Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 285 Tuqiucha Engine

"Is this right here?"

"Yes, it is here: the Perditus system in the Gurgrad Protectorate area, our only destination for this trip, and the initial order for this operation came directly from the Primarch of the Legion himself."

"Then I will understand why we brought such a huge battle."

Standing on the luxurious bridge of the Tear Mole, Diarmait, the commander of the 33rd company of the Dawnbreaker Legion, was looking at the fleet whizzing past his flagship and couldn't help but marvel. Beside him, the deputy he relied on most smiled.

"I think the size of the troops in this operation can hardly be called huge, sir: we neither brought any auxiliary troops, nor did we call for our Mechanicus allies. The two Titan legions: the Legion of the Sun and the Legion of Warmongers are also responsible. This operation should be absent, and without them, how can it be considered a large-scale military activity?"

"No, you don't understand, Finn."

Diarmait shook his head and patiently explained to his deputy.

"We did not call any of our allies, and we did not even bring much legion strength: but from another perspective, this operation was led by the original body himself, and the companies involved in the operation were also illustrious in the legion. A famous elite company."

"Such a scale may not be enough to start a large-scale war, but then I think about it: If our Primarch's purpose this time is to conduct an important secret operation rather than a war, then such a lineup is Isn’t it very reasonable?”

"The Primarch leads the army, accompanied by the best. There are no outsiders: not even the closest allies."


Finn blinked. He spent about a second carefully thinking about Diarmait's words and the logic and truth in them. Then he nodded in admiration, expressing his belief in the officer's words.

"Not unreasonable, sir: I never knew you had done any research in this area?"

"Just copying a cat and imitating a tiger."

Diarmait smiled, a smile that could make countless women jealous. It was so flawless that it looked like the person in the painting: in the entire Dawnbreaker Legion, although the positioning of force and intelligence has not been completely clarified, but All the sons of Morgan had to admit that Diarmait was definitely the most handsome one among them.

Some Battle Brothers even privately declared that the appearance of the Thirty-third Company Captain was not even compared to the two Primarchs of the Emperor's Children Legion and the Blood Angels Legion who were famous for their appearance and aura. There will be too much difference.

Some people suspect that this is because Diarmuid has been favored by the mother of genes. Just like the increasingly bulky Hector, or the powerful Bayar who is almost without reason, they are favored by the genes. Favored by the Primarch, and thus granted an unlimited future in some respects.

This view is not without reason. Although the appearance of the Spider Queen has never seemed to be a hotly discussed topic, this is not because of Morgan's poor appearance: on the contrary, after officially commanding the third generation as the Primarch, After the Second Legion, the perfection and infinity of the Queen of the Dawnbreakers was enough to awaken the few remaining emotions in the hearts of the Astartes warriors, allowing even the most rude warriors to regain their appreciation for words such as aesthetics and nobility. Infinite respect.

Few warriors could look at the Spider Queen for more than a few seconds, both because the Primarch's aura was enough to overwhelm them, and also because just the slightest frown or smile on Morgan's face could easily disrupt their sanity. , dancing in their hearts: No matter what the Lord of the Second Legion looks like in their eyes, this kind of arrogant control is universal and has never changed.

As for mortals, especially those narrators and artists who have returned from the higher art schools of Holy Terra, the perfection of the Gene Queen has even become a distress in their hearts and a kind of nightmare: because even if they exhaust them The most luxurious words in their hearts exhausted all the enthusiasm in carving, shaping or painting between their fingers. They could not create the Spider Queen in their eyes, nor could they reproduce the countless perfections in their hearts before the eyes of the world.

Because of this incident, many narrators of the Dawnbreaker Legion even suffered from some mild melancholy. They would feel pessimistic about any of their works and felt that what they had learned throughout their lives was meaningless: even though they even The Lord of the Second Legion himself felt that their works of art were flawless.

