Ron looked at Bishop Donnie cautiously: "Your Excellency, if you have anything to do, just tell me."

Bishop Doni's attitude became more and more enthusiastic: "Sir Governor, the icon of His Majesty the God needs to be repaired. The church's manpower and materials cannot complete the work, and we need your help..."

The icon of the God-Emperor was damaged by heretics, and the Church was unable to repair it.

He was deeply ashamed of this. What a blasphemy!

Repairing the 100-meter-high statue of the God-Emperor requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

But now the entire Shangchao is in an extremely difficult period, and all kinds of material reserves and even food are in short supply.

At this time, no one in power has the heart to worry about such a thankless thing.

The church has repeatedly requested help from Wangting District, but has been rejected.

There is nothing the church can do about it.

Under the influence of the subspace storm, the star torch in the Goli sector has been extinguished.

The radiance of the God-Emperor could not shine into the planet Erth, and the Church's intimidating power was gone.

Whoever has the bigger fist now has the final say.

"Repair the icon?"

Ron frowned. He was not a fanatical believer and could not understand Bishop Donnie's persistence.

Moreover, the situation in Wangting District was very bad, and he could no longer waste a lot of manpower and material resources on such a face-saving project.

He opened his mouth to refuse: "Sorry, Wangting District cannot..."

"Lord Governor!"

Bishop Donny took Ron's hand and spoke sincerely, fearing that the other party would refuse again.

"I know this is a difficult job, but the darker the moment, the more believers need the guidance of the God Emperor!"

After hearing this, Ron seemed to have grasped a glimmer of inspiration, and the way to break the people's despair was about to come out!

"What did you say?"

Ron held Bishop Donny's hand: "Please say what you just said again..."

"Faith protects all people, and all living beings long for salvation!"

Bishop Doni looked resolute: "Only the brilliance of the God Emperor can break the darkness in front of us!"

These words were like a bolt of lightning, instantly clearing the fog in Ron's mind!

He found a solution to his problem!

That is to break despair with the power of faith!

As a modern person who has not experienced the hardships like his ancestors, Ron has always ignored the power of faith.

In Warhammer 40K, faith is something that cannot be ignored.

It can be said that the worship and belief in the God-Emperor are the true cornerstone of the empire.

The more desperate the moment, the more people need the support of faith.

Otherwise, the people will soon fall into despair and fall into the arms of evil gods.

"Lord Governor?"

Seeing that Ron was stunned and didn't respond, Bishop Donnie reminded him anxiously.

Ron regained his composure, suppressed his inner excitement, and nodded in agreement to the other party's request.

"The Wangting District will fully support the restoration work of the icon. After the restoration is completed, the Sacred Square will be fully opened so that everyone can pay homage to His Majesty the Great God Emperor!"

The statue of the God Emperor must not only be repaired, but also overhauled and specially repaired!

He will concentrate all the manpower and material resources in Wangting District to create a "miracle".

At that time, he will appear in front of the people as the person chosen by the God Emperor and the savior of Erth Star, to ignite the hope in people's hearts!

This is just a general direction, and precise implementation requires rigorous planning.

"Your Majesty the Governor, the God-Emperor will protect you!"

Bishop Donny was overjoyed when Ron agreed to restore the icon.

He took Ron again and brought him several sets of blessing prayers from the great God Emperor. Some prayers were said to have the effect of improving functions in that area.

The church really knows how to play!

It can only be said that they are professionals when it comes to winning over believers.

This kind of ability is also what Ron needs, and subsequent plans require the cooperation of the bishop.

It just depends on how to draw him into your camp.

This is not an easy task.

The clergy of the state church are independent and have higher legitimacy and sanctity than the local governing body.

Under normal circumstances, priests are only interested in developing their faith in the God-Emperor and building huge churches to worship His Majesty the Great God-Emperor, who is omniscient and omnipotent.

They would not interfere with local rulers unless they were not loyal enough to the God-Emperor and affected the spread of their faith.

Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyal!


That is a heresy, and at this time the priests will directly judge it in the name of the God Emperor!

Of course, that is when the church has strong force.

If the ruler is really a heretic who believes in evil gods, and is blessed with enough strength to resist the church.

Then the priests of the church will be made into inverted crosses and hanged under the broken icon of the God Emperor.

To blaspheme the God-Emperor.

In short, these pastors are fanatical and difficult to win over.

The matter of wooing Bishop Doni requires long-term planning.

Anyway, I have agreed to restore the holy statue, and there will be many opportunities for contact in the future. I just need to slowly figure out a way.

Ron had a smile on his face. This trip to the church was fruitful. It not only dispelled the doubts of Bayev and others, but also confirmed his identity.

We also found a way to break people's despair and rekindle hope.

After the matter was done, Ron said goodbye to Bishop Dorney.

Bishop Donny personally escorted Ron and his party to the door of the church, and before leaving, he stuffed several bottles of valuable high-grade holy water as gifts.

"Your Excellency, when the restoration plan for the icon is finalized, I will come back to communicate with you."

Ron couldn't stand Bishop Donnie's enthusiasm and sat on the hovercar as if he was running away.

"The church looks forward to your arrival," Bishop Doni said sincerely.

He watched as Ron and his party's hover car started up and headed towards the top of the tower in the King's Court District until it turned into a black dot.

Bishop Doni stood there straight, his smile gradually fading.

He looked at the empty church square and felt deeply tired: "God Emperor, loyal believers pray for your revelation, what should I do?"

Since the terrible warp storm, the Church of Urth's connection with the Holy Land has been completely severed.

Even the light that symbolizes the great God Emperor has been extinguished!

Then came the heretics, who dared to desecrate the icons, causing heavy casualties to the church's priests and almost destroying them.

He could vaguely feel that the world was surrounded by darkness.

There is something indescribable and terrible brewing, and it is slowly devouring the life of the planet Euse to take away the last hope!

Over the past few days, he had prayed countless times but received no response.

Do you still have a chance to rebuild the church?

Do the believers of Urth still have a future?

Did the God Emperor really abandon them?

Bishop Donny sometimes has such thoughts in his mind, but these terrible thoughts are quickly extinguished.

What a blasphemous thought!

Questioning is betrayal, and only the God-Emperor is the only shelter and protector of all living beings!

He will never abandon His loyal servants!

After taking a long breath, Bishop Doni strengthened his belief, and his falcon-like eyes became sharp again, shining with determination.

He will fight against the darkness to the end and sacrifice everything for the God-Emperor!

Bishop Doni turned and stepped onto the high steps, with the angels floating behind him, singing hymns in praise of the God-Emperor...

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