Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 29 The Governor’s Speech

Under Deville's order, the corpse collectors of the Logistics Department continued to act.

They skillfully dragged away the corpses one after another, packed them, and threw them into the corpse transport truck.

Soon, another young soldier couldn't hold on and passed out completely.

Seeing this, the body collector came over, opened the body bag, and dragged the person away.

However, he was blocked.

"Please, my son's injury is not serious, a medical needle can save him!"

The gray-haired old soldier hugged his son hard to prevent the body collector from dragging him away.

But his expectations are doomed to fail, because in today's situation, even the lowest level of treatment needles are more precious than the lives of these defense forces.

The black-armored soldiers immediately gathered around, and the alarm on their bodies emitted a cold electronic sound: "Warning! No one is allowed to interfere with the collection activities of the Logistics Department!"

"Please stay away from the protein source immediately and retreat to a safe distance, otherwise you will be executed on the spot!"

The old soldier seemed not to have heard the warning and begged feebly: "Please, don't take my son away... Can I take his place? Please..."

The black-armored soldier turned a deaf ear, because there were too many such things.

According to their disciplinary code, they cannot show any mercy and must maintain the protein collection work of the logistics department by any means.

If they violate the rules, they themselves will be executed!

Deville looked at the scene before him calmly, with almost no emotional fluctuations.

He has been in charge of this job for three years, and his heart has already become as hard as iron.

These days, the Logistics Department has been working hard to ensure the supply of materials to each district.

They have no rest time.

Several administrative staff even died of exhaustion.

What Deville saw at this moment was not a living person or a corpse, but pure protein that was enough to make dozens of pieces of corpse starch!

With these, we can extend the lives of more laborers and prevent them from starving to death.

The rule of the Royal Court District can continue to be maintained, and chaos and riots will be controlled within a certain range.

This may be a bit cruel, but it's all about survival!

Moreover, the Logistics Department has been tolerant enough to these refugees.

The Homan family and those bastards from the war gang had long started to randomly select areas by drawing lots for killing to ensure the supply of protein.

As for Xiachao, which is ruled by the followers of the evil god, it is even more of a purgatory on earth!

This is the brutal Warhammer 40K!

The black-armored soldiers raised their guns and aimed at the old soldier and his son.

"Last warning, execution will be carried out!"

Seeing everything, the surrounding soldiers' faces were red and their hands were holding guns tightly.

They just couldn't take it anymore.

On the other side, Keith saw the decisive look in Ari's eyes, and he knew that he could no longer persuade this old man.

He nodded, preparing to cooperate with the other party's attack.

The entire position is like a volcano about to erupt!

Deville was under the protection of a black-armored shield guard. He also felt the atmosphere, but had no intention of stopping it.

The law must be resolutely enforced without any exceptions!

If the mouth is opened, people will lose their respect for the law and everything will collapse.

The Wangting District will lose its majesty, which will lead to even more terrible consequences!

Besides, such riots happened not just once or twice.

Because only dead people will produce more protein.

This may be the real purpose of the big shots in the logistics department.

He just stopped it once, and it was already the end of his kindness.

The only thing he can do now is to resolutely execute it!

Dedicate all your loyalty to the Governor!


That was the sound of the gun safety opening.

Everyone held their breath and prepared for the bloody moment!


The noise of the electronic loudspeaker sounded: "Warning, all units below immediately put down their weapons, otherwise it will be regarded as a betrayal of the Wangting District!"

The black gold assault ship with flashing red warning lights floated in front of everyone, and the loudspeakers on the ship continued to play warnings.

At the same time, two heavy artillery were aimed at the people below.

"All units below immediately put down their weapons, otherwise it will be regarded as a betrayal of the Wangting District..."

At this moment, everyone in the logistics department was confused.

Why does one's own assault ship aim its artillery at itself?

When Deville saw the golden lion logo on the assault ship, he immediately reacted and ordered the black-armored soldiers to put down their weapons!

"Everyone put down their weapons immediately, that's the spaceship coming from the top of the tower!"


Lord Governor!

The long-standing awe caused the personnel in the logistics department to immediately put down their weapons and stand upright facing the assault ship.

Seeing this, the soldiers also put down their weapons, their eyes full of fear.

Ari and Keith also looked nervously at the assault ship in mid-air.

Everyone seemed to be waiting for the verdict of fate.

Finally, the assault ship from the top of the tower stopped warning, and the loudspeaker announced something new.

"The great Governor Ron Grant has declared that Title IX of the Protein Collection Code has been repealed and no protein from any living person is allowed to be collected...

All logistics personnel immediately stopped using violence and assisted in rescuing the injured.

After the mission is over, gather and return to the logistics department to receive new missions and training! "

One content after another was announced.

The sudden change impacted everyone's original concepts.

Especially the staff in the logistics department were stunned.

The electronic sound of the assault ship's loudspeaker paused for a moment before continuing to announce.

"Please keep quiet for the following content, otherwise it will be a serious betrayal of the Royal Court!

The great and benevolent Lord Ron Grant will give a speech!"

Everyone couldn't help holding their breath when they heard it.

Deville even straightened his manners and listened to the Governor's teachings with the most respectful manners.


Ron's recording audio was played, and his tone was serious: "


I am Ron Grant.

You have defended the Royal Court and made outstanding contributions!

I would like to express my respect to all the soldiers of the defense army!

At the same time, I feel deeply guilty.

Because you have not been treated as you deserve!

I promise all of you that your efforts will be reasonably rewarded in the future, and your contributions will be honored as they should be!

The rescue team will arrive soon, and the Royal Court will do its best to rescue every soldier, and no one will be abandoned!

The Royal Court will be with you!"

After the recording ended, the assault ship flew back to the sky, gathered with several other assault ships that had completed their missions, and returned to the top of the Royal Court together.

At this time, the rescue team's hovercraft had also arrived.

Rescue workers rushed down to help the injured soldiers.

The old soldier held his son and begged for help.

The rescue workers injected his son with precious treatment needles.

Under the effect of the treatment needle, the old soldier's son's breathing calmed down and he was completely out of danger.

Seeing this, the old soldier relaxed.

He thought of something, and knelt down in the direction of the assault ship, crying loudly: "Governor!"

The soldiers were brewing emotions in their chests, with tears in their eyes.

For a long time, these refugees from the lower nest were regarded as insects and did not receive any recognition.

The only value was to fill the battlefield with their lives.

They lived in a lowly way and died in a humble way. No one knew and no one praised them.

Their lives had no meaning at all.

But today, they have been recognized by the most noble people on this planet.

They are heroes!

Yarui was a little excited and pushed Keith next to him: "Did you hear that? The Governor said we are heroes. Let's see if that damn logistics department dares to embarrass us again in the future!"

Looking at the expressions of the crowd, Keith curled his lips but dared not say anything.

The staff of the logistics department looked at each other and suddenly didn't know what to do.

They looked at Deville.

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