But apart from these artists, not many people actually regard Morgan's appearance as the most important element of her body: there are too many brilliant lights surrounding this Primarch, and her psychic power, Compared with her new army and her throne of Avalon, simple appearance is really not a very important topic, and the Spider Queen has never relied on her face to achieve her career.

What she relies on are some more obscure and powerful elements, and her descendants are silently learning these advantages, so that they can move closer to the height of the Primarch.

Among these learners, Diarmait was the better one. At least he did learn some essentials, and he didn't mind telling his insights to another trustworthy battle brother.

For example, Finn in front of him: the second in command of the 33rd Company, was sincerely raising a question of his.

"I have a question, sir."

"When did you start to care about these things, because in my memory, you never cared about it before, whether it was military operations or command and dispatch. After all, you are more used to being alone on the battlefield."

"It used to be a habit, but now it's a responsibility. There is no conflict between these two points."

Diarmait answered slowly, his pupils expanded into an arc representing joy due to the slow appearance of the Dawn Goddess, and his posture could not help but become more upright, as if his genetic origin The body was standing in front of him, inspecting him.

"What's wrong with that, Finn?"

"Of course there's nothing wrong with that."

The adjutant smiled and shook his head.

"If you were more attentive in this regard, then I would be happy to have an easier responsibility on my shoulders: after all, you are the commander of the 33rd company. I am just unfortunate enough to be pulled over by you. Hercules, who was forced to raise the curtain of heaven."

"Don't worry, I will return to Atlas's position sooner or later. I don't want to run away."

"That couldn't be better."

Facing the officer's comfort, Finn could only smile and let himself believe these words: but compared to these scene words, he was more curious about another thing in his heart.

"I have one more question, sir."

"What is it?"

"I'm curious: How did you make such... rapid progress in the military field?"

"After all, your previous command ability..."


"very bad?"

"Roughly the same."

"Almost zero?"

"Zero? Then you overestimate yourself."

Finn nodded simply, earning Diarmuid's laughter. The Thirty-third Company Commander then thought for a moment and seemed to be arranging his words.

"Actually, there is no secret: Finn, let me ask you something. What do you think of the high-ranking mortal officers who stay on our ships and lead their mortal auxiliary troops to assist us?"

"They are very good comrades...and I can't think of anything more."

"You didn't pay attention to them?"

Diarmait's question made Finn frown instinctively. He thought about it and shook his head calmly.

"No, sir."

"Although I have been supervising our warriors and not showing superiority to mortals because of our Lord Primarch's repeated orders, but to be honest: I am not interested in the actions of those mortals. Although I don't think I am nobler than them, I also I don’t want to have a friendlier personal relationship with them.”

Finn said it very calmly, because his words were exactly the attitude of some of the Silent Ones among the Dawnbreakers: they have no ill intentions towards mortals, this is because of the original order and the nobility in their hearts, but they have nothing more to do with mortals. Be kind, because it's not necessary.

They live in peace and harmony, and treat each other as colleagues with a nodding friendship: this relationship seems to them to be very suitable, and they can't fault it.

Diarmait nodded. He was not surprised by his confidant's answer, nor did he scold this thought. He just continued another topic seemingly unintentionally.

"Then you may not know, my friend: those mortal officers who stay on our ships, every once in a while, will hold a seminar to discuss military issues they care about. Sometimes they even Other famous officers will be invited to discuss it."

"……so what?"

Diarmait patted Finn on the shoulder.

"So, the answer is actually obvious, my friend: I am also one of the participants in this kind of seminar, and my rapid progress in the military field is inseparable from this kind of participation and learning."

"Are you a member of the seminar?"

"No, I'm just a student, a pure seeker of knowledge. I regard those mortal officers with rich experience as my teachers... Don't act so surprised, Finn, it's not a shame to be a student. , and it seems that the effect is very obvious so far, isn’t it?”

Finn's mouth opened wide. It took him a few seconds to process Diarmait's words and find his own throat.

