Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 5 Authentic Gold Finger: The Essence of Subspace

"His Majesty the God Emperor?"

Ron tried calling, but the cold sun still didn't respond.

After staying for a while, he noticed something was wrong.

Where are my hands and feet?

Where is my body?

He can't feel his body anymore!

Ron tried to conduct a spiritual investigation and discovered a surprising fact.

He turned into a ball!

To be precise, he turned into a little sun made of psychic energy.

At this moment, he was hiding under the light of the God-Emperor's great icy sun, slowly dissipating heat, bringing a touch of warmth to the cold subspace.

A huge amount of psychic information poured into Ron's mind.

After absorbing that information, he understood what the little sun was and completely controlled it.

This little sun-like psychic sphere is his warp essence, something that the strong men in the Warhammer world covet.

Simply put, the essence of subspace is the projection of living things in subspace. In other words, "What is the essence of your existence?"

Not everyone can possess this thing, at least a creature of the original body level can awaken it.

For example, after one of the Primarchs, Corvus Corax, the Raven King, awakened to the essence of the warp, he became a shadow creature of the warp.

Can transform into crows and black clouds, and has the ability to become invisible.

Once the essence of subspace is awakened, the level of life will rise higher and higher, becoming a being close to the gods.

Further up is the level of the Emperor, the icy sun in front of you.

His brilliance protects the entire human empire and is enough to resist the four gods of chaos!

Now Ron has also awakened to the essence of subspace and obtained the ladder to ascend to the gods. This is his real golden finger!

The essence of the subspace is called Dawn, but he prefers to call it the Little Sun.

The little sun rescued Ron from the palace of Slaanesh and gave him the power to become a psyker.

These are enough to prove the power of the little sun.

But this also caused the little sun to consume too much energy and become extremely weak.

Even a trace of subspace storm may destroy it.

Fortunately, there is still a possibility of recovery.

The Little Sun, like the four Chaos Gods Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, and Slaanesh, feeds on certain concepts or emotions.

Unlike the Four Gods of Chaos, the Little Sun feeds more on positive emotions, and the concepts it feeds on are hope.

For example, happiness, ideals, wishes, courage, passion, etc. can all restore the ability of the little sun.

Ron can split the psychic core and let it station in reality as an anchor, allowing the little sun to absorb concepts and emotions related to hope.

He is the planetary governor of Erth and has the authority to rule an entire planet.

As long as he develops the planet well and improves the lives of his people, his little sun can continue to absorb the power of hope, regain its strength, and become even stronger.

When the little sun becomes powerful, it can feed back the planet, protect the people under its rule, bless them, and give them strength!

This is Ron's real confidence. As long as there is enough time, he can continue to expand his territory and absorb more power of hope.

He can even ascend to the level of god!

Ron studied the little sun's abilities and found that many of its abilities were closed.

For example, blessings, teleportation, etc. require energy to be restored to a certain level before they can be unlocked.

Just as Ron was preparing to conduct further research, another wave of psychic energy invaded and kicked him out of the subspace.


early morning.

The top of the tower in Wangting District.

Warm sunlight is projected into the bedroom through the colored windows, and the maids are waiting not far away, waiting for the master to wake up.

Damn it!

Ron woke up suddenly and found that he had returned to the real world.

He calmed down and looked at the clock. It was already ten o'clock in the morning.

The concept of time in subspace is really confusing. He only stayed in subspace for a short while, but so much time has passed in reality.

And this time it was the psychic tide that kicked him out again. It seemed that there was a limit to how long he could stay in the subspace.

Ron was a little disappointed. He was about to try out Little Sun's ability, but he was interrupted at the critical moment.

It seems I can only continue next time.

"Good morning~"

The gentle voice of the head maid Linda came. She took the hot towel and gently wiped Ron's face.

Ron washed and changed clothes under the service of the maids, and stumbled all the way to the dining room, where a sumptuous breakfast was placed on the table.

The pure gold tableware reflected the light under the crystal lamp, and various delicacies were placed on the gold plate.

The golden waffles are slathered with sweet arkberry jam; the tender Grox ham exudes an alluring aroma; and the scrambled eggs are as smooth as silk and dotted with dried lobos.

The rich and fragrant smell of black coffee penetrates the nose, making people feel refreshed.

Ron woke up and looked at such a luxurious meal and couldn't help but sigh.

Fortunately, his soul passed through Ron Grant and became the planetary governor, so he could enjoy a luxurious life at the top of the hive.

He can sleep until he wakes up naturally, be served by a bunch of beautiful women, and then eat a hearty breakfast comfortably.

No commuting, no need to rush for time, no need to clock in to work every day and have to be caught by your supervisor!

The workers were in tears!

If Ron's soul traveled to the lower nest, he would have been driving screws in the factory until it was smoking, and he would not be able to eat a small piece of corpse starch until noon.

Forget about taking a lunch break.

The workers of the empire have no human rights and are a hundred times more cruel than 996. Many workers died in endless toil.

But the empire has never worried about workers dying of exhaustion. After all, those jobs are done by people, and a hive city can feed tens of billions of people!

As for the soul traveling to the bottom nest, Ron didn't dare to think about it. The scum living in the bottom nest would have to face terrible pollution and terrifying mutants.

They eat spoiled food pulled from the garbage dump, and they are happy if they can keep breathing.

The lives of the people living in the Bottom Nest and the Lower Nest are indeed miserable. Fortunately, their current planetary governor is Ron.

After obtaining the subspace essence - the Little Sun, which is nourished by the power of hope, he is destined to become a good governor who loves his people like a son.

He wants all his people to live a good life!

After all, the happiness and hope of the people are Ron's nourishment.

The better off they are, the more hope they generate.

In this way, he can restore the energy of the little sun and become powerful.

"Mr. Governor, is it delicious?"

Linda, the head maid, came to Ron and leaned over to feed him: "Is this made by someone else?"

"So white...ahem, delicious, delicious!"

Ron nodded hurriedly while eating, but the jumping rabbit somewhat occupied his attention.

After breakfast, Ron lay back on his chair and began to think about how to manage his own planet.

Now he knows almost nothing about the situation on the planet Erth, and he has not even participated in the management of specific affairs.

There are hundreds of thousands of administrative staff in the Royal Court District, managing the complex affairs of the planet, but Ron has almost never seen them.

These complicated matters were all handled by Governor Bayev's political affairs team.

This is also how most planetary governors handle matters, otherwise they will be overwhelmed by endless government affairs until they die of exhaustion.

Ron only needs to make some important decisions, and the general manager and political staff below will follow his will and realize his ideas.

Rights and obligations are consistent and inseparable.

As the planetary governor, he has great rights, so what are his obligations?

What is his most important responsibility?

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