Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 103 The soul returns to lust for light

Nusgreen's face looked very ugly at this moment.

He didn't know what was going to happen in the future, but he couldn't understand it.

Why hasn't his father ended the chaos yet?

What is the Creation King of Galaxy's Edge?

“He sits high on the pale throne at the edge of the galaxy. The entire galaxy is His pasture. He is eternally concerned about His flock. His incarnation is still walking in this world, beside everyone who deserves to be saved.

I was dying in a war and I prayed to Him.

Father Primarch, Lord God of the Imperium, Eternal Light, He answered me.

So I came here and He asked me to tell you..."

Can Can used his last strength to grab the painter's hand, and rubbed it on his face through the power armor, seeming to convey that the Great Lord wanted to do this.

"Nusgren, do it as you wish. Although it took thousands of years, I have already seen victory. I have found an absolutely beautiful future for everyone. I have really got the key. I The heaven of divine blood has been created, and your souls will eventually return to the lust of light."

These words finally comforted the panicked son of lust.

He stroked the can's face, and for some reason, it felt a little familiar.

Just when he was still about to ask further questions, a dim light shone on the can.

Nusgreen retracted his hand.

He knew that this was his father, and it was the lust of light that was calling a soul back and bringing it into his embrace.

Sanguinius experienced the pain of losing a son for the first time.

He was not born long enough to bear this grief, he was growing up too fast.

He didn't want to let go, but in the end he allowed the light to take away his child and disappeared through a door of ashes that was not so blazing.

In the end, an empty power armor lay on the ground.

When Nusgreen came to the power armor, he was not busy comforting the archangel.

"This is a creation of my Court of Dawn, and here is the logo of Dawn's Kiss."

The painter realized that in the future, the Court of Dawn had some kind of cooperation with the Empire, and this power armor was not the Empire's technology.

The angel's sorrow ends in rage.

"I want to know what hurt my child..."

"Sanguinius, you will see that throughout the galaxy, even humans have our enemies, and almost everyone outside of humans."

The painter picked up the completely abandoned power armor.

He asked the leader of the Pure Blood.

"Can you put it in the cave and find a better place to put it? This is the glory of your angels, and it is also your future without regrets."

Nusgreen's request was undoubtedly granted.

He hugged the power armor in his arms like a princess would. Slowly, he came to the cave and carved out a platform.

This platform is very delicate, with flower patterns carved around it.

No one understands why this artist would decorate the glory of the power armor with such a girlish decoration.

But Sanguinius, who woke up, was the first to come to the power armor and salute.

The father of genes once knelt down on one knee to his descendants in the original timeline and declared to them: You are loyal to me, and I am loyal to you!

Now, he is not kneeling yet, but he is bowing deeply.

The entire Pure Blood tribe felt the same and was immersed in the atmosphere of sadness.

The painter hesitated. He raised his head several times and lowered it again.

Finally, he breathed out the suffocating breath and summoned the little girl he loved very much.

"Your responsibility from now on is to protect this glory. Can you do it?"

He gave the boy a heavy responsibility.


The little girl's cheeks were blushing. She was a little panicked. She lacked confidence. She looked at the patriarch and Sanguinius.

They all nodded.

So this child with two pairs of cute little pointed ears got the job of looking after the Glory Power Armor.

"Let's go. We have a lot to do and no time to chat. Sanguinius, I'm here to help you unify the two satellites and improve the living environment here."

The changes in the future made the painter very anxious. He didn't know what to do. He was a little confused.

The children and adults of Pure Blood followed the two gods out of the cave.

The surrounding dangers had long been frightened away by Skarbrand's arrival, and they were far away. The cave was safe.

In the entire underground cave, there were only a few women taking care of the babies and a few soldiers guarding the entrance of the cave.

The guardian of the Glory Power Armor held his breath and looked at this exquisite armor with great care.

It's more gorgeous than a little girl can imagine for clothes.

Even her Holy Gilles was wearing an unpatched but not very good piece of clothing that the tribe had finally scraped together. The reason why it looked good was entirely due to the archangel's own perfection.

Somehow, the little girl stretched out her hand and touched the power armor with her fingertips.

She always felt that the pattern was very beautiful, as if it was created just for her aesthetic taste.

Something came out of the power armor.

Those are two gene seeds, which are completely different from ordinary gene seeds. They have been blessed and improved by light desire.

The two gene seeds looked like pink hearts, and they were moving.

"so cute."

She caught the two gene seeds, and they jumped into the palm of her hand.

The two pink elves instantly turned into some kind of light flow and merged into her body.

This sudden change made the little girl think that she had an illusion.

She rummaged around on her body and couldn't find two cute little things.

She had no choice but to turn around, facing away from the Glory Power Armor, and acted as a competent defender.

At this moment, the Glory Power Armor felt the presence of its master and became active again. Its internal adaptive structure began to deform and became able to...

Can incubate the next child.

It always follows the image of its owner.

The Court of Dawn.

A door of ashes appeared in the Temple of Rasta.

He came to the door gently.

The light-like soul turned into a small group, came to Him, and floated quietly. This soul felt extremely at ease.

Guang Yu looked at the soul of the light chaser, and he finally held this priceless treasure with both hands.

The soul is coddled and coquettishly rolled in God's hand, like a child in a dream.

Guang Yu held it to the position of his heart.

The light of the soul finally dissipated, revealing the appearance of a child.

She has four cute little ears.

"Really, it makes me look like an evil god who eats children."

The evil god laughed at himself.

"Come on, your soul has been corrupted and eroded by me, your soul has returned to lust for light."

The sleeping child turned into a ray of light and penetrated into the heart of the evil god.

You have...

The soul returns to the heart of light and desire.

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