"But...but sir, why do you want to learn from those mortals? You must know that as Astartes warriors, as the children of our mother, the power and knowledge we have are far superior to those mortals..."

"Yeah yeah."

Diarmait waved his hand and interrupted his confidant's words in a kind way. He withdrew his gaze from the giant ships outside the porthole window and returned to Finn. With the serious look in his eyes, he patiently to answer the confusion in the hearts of the fighting brothers.

"I admit it, Finn: From a theoretical perspective, as Astartes warriors, we will have crushing advantages against mortals in terms of strength, speed, will, intelligence, and physical fitness. Of course it includes military strategy.”

"But tell me, my friend: is this really so?"

"If nothing else, in theory we should be stronger in terms of military strategy: Are you confident that you can beat all the mortals you have ever met, brother? Including Elwin and Lord Luther?"

Finn blinked, not intending to go against the answer in his heart.

"No, sir, I am not as intelligent as the few mortal officers I have met."

"Look, you are very aware of this fact: You must know that you are the deputy commander of the Astartes Company. Looking at the entire Dawnbreaker Legion, you are also an above-average position. At least in terms of military strategy, you must be better than Most of the battle brothers in the Legion."

"But even so, you are still in a field where you should be superior in theory, but are actually inferior to many mortal officers. So, my friend Finn, have you ever thought about it."

"Why is this happening?"

Diarmait's words caused his confidants to fall into silent thinking. This was not unfamiliar to Finn, because the Dawnbreaker Legion has always encouraged the thinking of grassroots commanders to ensure that their thinking is active and surging. .

So, Finn quickly guessed an answer.

"I think it's because most Astartes warriors like us prefer to use direct power and speed to solve the problems we encounter in the military. Mortals do not have such conditions. They have to think. Some of the trickier solutions, so they ended up surpassing us in some areas.”

"That's it, Finn."

Diarmait nodded and showed an unusually satisfied smile. He casually stretched out one of his fingers and pointed lightly at his brain and then at Finn's.

"So, my friend: since these mortals can accomplish the theoretically impossible things in practice through continuous efforts, discussion and thinking, then the Astartes like us who are more talented can have What’s the reason not to work as hard as them, or even harder than them?”

"And if you understand this: then isn't it a shame to learn from mortals who have created these miracles and are indeed better than us in military strategy?"

"It's still the same sentence: learning is never a shame."


"You're right, sir, it's true: next time you go to a seminar for those mortal officers, can you ask me to come with you?"

"That's exactly what I meant, Finn."

Diarmait laughed, his brows filled with happiness.

"I even think that it should not be just the two of us. This kind of learning spirit should become the ethos of the entire 33rd Company. I believe that our soldiers can get more wisdom and benefits from it. I believe that our strength will To a greater effect on the Legion.”

"Everything, for the Dawnbreaker."

"Everything, for the mother of genes."


Just when the words on the [Tear Mole] changed from the original disagreement to some kind of ambition, symbolizing the authority of the Lord of the Second Legion and Avalon, the [Dawn Goddess] also completely entered the battle state, It was flanked by more than thirty warships, carrying thirty-five hundred of the finest Dawnbreaker warriors, and a powerful Primarch.

In the face of such power, the ordinary world named [Peditus End Star] at the foot of the fleet seemed too pitiful. Many Dawnbreaker Captains present even doubted that their genetic mother would go to war in such a big way. Reason: Although this world has been occupied by rebels at this time, with the number of rebels and the level of equipment, any company commander dares to issue a military order to his own genetic mother, and can single-handedly flatten this small-scale rebellion. .

But the Spider Queen, who always respects the opinions of her heirs, was uncharacteristically different this time. She deduced the war plan quite carefully, devoted her utmost energy to the battle formation, and even came to the front line in person: This was very unusual in the past. A rare move.

