Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 79 Watching Everything Will Only Hurt Yourself

The assault ship broke into the core area of ​​​​the Homan family!

After receiving the report, Ron in the cabin breathed a sigh of relief.

The Homan family's air defense network is very tight, and the ship's shield just now almost failed to hold up.

Fortunately, I still came in.

Now, follow-up plans can be executed.

Ron closed his eyes and activated his psionic induction with all his strength.


The subtle psychic energy fluctuations centered on Ron, quickly spread to the surroundings, and drifted farther away.

Then it gradually spread until it covered the entire core area of ​​the Homan family.

With the complete coverage of psychic induction, a massive amount of information poured into his mind.

Ron could feel the traces of chaos all over the area. People were wailing in pain and praying desperately.

They prayed for the blessing of His Majesty the God-Emperor.

But this place has been isolated.

All people's prayers are heard by the inexplicable existence, and then they accept the call!

Too many, and the place has been covered in deep darkness.

Ron didn't have time to sigh, he carefully eliminated the interference, and his shrinking psychic sense followed the traces to the place where the chaos was thickest.

The traces of chaos are becoming clearer and thicker.

He knew clearly that he was close to finding the source of the chaotic power.

Ron controlled the psychic energy to reach the top of a dilapidated building and sneaked in through the secret entrance.

Finally, we came to a huge underground secret laboratory.

There are more than a dozen huge glass cylindrical petri dishes here, and inside are all kinds of deformed chaos monsters.

Continuing to go deeper, he finally saw the target of this operation!

It was a giant petri dish about ten meters high, and inside was a deformed woman.

Her upper body and lower limbs were as thin as dry wood, but her belly swelled into a huge meat ball several meters in diameter, with countless dark eyes on it.

The meat ball was a huge uterus, with a black shadow inside that was constantly squirming, as if it was already alive.

The fetal movement is so obvious, it seems that the "new baby" is about to be born!

Then, Ron noticed that the things in this petri dish seemed to have a weak connection with a certain existence.

He subconsciously controlled his spiritual energy and continued to explore along the weak thread.

Damn it!

The moment he continued to explore deeper, Ron's hair stood on end, his scalp was almost blown off, and his whole body felt chilly.

He used all his strength to "brake" the spiritual energy and did not dare to make any more movements.

Because he "saw" a huge black shadow behind the huge petri dish.

It was an unpredictable existence floating in mid-air.

His head and body are one, with two huge indescribable tentacles growing on his head, and his skin is covered with different changing faces.

The moment he "saw" him, Ron seemed to be stared at by countless eyes, and everything was seen through.

Fortunately, there was no movement from that terrifying existence, or it could be said that he was not interested in him.

Seeing that the terrifying existence made no move, Ron controlled his spiritual energy and slowly retreated.

It wasn't until he exited the laboratory that he turned around and flew as fast as he could back into his body.


Ron's eyes opened suddenly, his heart beating violently, and his whole body was covered in cold sweat.

Sure enough, looking at everything will only harm yourself.

So scary!

I'm afraid that guy is not Tzeentch.

Tzeentch is the most cunning and changeable evil god among the four gods of Chaos. He symbolizes twisted wisdom and likes endless calculations and conspiracies.

He is good at creating chaos, and his followers are often intellectuals who crave wisdom or nobles who are full of ambition.

Ron sighed a little. Not long after coming to Warhammer 40K, he got to know the two great Chaos Evil Gods, Slaanesh and Tzeentch.

Of course, he knew the two Chaos Evil Gods, but the two Evil Gods did not know him.

If the evil god knew him and knew his name, then that would be fine, he could just wipe his neck and burp his ass.

But to be honest, in that case, wiping your own neck would probably be useless.

If he was really watched by the Chaos Evil God in reality, the box would be opened.

With his current strength, there is a high probability that he will be manipulated and completely corrupted.

Fortunately, my spiritual power "braked" in time, so that it did not lead to more terrible consequences.

But Ron still couldn't help but think about that last scene, and the more he thought about it, the more guilty he became.

He seemed to be smiling to himself?

Did He see Himself?

Fortunately, Ron suppressed the constant stream of terrible suspicions in time.

What are you afraid of, at least you have someone to back you up.

He was really in a hurry. The worst he could do was go hide with the God Emperor.

The top priority is to get rid of that damn thing in the laboratory!

Ron immediately had someone send the location of the secret laboratory to the special combat forces.

At the same time, the assault ship he was on also turned around suddenly and accelerated towards the secret laboratory.

When Ron's assault ship first arrived at the location of the secret laboratory, several more assault ships broke through the air defense network and arrived with the help of bait planes.

Ron, wearing golden power armor and holding a power sword, was the first to jump from the cabin to the ground.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Carter, dozens of guards jumped to the ground one after another and guarded Ron.

The battle begins!

Ron and the guards rushed towards the building where the laboratory was located.

Soon, several groups of the Homan Family's Cyborg Guards arrived.

They lined up in silence and raised their guns.


As soon as the guard sergeant raised his command sword, his head exploded like a watermelon.

Just now, Ron pulled out the golden bolt pistol inlaid with Grant's golden lion logo and shot the sergeant in the head.

He inserted the golden bolt pistol back into his waist and raised his hand in a wave.

The Guardsmen immediately took a step forward, raised their bolters and fired at the Horman Family Guards in front.


Bolt guns roared instantly, and blood mist continued to erupt within the ranks of the guards.

The cyborgs were so torn apart by bolter and rocket-propelled ammunition that they were barely intact.

This is the cornerstone of the Grant family’s maintenance of rule, the Governor’s war angel—the Praetorian Guard!

After dealing with the Cyborg Guards, Ron led the guards and cleared out all enemies who dared to block the way.

Then enter the building, break through several obstacles along the way, and attack the depths of the secret laboratory...

The cultivation area of ​​the secret laboratory.

The experimenters nervously put all kinds of flesh and blood into the pool and performed the final sacrificial ceremony.

Yousef looked at the twisted flesh ball in the giant petri dish, and the fetal movement became more and more intense.

In a little while, the true heir of the great Lord of Ten Thousand Eyes will come to this world!

That will be a terrible weapon that decides everything.

Everyone will tremble in front of the extremely powerful power given by the Lord of Ten Thousand Eyes.

Gradually, Yousef heard gunfire and screams coming from the peripheral area of ​​the laboratory, but he did not panic at all.

He knew that the incompetent Ron was here.

He had been waiting for this moment for a long time!

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