Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 340: The Empire's Support, Three Barrels' Suicide Mission

Regent Guilliman issued an order to support Baal.

Led by Macragge's Glory, a huge support fleet is gathering in the void, including hundreds of large ships and many battle groups.

That is nearly half of the strength of the Indomitable Expedition Second Fleet.

Loaded with Imperial troops.

The most powerful force among them is the enhanced version of the Space Marine - the Primaris Space Marine - that has been studied by the great sage Belisarius Caul for nearly ten thousand years.

There are tens of thousands of them.

These Primaris Space Marines are taller, stronger, more capable, and more loyal!

The Regent believed that this force would be well-equipped to handle Baal's war.

Give the Tyranids a powerful counterattack!


The Indomitus Expedition support fleet is ready to go...

Regent's Sanctuary Study.

A bookcase hundreds of meters high stands quietly, light shines from above the glazed dome, and the fine dust in the air slowly falls in this soft light.

Felix, the equerry, walked in, trying his best to control his pace and making almost no sound.

He knew that the Primarch liked silence.

What didn't match the pace of his movements was the three-meter-tall body, set against the blue gold-embellished armor.

It looks extraordinary.

Felix was one of the first Primaris Space Marines successfully transformed by Archmagos Caul.

As early as 10,000 years ago, shortly after the Horus Heresy ended, he was sent to Mars as an excellent candidate to participate in experiments with Primaris transformation technology.

Within ten thousand standard Terra years thereafter.

This warrior spends his time in a state of suspended animation in cryo-sleep, undergoing complex experiments, during which he will be awakened for further hypnotic indoctrination to ensure his loyalty.

All Felix endured was not in vain, and the Primaris transformation of his body was successful.

What's more.

His genetic father, Robert Guilliman, the Primarch of the Ultramarines, returned, allowing the Primaris to see the light of day again.


Pherax participated in the Indomitus Crusade, performed outstandingly in the war, and was appreciated by the Primarch.

Became the esquire of the Primarch.

Not only that.

The Primarch himself also broke the restrictions set by himself in the Codex Astartes and founded the 11th Company of the Ultramarines, naming him its Captain.

Such a gift cannot be said to be profound.

Felix strives to fulfill his responsibilities and hopes that he can bear this gift.

The regent noticed the footsteps of the visitor. He put down the documents and raised his head: "Felix, have you found the route to Baal?"

"My Lord, the think tanks have found a passage that can be passed, but they have also issued a warning..."

Felix said softly:

"They say that such a large-scale passage is likely to attract the attention of the warp abominations."

"We have been under the watchful eye of Chaos. Those evil gods and my fallen brothers want to attack me and take my life all the time."

The regent thought for a while and made a decision: "We can't delay any longer, let the support fleet set off!"

Baal is one of the nexus of the dark side and cannot be left untouched.

If it continues to be delayed.

They might miss the Battle of Baal, causing even more unpredictable consequences.

"Yes, Lord."

Felix nodded and immediately sent an order to set sail to the support fleet.

After a while.

The light in the sanctuary study became slightly darker, the glazed sky was also covered with armor, and slight vibrations could be felt around it.

There is no doubt about it.

The Macragge's Glory and the support fleet have entered the subspace.

Guilliman gathered the documents and stood up, walking towards the study path: "Felix, come with me for a walk..."

Many things cannot be seen from the documents.

He needs to communicate more with his subordinates to obtain more detailed information.

The attendant straightened his body, feeling proud and a little nervous:

"Yes, my lord!"

Guilliman's big hand patted the squire's shoulder, making him stiffen.

See this.

He had no choice but to take back his hand and said as gently as possible:

"When you face me, don't always be tense, and don't have too much blind worship of me. You must treat me as a living person.

There are no gods in this universe, they are just entities with more power.

Including my father, the emperor of the empire..."

The Prince Regent always took pains to emphasize this point to prevent his subordinates from blindly worshiping him.

He wants to be a living person.

Instead of being put on a god's level like that father.

Bearing the pain of faith.


He has felt the presence of more faith recently, and there is no doubt that the blind worship of him by the people below has deepened.