So, in confusion, the Dawnbreakers followed their Gene Mother and completely crushed the entire rebellion on Perditus Doom. The whole process was so dull that it didn't even need to be described in detail. Most of the battle was spent on Among those intricate passages: the people of Perditus were enslaved by some kind of machine and became crazy mechanical worshipers. Then they fell in droves under the steel boots of the Sons of Morgan, and were not even given the opportunity to participate in the war. The companies of the Second Army suffered losses in the single digits.

Within one Terran Standard Day, there was not a single living mortal on the entire planet Perditus Doom, because they all participated in this inexplicable rebellion and were simply eliminated by the Dawnbreaker Legion.

Several companies who were still a little confused began to clean up the battlefield. At the same time, the Spider Queen took only her Virgo and a dozen old guards led by Rana, all the way deep underground, and finally in the center of the underground cave. He stopped in front of an ancient gate.

Even without the Primarch opening his mouth, Lana and several old guardsmen carrying special equipment cautiously touched it. They first checked whether there were any sudden closing mechanisms on the door, and then paid tribute to their genetic mother, and then Spontaneously guarding the outside of the gate.


Her heir is now sensible.

In Morgan's heart, a rather strange feeling of relief flashed through.

In this wonderful feeling, the original gene entered the room, and soon behind him came the sound of Lana and others closing the door: obviously, the chief old guard and his subordinates were already used to their genes. They also know very well what role they should play in the secret actions of their mother from time to time.

In the room, Virgo had already summoned her own firepower, activated a comprehensive anti-erosion mode, and looked at this place that no one had set foot in for a long time with her mother.

This is a cave about seventy meters high and over two hundred meters wide at its widest point. Ancient carving traces can be seen everywhere. There seem to be several ever-burning lamps hidden among the colorful rock formations at the dome, vaguely located. It lights up this mysterious space and also lights up the only thing that exists in the room.

At the first glance, Morgan knew that this was what she was looking for.

It is a perfect sphere, suspended in mid-air like a planet. It is composed of black and dark gray marble. There are some slowly moving golden spots on its surface. Its diameter may be more than ten meters, but it is certainly not At eleven meters, the slight luster reflected proves that it is hard and will not be damaged by any ordinary detection and attack methods.

The Spider Queen could feel that although this was just a machine, it was indeed looking at her with a strange look, exuding emotions that were no different from those of a mortal.

"You came."

Suddenly, in the subspace, in the sea of ​​souls, in some dimension that is absolutely imperceptible in the real universe, a plain, emotionless voice came to Morgan's ears. It was not a malicious detection, but It's the most common greeting, and it even contains some feelings between old friends who haven't seen each other for many years.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

It, or the Tuchucha Engine, continued to speak. It was not a voice, but some kind of information stream that directly communicated between two powerful spiritual entities, by directly transmitting its own meaning into the other's mind. , to achieve the most efficient communication.

The last time Morgan was able to use this method of communication was when she faced her genetic father: it's a skill even for powerful psykers.

But considering the true identity of the thing in front of him, Morgan was not surprised.

She said hello.

[How should I call you: Should I call you Tuchucha Engine directly? 】

"Of course. I was designed to assimilate with the human form. This may be one of the names I should have. So on the other hand, can I call you Morgan?"

【certainly. 】

"Very well, Morgan."


The Tuchucha Engine seemed to speak a little faster, and the Primarch glanced at the alien sphere and saw the golden spots moving faster than before, forming brief patterns in the dark rotation.

"You seem confused, Morgan?"

The Spider Queen nodded.

[Some, I came to you because of a transaction thousands of miles away, but before that, I always thought that this transaction was just an extraneous incident, an unsatisfactory surprise: but from your attitude Looking up, it seems there is something else? 】

The Tuchucha engine was silent for a moment. It seemed to be taking time to learn the meaning of some of the words in Morgan's mouth, but its answer came quickly and clearly.

"I'm sorry, Morgan, I can't answer all your questions, because some of them are also beyond my understanding, but one thing I can assure you is: yes, I have been waiting for you all along. , or the arrival of others.”

