Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 65 62 Reading, getting beaten

Chapter 65 62. Study, get beaten

Endurance, corridor.



Hades, who had just finished training for the day, was walking silently in the gray-green corridor, his dull footsteps echoing silently in the long and narrow space.

Normally, he would be pushed back to the personal rest area by several veterans, but today, Hades chose to deliberately end the training early.

Hades wanted to take a moment to think about the information he had observed recently.

So he left early on the pretext of going to the Third Archives Room.

First of all, Hades was certain that he had been "chosen."

Even though the person who made the decision did not show up, Hades realized something from the increasing number of veterans who had gathered around him in the past few months.

Although some veterans simply wanted to beat him up, others looked at Hades with extremely complicated eyes.

After Hades knocked them down and exchanged a few brief greetings, they would show expressions of relief.

But when Hades deliberately turned around and asked them, he had another "I don't know anything" look on his face.

Hades was left pretending to be kind and ignorant.

Hades was speechless.

These veterans really don't know how to pretend.

Compared with those management veterans who keep their emotions in check, these veterans who fight every day are relatively simple.

Most of these mean veterans have a friendly attitude, and Hades silently classified them as moderates or neutrals.

Those who rushed up to beat him without saying a word were nine out of ten radicals.

Hades touched his nose, they were the ones who hit the hardest.

After these few months of hanging out with the veterans, Hades has finally figured out the factions and ideas of these veterans.

Most of them are neutrals. As long as Mortarion has enough personal ability and leads them to help the empire fight, then they will offer their loyalty.

Some of them are moderates. Some of these people are neutrals. They became moderates after they thought Mortarion was qualified. Some were impressed by the innate bond between the original body and his descendants.

The smallest proportion is the radicals, and these guys are ready to sacrifice in the next battle.

It was obvious that someone deliberately arranged for him to come into contact with these Terran veterans.

Someone also deliberately arranged for Vox to come into contact with Barbarus descendants from other companies.

Hades initially thought that this was Gallo's instruction, but later after he learned some of the history of the Seventh Company, Hades realized that Gallo would not be so public.

There is someone else behind Jialuo.

But this is beyond the reach of Hades currently.

That person's purpose was probably very simple, and Hades knew what he was thinking.

He is investing.

Hades couldn't help but want to frown again. If this was really the case, then he would have to find Mortarion again.

But lately he has been too preoccupied with training and hasn't paid much attention to Mortarion.

Another thing that makes Hades uneasy is that since the think tank broke out in the duel cage, this part of the news has been completely blocked.

Not a bit of news could escape.

Hades's daily behavior trajectory did not coincide with that of the think tank and the first company where Calastiphon was located, so he had no way to collect information.

No, he had to go find Mortarion.

But not yet.

Hades knew that the person who chose him behind his back was also observing every word and action of Hades.

He had to follow the daily routine arranged by the other party for a while.

After a while, if Hades meets his standards, he will probably come to Hades.

The enemy is in darkness and we are in the clear, and Hades doesn't want to alert the enemy because of his rashness to go to Mortarion.

He is waiting.

If the opponent takes the bait, Hades has a hunch that he can save some Terrans.

After weighing the pros and cons, Hades chose to wait.

It was still the time of the Great Crusade, all twenty-one Primarchs had not yet been found, and Chaos had not yet begun to corrupt the Legion.

Moreover, Mortarion's own extreme aversion to psychic powers and his extremely high vigilance, Hades felt that he should not fall into a trap so quickly, right?

Mortarion, I believe you, don't be reckless!

However, half of the control of the Legion is still with the First Company Captain Barazin. Hades believes that even if Mortarion is sometimes abnormal, Barazin must be a sane person.

There is also the think tank. Regarding this aspect, Hades really has no way to start at the moment.

He can't just run to the think tank and shout, "I'll help you," right?

Hades also beat up their think tank before, so the other party must have thought that he was here to cause trouble.

Is it possible that the Death Guard really wants to abolish the think tank in the future?

A sense of powerlessness and exhaustion really enveloped Hades's heart.

It seems that he has to go to Mortarion to talk about this matter.

However, a ticking sound interrupted Hades' thoughts.

In the empty corridor, a mechanical sage walked slowly from the opposite side.

The scarlet robe was draped over the bowed body as if it was bent into a broken body. Mechanical legs made of cables stretched out from under the robe. The mechanical sage constantly changed his steps and moved slowly in the corridor.


Is it the mechanical sage from the Mars transport ship?

Or alone?

This road can also lead to the foundry hall, but the path is quite complicated and winding around.

Lost your way? Can a mechanical sage still get lost? ? ?

The distance between them is getting closer——

Hades kept his pace and quickly passed by the sage.

The ticking sound gradually faded away.

Maybe I was too worried.

Hades continued to keep moving forward. He should hurry to the third archive room to return the book.

He held a copy of "Urshi Chronicle" in his hand. Since borrowing it a few months ago, Hades has not returned the book.

It's not his fault. He has been beaten every day these days, so his reading speed has naturally slowed down.

"Urshi Chronicle", this book records the history of the Terra Caucasus region, the rise of those warlords, the establishment of the local parliament, wars, games, and-


It records a large number of cases of psychics using witchcraft.

Those howling native wizards, those bloody sacrifices, those shamans whose bodies are torn apart and ominous things crawl out of their brains.

This book describes these evil and blasphemous witchcraft with a very detailed and exaggerated brushstroke.

Hades still remembers the first time he saw the description of witchcraft in this book, he stared at the pages in a daze.

Isn't this chaos? ! ! !

Is that a demon? ? ! !

As a time traveler, Hades knew without a doubt that what was described here was the chaos of the subspace.

That historian, that historian, he recommended this book to Hades? !

Hades' scalp was numb.

Although half of his brain had no scalp.

But Hades suddenly recalled the conversation between the historian and him. When recommending this book, he said,

"Although this book is a history book, it can be read as a novel. We historians sneer at the fantasy descriptions in this book."

Hades initially referred to the magical descriptions of personal heroism, but it turned out to be psychic power? !

Hades quickly walked into the third archive room.

Sure enough, the historian was not here.

Happy reading (≧▽≦)

By the way, this "Chronicle of Urshi" is the one that Loken reads in the original book!

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