"It's really troublesome. I don't know how Brother Ron copes with all this..." Guilliman thought.

The Prince Regent took Felix on a walk on the trail, and like a breath of fresh air, asked about the situation within some war groups and the army, as well as Felix's views on some issues.

He quite liked this form of conversation.

Although this will inevitably cause some pressure on the person he is talking to.


As Guilliman and Felix were walking, the light source became unstable.

Light pink gray fog filled the air, and candlelight flickered.

On the trail not far ahead.

A gorgeous shadow gradually became solid, with fair skin, exquisite makeup, and a long snake tail coiled and swaying.

"Lord, be careful!"

Felix immediately drew his power sword and ignited the disintegration field alert.

"My good brother."

The slightly shrill voice of the former Imperial Phoenix and Fallen Primarch appeared, and he licked his sharp tongue: "Finally I caught you, maybe we can have a good time..."

He had been planning for a long time before he had the chance to intercept Guilliman here.

The words just fell.

The entire ship shook violently, and the Regent's communication channel continued to receive warnings of attacks.


The Sea of ​​Souls roared and churned, the waves of the Warp pushing the supporting fleet deeper.

causing its course to deviate.

In that wave, groups of hungry demons launched attacks on the fleet!


The biggest threat is the fallen original body in front of us.

Guilliman motioned for Felix to step back. Such a scene was not something that the squire could handle.

He looked at Fulgen, who had been corrupted beyond recognition and was full of evil spirits. His eyes were filled with anger and a hint of heartache: "How dare you appear in front of me? Look what you have become!"

"Isn't this bad?"

Fulgan twisted his body and sneered: "When you enjoy this joy, you will know how wonderful it is. Your loyalty is so blind, and what I pursue is higher art and perfection! "

He drew the Blade of Ral.

The poisonous sting that killed Guilliman.

Fulgrim mocked: "Look at what you look like now, you are just a corpse relying on alien machinery to survive. Or I can help you die. Come and continue our duel and let all this come to an end!"

After thousands of years, he challenged Guilliman to a duel again, confident that he could kill him again.


Guilliman ignored the sarcasm and ignited the flames of the Emperor's Sword.

He assumed a fighting stance.

He let out a long sigh: "If father sees your ugly appearance, he will never let you go!"

Hear the words.

Fulgan's pupils shrank, showing a hint of fear.

But then he felt annoyed at his fear of being in front of Guilliman.

He shouted:

"The cursed person has turned into withered bones and cannot move. Sooner or later, I will dismantle his bones and throw them into the devil's abyss to be desecrated by the banshees!"

Although Fulgrim was a little afraid of that father.

But here is the depth of subspace, and the opponent is already half-dead, so there is no way to spread influence here.


As soon as he finished speaking, some kind of fluctuation occurred in the subspace, and the shrill howls of the demons were heard.

Fulgrim felt even deeper.

He seemed to have seen something extremely frightening, and even his voice returned to that of a man: "No...impossible!"

The fallen primarch became frightened and completely lost the courage to stay here. He turned around and fled like a bereaved dog, hastily diving into the pink mist.

Only a shrill scream was left, as if being dragged away by something:

"Father... don't!"


The trail returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

at the same time.

Macragge's Glory also became stable.

The sudden change made Guilliman unable to react. He thought he was about to experience a fierce battle.

Unexpectedly, the fallen brother ran away like that.

"The Emperor is above, He has protected us..."

Don't know when.

Felix knelt on the ground and prayed to the emperor slightly fanatically, with a hint of disbelief in his voice.

Guilliman felt helpless.

The father seemed to have done something again and appeared here, but he couldn't seem to feel it.

"Felix, get up. My father, the emperor, doesn't like anyone to kneel down and worship him. We don't need to worship anyone!"

He forcefully asked the attendant to get up.

After Felix obeyed the order and stood up, he told the sacred experience that had just happened:

He saw a tall figure in the hazy golden light.

That was undoubtedly the great Emperor.

It was He who drove away the evil in the subspace and blessed the support fleet!


Many witness reports came in. Some people saw the emperor with wings on his back, some saw the golden sun, or a tall warrior in golden armor.

Everyone claimed that he was the great emperor.