"I'm waiting for you to take me away. I'm eager to leave here."

【……other people? 】

"You're not the only one, Morgan. According to the orders I follow, I have a list full of names that I can follow them away, and except for these people, I cannot let other beings control me. strength."

"But you're lucky, Morgan, your name is on the list, and I can go with you and let you take control of my power: do you want me to demonstrate to you now what I can do, you humans seem to be in a position to benefit yourselves , the actual existing interests are regarded as the supreme thing.”

【No...no need. 】

Morgan shook her head. She heard a lot of overtones from the words of Tuchucha Engine, such as the real reason why it enslaved the entire world: but these are not things that the Spider Queen cares about now.

[I heard about your power from another machine, Tuchucha: You will not be trapped by the reality of the jump, and can drill directly from the physical space into the subspace, or vice versa. , and there will be no backlash or gravity displacement. 】

[Moreover, you can also stabilize a large subspace area centered on you: mastering you is equivalent to mastering the treasures that come and go freely in the subspace, and can easily overturn the existing naval battle system of the galaxy, allowing any powerful The fleet turned into a fragile headless behemoth. 】

"Indeed, Morgan."

The Spider Queen could even hear a hint of pride in the words of Tuchucha Engine: it learned emotions too quickly, and even seemed a little moody.

"But I can remind you: this is far from all my abilities. This is just the part that you can understand and use for the time being. And I am also happy to use my other abilities to cooperate with your actions. Morgan, you are better than those on the list. Others are a little more special.”

【……special? 】

"Yes, you are more..."

Tuchucha seemed to struggle with the choice of words.



Morgan almost laughed at the word.

In fact, she could even hear the vigilant Virgo flashing a chuckle in her soft throat.

【noble? 】

[Where is it reflected? 】

"It's simple."

The sound of the Tuchucha engine does not sound like praise, but rather describes a reality that will happen in another world.

"If the person who found me was your blood relative, another person on the list, then he might have spent the twenty or thirty Terran standard years you mentioned before he could communicate with me, using calculations, logarithms, and cryptography. language, and a few more lives, to establish a simple connection with me on a neural interface.”

"But you're different: the fact that you were able to have such a complex conversation with me in less than five minutes of our first meeting proves that you're better suited to take me than most."

Morgan frowned.

[The name of one of my blood relatives is on your list? 】

"I don't know his name, but they call him the Lion."

"Do you know him?"

【...slightly. 】

"Are you familiar with it?"

The Spider Queen blinked and thought about her answer.

【No. 】

【We are not familiar with each other. 】

"That's a pity, but I think that doesn't prevent you from taking me away and allowing me to be your friend, right, Morgan, you can use my power."

The Spider Queen adjusted her breathing. For a moment, she really wanted to take away the subspace artifact in front of her and use its power as soon as possible: but the caution of her heart stopped Morgan's impulse, and she decided to take it away first. Ask some questions to clarify.

[Don’t be so impatient, Tuchucha. 】

[You need to answer some of my questions first. 】

"Don't you trust me?"

【What do you think? 】

The tuchucha engine paused.

"Okay then, just ask."

The Spider Queen blinked, her cyan-blue pupils turning slightly.

[I know your name, and I also know some of your abilities, but there is one thing I don’t know: What exactly are you, Tuchucha Engine? 】

This problem does not seem to be beyond the expectations of the subspace artifact.

"I am everything, Morgan. I am everything you can imagine. I am the existence that everything wants to possess. I was once a servant loyal to the Sea of ​​Death, but now, I can be a friend who works for you. "

[You seem to have been emphasizing that you want me to take you away. Why is this? 】

"Only if you take me away can my value be realized. I have had enough of being imprisoned here. My mission keeps calling me, and my heart is connected with yours, Morgan. , I know you have designs on me: it will be good for both of us."

[Is this the only reason? 】

"No, there's another one."

"Because I'm afraid, afraid of you."

