of mist immediately floated above his palms, and countless psychic lightning exploded in them like thunderstorms.

"If you want to try it, I'd love to."

Vito looked at the guy in front of him and waved his hand. He looked around and smiled, "Here? Forget it. If you want to fight, find a better place. If you still want to fight after we get out, I will fight with you again." "

"You mean, you know how to get out of here?" Magnus said, the blue lightning smoke in his hand still did not disappear, he still held it in his hand, as if he was going to punch it out at any time.

Vito in front of him didn't seem to look at the thing at all. He walked to the edge of the broken ground, stood on the edge that was broken into irregular sections, and looked at the void below, where he could see the endless void. There are many webway fragments floating in it. They are like shipwrecks floating in the deep sea, floating around and colliding with each other in a powerless situation.

"After all, I have lived for fifty thousand years. Why do you always forget that I also understand what the emperor understands?" Vito smiled and slowly inserted the Phoenix Sword into the scabbard. The blade was burning and clattering. As the sound slowly entered the mouth of the sheath, Vito pursed his lips and muttered quietly.

"Okay, maybe I don't understand it as well as he does, but I still understand it! No one understands the Webway better than me!" Vito said, after inserting the Phoenix Sword completely into the golden scabbard, he raised a hand and moved his fingers in the air. He stood up, and as his eyes lit up with golden light, all the webway fragments floating in the void below flew up.

The fragments, large and small, broken into different shapes, were pulled up by Vito's fingers, and they all rose up from the endless flashing void. Vito looked at the countless fragments rising in front of him, and he dragged his chin After thinking for a moment, he gently grabbed it with his raised fingers, and all the fragments flew quickly.

Magnus looked at the rapidly moving fragments. They spread out quickly, and then quickly closed together in mid-air to form many luminous strips. All the fragments were waved out of thin air by Vito's fingers. They quickly gathered together towards the center and formed a circle.

"Are you going to open a gate to the webway leaving here?" Magnus asked in surprise, while Vito smiled bitterly and shook his head slightly, "I was still thinking, the flow of time in this damn place is completely different from the outside world. , God knows how long we have been here, and I am still anxious to go back and date my girl."

"But, unfortunately, no, I can't directly build a webway to take us out. The most I can do is create a short-distance teleportation gate, and let us at least leave this ghost place that is shattered into pieces in the webway."

As Vito spoke, he continued to wave his fingers rapidly, and with his swing, the entire ring was formed quickly. The broken remains gathered into a huge rotating circular gate in front of Vito. He saw that the construction of the gate was completed. , Vito hung his head back and looked at Magnus from an upside-down perspective.

"Okay, I've got it done here, but I need to support the structure of the portal, and I can't inject enough psychic power to open it, so it's your turn."


"Yes, you want to leave here too, don't you? Then I think we can make a truce for the time being and talk about it after we go out, okay?" Vito said with a bright smile, and Magnus frowned slightly when he looked at that smile. Frowning, he glanced at the teleportation gate and then back at Vito.

"Aren't you afraid that I will activate the gate, climb in, and then kick you out and leave you here?"

"Well, it is indeed a problem, but I choose to believe you."


"Besides cooperation, do we have any other choice? So don't be stubborn. Let's talk about it after we go out. Two bets will make it possible. This broken goal makes my hands sore."

Vito said and turned back, his back to Magnus, as if he was really not worried about Magnus being hit by him from behind. Magnus looked at the blue air ball on his hand, He looked up at Vito again, and his red-gold eyes instantly lit up.

The blue lightning ball roared towards Vito's back and hit his head. The roaring thunder shortened the distance in a very short time. Vito could hear the thunder and felt a chill on the back of his neck. It felt like it, but he didn't even turn his head. The whizzing blue electric mass suddenly hit the back of Vito's head.

But just when it was about to hit Vito, the air ball suddenly hit him by the ear. The whizzing lightning flew almost completely close to his ear. The small blue arc could even jump to Vito's ear. On his earlobes, an electric shock-like numbness suddenly spread throughout his body.

But at the moment when the paralysis in the brain was transmitted, the blue lightning ball suddenly hit the center of the portal in front of Vito. The blue air ball instantly exploded like a water balloon slapped on the wall. Also due to the large amount of inertia The "water" splashed forward onto the entire plane.

On the invisible plane of the portal, blue smoke spread to the surroundings in an instant. The gas quickly spread around like water and covered the entire surface. Blue lightning was mixed in the blue gas and kept beating. But soon, the entire surface of the door was completely swallowed up.

Blue storm clouds kept churning inside the broken door ring, and then with a gentle pull of Vito's finger, all the fragments glowed at the same time, and the golden light shone into the central clouds, in the blink of an eye. The entire cloud layer changed color like a piece of cloth thrown into a dye vat.

The blue clouds quickly turned golden from the edges. The golden color quickly advanced along its surface, and then merged into a ball in the center of the clouds. The entire blue clouds completely turned golden.

Magnus stepped forward. He looked at the golden rolling clouds. It was like a golden wave, dancing with the breeze in the center of the ring formed by the fragments. The clouds had lost their previous murderous aura. , instead it suddenly became peaceful and reassuring.

"Good job. I knew you also studied the magic of the Eldar. Okay, let's go in." Vito said and lightly bumped Magnus' arm with his fist. The latter rubbed his arm and eyes. He frowned slightly and looked at the golden ocean portal in front of him.

"Do you know where this portal will take us?"

"Don't know at all."

Vito put his hands on his hips and said righteously. The smile on his face did not have the corresponding expression that should have appeared when he answered. Magnus looked at him coldly from the side.

"You mean, you know what's behind this but you don't even know what it is? And then you want me to jump in with you?" "That's right, that's how you get the surprise. You're welcome, I'll take the first step!"

Vito smiled and jumped into the door. Magnus originally wanted to say something, but Vito had already jumped in. He stood outside the door and looked at Vito who was submerged in the golden ocean.

Magnus looked at the door in silence for a long time, and then sighed helplessly. He had no choice, right? In addition to following Vito on the adventure, Magnus could only jump in after sighing. His legs were the first to sink into the golden ocean, and his face rushed towards the sea quickly with the beat.

Magnus suddenly recalled some memories. During the Great Crusade, before Horus launched the Heresy, Vitor would take them on adventures like this, sometimes with one Primarch, sometimes with several.

Although everyone will complain at the beginning that they have this and that problem to deal with and have no time to commit suicide with Vito, in the end, they will all participate in it, and in the end, most of the time, they will be in a good mood.

Magnus recalled those memories and jumped into the door. The golden sea swallowed up his vision in the blink of an eye, but immediately dispersed from his eyes. Magnus passed through it all at once. After jumping out of the gate, he suddenly stepped on a piece of ground, a piece of ground that was stable and not floating.

"Ah, it looks like we're in luck." Vito stood a few steps away from Magnus with his hands on his hips, standing on the edge of the rock like an adventurer. He looked at the things in the distance. After Gnus glanced at Vito, he slowly raised his head and looked forward.

A majestic city came into view, and an ancient Eldar ruined city came into view.

"Welcome, Letharnia."

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