Others saw the golden Emperor angrily beating a weeping female demon with a snake tail.

Some think tanks have seen a richer picture or symbol:

In the tide of subspace, the demons tried to capsize our ships and devour people's souls, but the golden angels, saints and many golden walls blocked all evil spirits back.


Guilliman walked to an observation window in the sanctuary and opened the outer armor.


He saw a strange phenomenon.

In the chaotic subspace, a road formed by golden light was paved in front of the fleet, guiding the fleet forward.

His father expelled the demons blocking the fleet, allowing him to support Baal and the Ron brothers more quickly.

That certainly surprised the regent, but it also gave him a headache.

this incident.

The entire fleet saw too many magical phenomena, which shattered the atheism he had promoted for a long time.

He didn't know what to do to turn it all around.


Guilliman sighed: "Don't you hate others seeing you as a god? Why do you create so many confusing images?"

If Roan were here, he could explain these phenomena.

That was not voluntary.

It was the spontaneous effect of using the energy of faith, which caused believers to see different phantoms of the objects of worship in their hearts.

In general, it was the fault of the warp.

This idealistic place that science cannot explain can always affect people's spirits.


The Regent temporarily put this matter behind him.

There was a bigger trouble ahead.

Due to the interference of the demons, they deviated from the scheduled route and got lost in the depths of the warp.

This seriously delayed their arrival time.


There was still a glimmer of hope for recovery.

The Indomitable Expedition Support Fleet gathered the warships that were hit, collectively adjusted their course, and then followed the direction indicated by the golden light.

Continue to go to the Baal system.

While the Regent led the fleet to support Baal.

Holy Terra also received the corresponding order.

After the meeting, the high lords also sent out many star messages and contacted all the Space Marines that could be contacted.

They hoped that they could send troops to Baal to participate in the battle.

There was no other way.

The previous battle in the Hades Galaxy had consumed all the mortal troops that could reach the nearby area.

Currently, only the Space Marines can move faster in the dark side or break through the blockade of the Tyranid Shadow.

Under the call of the Regent and Holy Terra.

Many regiments with spare strength have sent troops to support Baal.

Near the Baal Galaxy.


A shabby ship with a mottled green paint slowly stopped, and its iconic regiment star symbol flickered under the light of the stars.

That was the battle barge of the People's Sons.

Inside the cabin.

A wanted poster for Space Marines was nailed to the wall.

There is a portrait of a wanted heretic on it: the warrior is not wearing a helmet, with a smile on his slightly fat face, and carrying two bottles of red wine.

This is the only picture left by the monitoring equipment at the crime scene.

According to the information on the wanted order.

This daring Space Marine is called Santong.

Of course, he has many other names, such as the shame of the human empire, the great heretic, the glutton who goes to the kitchen eight times a day, etc.

This guy's life can be described as a legend.

According to the memories of a collector who is also very disdainful, Traxin.

Santong was born somewhere outside the Holy Terra Palace.

His father served in the Star Army for a long time and survived. He even mistakenly mixed up the files with the son of another senior Terra official.

As a result, he got a job as an editor in the palace, which made the family class leap in one fell swoop, becoming a senior tool man of Holy Terra and an elite class person in the eyes of the poor.

Santong himself is also lucky enough.

When he was 14 years old, he accidentally entered a brothel controlled by Genestealers.

Unfortunately, he was kicked out because he had no money, but fortunately he met the Ministry of Justice who came to raid.


Santong suddenly reported the brothel, which led to a fierce exchange of fire. During the exchange of fire, he got excited and picked up the hot melt to kill a Genestealer.

He saved a member of the Ministry of Justice.

This feat was noticed by the servants of a certain Space Marine Chapter, who recommended him to a chapter he didn't want to mention, and received genetic modification surgery there.

He also awakened his psychic power.

At the beginning.

Santong's powerful psychic potential delighted the think tanks of the chapter, and even predicted that he had the ability to become the chief.

But for more than ten years, he only learned to form a barrier that could protect himself with his terrifying psychic power.

Apart from that, he could not do anything.

This completely dashed the hopes of the think tanks.