It spoke the answer briskly, like an ignorant child imitating a newly learned word in ignorance, without knowing what it meant.

【Afraid of me? 】

【……Why? 】

"Because you will destroy me: if you can't take me away, you will destroy my existence. I can feel that you have such preparation deep in your heart, and you actually have such power. .”

【……Really? 】

"I won't lie to you, at least not now. I am in awe of your power. This is where you are different from your brothers. This is where you are more noble than them."

"You are different from them. You have your own throne in the subspace. Your brothers still need to use their hands and pain to win their future. But you are different. All you have to do is return to your position. Inherit those terrible powers that you now distance yourself from.”


The Primarch was not moved by these words. With her hands behind her back, she paced back and forth slowly at a safe enough distance from Tuchucha's engine, constantly thinking about the possible traps in these words.

[You are a machine...Why do you know so much about things in subspace. 】

"Because my creators are more powerful than you think, they can even see some things that are destined to happen, and see the intricate possibilities on the timeline: although this does not save them from death, and part of them can It doesn’t resist death, but it allows me to know more things.”

[What do you know... on these issues about me. 】

"Most of what I know about you already overlaps with what you already know in your head, but I do have a few more things I can tell you: hopefully it will cement our friendship."

Morgan nodded.

[Yes, Tuchucha Engine: This will be the last question you need to face when you are trapped here. I have no other questions for you to answer. 】

"very good."

The voice of the subspace artifact seemed to be a little more cheerful.

"I can tell you something: about the [power] you hold."

【that power? 】

"Yes, power. They are the key elements that constitute the field that belongs to you. They are the foundation for you to be stronger and the core strength for you to flourish: your recognition of it determines the focus of your future path."

【……tell me. 】

"I can't tell you the authority of a subspace power in clear words. I can only tell you in more euphemistic words: the power you control is the most special one among the eight etheric realms. Because you theory He will be the last king to ascend the throne."

"So, what you hold is not some more specific concepts, but a more vague authority: you symbolize the last mist left when the nature of chaos is revealed bit by bit. When the ether lords hold on to their authority, the rest of the chaos is one subspace concept after another with the continuous emergence of gods, and when the dust settles one after another, those other undetermined probabilities Sum."

"In other words, when the power of chaos is divided up, explained and confirmed by one new god after another, those powers that have not been taken away have a loose but unified concept."


"That's your power."

"This is the authority you hold as the last subspace king."

"In short, your domain and power exist outside the blind spots of human vision. They are areas that have not yet been explored, knowledge that has not yet been mastered, and an orderly and chaotic kingdom that has not yet been organized by regulations."

"It's the ignorance and confusion hidden in people's hearts. Of course, in your human terms, that word should actually be called [unknown]."

"The unknown is your power, your concept. All areas that can be covered by this word, whether they are really unexplored or most people's stupidity prevents them from setting foot in this area, are all available to you. With the space to maneuver around, you can allow your authority to take root in countless areas that are completely unrelated and unrelated."

"Of course, with this as the core, you also have other powers, and other abilities that you can operate and steal. The simple concept of [unknown] cannot explain all your power and authority, but this is already That’s the best answer I can give you.”

"I hope it satisfies you."


Although Tuchucha's words were not particularly large, they contained shocking content: at least the Virgo on the side was absolutely shocked, but in contrast, the Spider Queen still maintained a trustworthy silence and calmness.

No matter how big the waves were in Morgan's heart, on the surface, she did not neglect or delay her answer to the Tuchucha Engine at all. All her doubts and thoughts were temporarily sealed, in exchange for the perfect face of the Lord of the Second Legion.

[Of course, Tuchucha engine. 】

[I think we can go: by the way, let’s talk about my use of you. 】

"I know what you want me to do."

The sound of Tuchucha's engine seemed to emanate from pale lips, evoking a sense of viscerally disgusted elation.

"Blackstone Fortress."

"Believe me, they are not really difficult for me."

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