Because of his amazing passion for eating and his ability to lead people astray, Santong did a lot of shitty things.

The chapter was ashamed to mention his name, and even excluded him from the battle formation.

Let him fend for himself.

This was a kind act. The chapter did not judge him, which was a great forgiveness.

But Santong was not without progress and achievements.

In a certain battle, he used psychic power to resist the attack in extreme anger and saved a moon-class cruiser.

He saved the STC fragments that were regarded as treasures by the Mechanicus.

This feat earned him a generous reward from the Mechanicus and an exaggerated title - the human void shield.

After that.

Santong went around and had intersections with many chapters.

For example, Space Wolves, Salamanders, etc.

He even stayed in the Salamanders and fought with them for four years.

When Santong returned to the chapter monastery after wandering around for several years, he was sadly discovered that he had become the last Space Marine of the chapter.

The other battle brothers died in the war with the Necrons.

This made the entire chapter virtually useless, with almost no assets left.

This made Santong sad.

Later, he learned from his mistakes and decided to reorganize the chapter according to the Holy Code to restore the glory of the chapter.

But unfortunately.

Due to the bad reputation of the Three Barrels, he was not allowed to continue using the name of the original regiment, so as not to tarnish the sacredness.


He had to change a new name, that is, the Son of the People.

After the Three Barrels reorganized the regiment, they worked hard to develop some space warriors, but most of the time, they were in a state of poverty.

They did not get any resource support from the Ministry of the Interior.

For this reason.

He had to lead the warriors to make a living on their own and do some gray activities.

For example, disguising the equipment of the regiment as Salamander products, and then selling them on the black market at a high price;

Selling objects stolen from orc pirates to some governors, and then threatening to report to the Inquisition that the governor holds heretical creations, extorting money and manpower;

Claiming that an important STC appeared somewhere, luring many Mechanicus factions to compete for it, and engaging in a fierce war with the Space Death Dynasty. Afterwards, the oil men found that the STC could only make some kind of silicone blasphemous items.

These actions triggered the Inquisition's severe investigation of the Three Barrels, but nothing was found.

The most recent one.

Santong sneaked into the treasury of a certain high lord and stole a lot of priceless red wine.

This also completely angered the high lord, who issued a wanted order for him and prepared to investigate this notorious war group.

Give severe punishment.


Santong had already fled with his warriors in his broken ship.


They still did not escape the pursuit of the Inquisition, because the one who shot was the famous madman, the high-level Inquisitor-Greyfax.

She chased Santong all the way to the dark side of the empire and finally intercepted him.

At this moment.

Greyfax's finely crafted explosive crossbow was against Santong's head.

More importantly, the warship of the Inquisition had already aimed at this broken ship that was almost falling apart.

"Sir Greyfax, can you let me finish this glass of red wine first?"

Santong held the glass of precious red wine, wanting to cry but without tears.

The soldiers around them quickly drank up the red wine in their glasses, fearing that the conflict would ruin these delicacies.

These guys have been suffering for many years and are already poor.


The fine crossbow smashed Santong's wine glass, and the precious red wine splashed on his face.

Of course.

Santong did not resist, let alone explode to kill people. On the one hand, the warships of the Inquisition were watching him, and on the other hand, he would not betray the Empire.

Although he was doing some gray things, his heart was always loyal to the Empire!

Greyfax sneered and announced the trial of Santong and others by the Inquisition.

They were sentenced to perform combat missions in Baal to resist the Tyranids. During the period, they were not allowed to retreat until the last person fell or the war ended!

This was already a kind of forgiveness.

If the Battle of Baal did not need warriors, they would face more severe punishment.

Santong and other warriors accepted the trial.

Of course.

This does not mean that they pleaded guilty, but that Baal needed them.

After that.

The battle barge of the Son of Man set sail again and headed for the Baal galaxy.


Dream, Sanctuary of the Savior.

"Why is there no signal? Did we enter the turbulent zone of the subspace?"

Ron used a special psychic communication device to contact the Regent, preparing to ask about the time of his arrival so as to further plan the battle plan to resist Leviathan in Baal.

But he found that he could not contact the other party.


Ron sensed the huge fluctuations of the subspace...

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