Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 919 Past and Future


"Latest battle report!"

"The Lord of Tyrone and Guilliman have already reached Longlin Planet, and the Lord of Tyrone said that there will be a way to weaken the barrier when he comes out. The victory of the war is close at hand!"

In the dark underground cave, Horus excitedly told the clone brothers about the latest battle situation.

Most of the clone Primarchs were heartened, except for a few, including Perturabo and Curze.

But it is just exciting, because the latest good news has nothing to do with the situation that the cloning masters are facing now. No matter how fast the victory outside is progressing, it will not be able to help the cloning masters solve the problems they are facing immediately. Dilemma.

In the dark underground cave, the clones sat together.

In the center of them are scattered situation maps and documents. These things have nothing to do with the siege of Terra that year. The clone Primarchs have no time to gossip anymore.

There were gunfire and roars everywhere outside.

The Chaos reinforcements gradually occupying all parts of the Iron Ring have forced the clone Primarchs to fight head-on, with no way to retreat.

Facing the enemies of humanity from all different factions, the only war resources the Primarchs had at hand were the Skinless Men who worshiped the Emperor, and the Iron Warriors warband who were forced to run around in the iron ring and finally encountered them. slave.

Without loyal legion warriors or strong logistical supplies, it was only possible to establish a line of defense to withstand the encirclement and cleanup of the Chaos reinforcements. The fact that the clones were able to persist in the enemy's hinterland was the ultimate display of their abilities.

After a brief moment of excitement and joy, Rogal Dorn stood up and pointed to the map surrounded by his brothers: "We must hold on to this last line of defense nearby, otherwise we will be killed by the swarming enemies."

No one thought Rogal Dorn was alarmist. The clone masters knew the current situation very well, and they also knew very well what they should do.

That is to leave this underground cave and fight a defensive battle that requires their personal participation when remote communication and command are no longer needed.

So all the clone masters got up, left the underground cave, and walked outside.

In the fierce war, the figures of the Chaos warriors who appeared on the battlefield were clearly visible in the clone original vision.

There are even Knights, two Titans.

What the clone masters have is themselves, the weapons forged by Perturabo and Ferus, and the skinless people and traitors who once belonged to the Iron Warriors who are dying in large numbers every minute using those weapons. of slaves.

"They need time to breathe." Horus looked at Magnus.

The moment he felt Horus' gaze, Magnus knew exactly what he should do.

He immediately invoked his psychic energy, trying to create a psychic zone that the enemy could never cross, to delay for some time.

It is not difficult to achieve this step in the Eye of Terror, and even Magnus's power is enough to keep the psychic zone continuous for a long time until everyone has rested enough.

In the iron ring they were in, Magnus used his psychic powers to gain many opportunities to turn the corner and take a breather.

Same thing this time.

"The psychic energy here..." Magnus suddenly realized something was wrong.

He sensed that the spiritual energy in the Eye of Fear became turbulent, which made him subconsciously slow down the speed of grabbing spiritual energy.

And when he tried to explore the reason, psychic vision replaced everything Magnus saw, and he entered a prophetic state in a trance.

In front of you is a field shaped by crystal.

Guilliman and Lord Tyron, an Eldar Titan and an Iron Man, gathered together.

There seemed to be a dispute between the first two, and then the Lord of Tyrone sat on the black throne.

This is not important. What is important is that the spiritual energy there is too turbulent. It is like the eye of a storm, and the ether storm set off spreads around, even affecting the place where the clone originals are. Magnus realized that this is Why did I sense an abnormality in psychic energy at that moment?

Magnus did not know that the storm-like spiritual energy was instilled by Tzeentch, nor did he know about the ascension ceremony, nor did he know that the Lord of Tyron almost became one of the Chaos Gods.

All he could see were the aftermath.

The raging "ether storm" formed a projection in the subspace, like a dazzling lighthouse.

This is the ripples and projections caused by something in the subspace.

And this too dazzling and special ether storm attracted the attention of other things.

Magnus really saw that a group of golden and black things that were entangled and fighting with each other were attracted by the ether storm. While fighting, they chased the wave-like ether torrent, trying to seize the raging power and use it in the Gain the upper hand in the ensuing fight.

But the fighting gold and black could not reach their destination, because the ether storm suddenly subsided, and they finally just arrived nearby.

If the location of the fighting mass of gold and black corresponds to reality, Magnus thought, it should be the Eye of Terror.


Strong curiosity filled Magnus's brain, and he couldn't help but want to explore, so he sensed the golden color.

The feeling of gold to him was kind, but cold and terrifying.

That must be his father, Magnus thought.

And the black that was fighting against the gold that represented his father... Magnus could only feel strangeness from it, as well as rage, cunning, joy, and prosperity...

Naturally, he couldn't guess what the black color was.

Eventually Magnus's probing behavior caused his reflection in the Warp to shine brightly, and the black fighting against the gold of the Emperor noticed him.

The bone-chilling cold and fear caused Magnus to instantly cut himself off from the warp, but he was still a step too late.

But when the black was about to swallow him, he saw the gold representing his father also rushing towards him, and finally intercepted the black thing and "kicked" Magnus away.

"I saw my father fighting a black mass!"

As the clones waited for Magnus to cast his spell, they suddenly heard the red-skinned brother roaring loudly.

Horus looked at Magnus nervously and found that psychic energy was burning like fire in Magnus's one blind and one intact eye.

"They live in the past and fight into the future!"

"They exist at many points in time in the past, present and future at the same time, engaging in almost endless battles!"

"It's coming."

The original clones looked at each other, wondering what Magnus was talking about.

After Mortarion was silent for a long time, he said: "Idiots who practice witchcraft will become like this sooner or later. There is nothing surprising."

"What's going on?" Horus stepped forward to support Magnus, "Calm down, brother, and speak slowly."

"The black thing is coming." Magnus looked forward.

Ahead were the attacking Chaos reinforcements, Daemons and Chaos Space Marines advancing head on.

But some wizards among them noticed something and turned around.

The next second the environment inside the iron ring began to change, with countless hatches and portholes as well as false starry skies appearing.

The vast steel world inside the iron ring turned into something like the inside of a ship, and everyone felt as if they were inside a giant warship.

What followed was a surging psychic impact that spread around the changing environment.

The clone masters briefly lost consciousness. When they recovered one by one, they found that they were covered in chaos and bruises, and the new Thunder Warrior armor on their bodies was even worn to the point where they could only hide their shame.

The others have disappeared.

Enemies, friendly forces... those who are not strong enough to withstand the impact and their souls all become sand scattered in the changing environment.

After the impact dissipated, a tall, muscular dark figure emerged from the horizon.

It seemed enormous, but as it came into view and got closer, it gradually grew to the size of an ordinary Primarch.

Clone Horus was so horrified that he stopped breathing.

He saw himself.

another me.

Wearing mutated black armor, with a blank expression and a lonely figure, he walked forward slowly.

And it was here that Magnus saw the embodied entity of the black thing in his psychic vision.

"Horus himself!" Ryan yelled, "Why is he resurrected?!"

"Isn't he resurrected..."

Magnus understood everything after seeing the figure of Horus.

He already knew about the duel that took place on the Vengeful Spirit ten thousand years ago, the Emperor versus Horus.

That earth-shattering battle was more than just a duel between two powerful warriors on a battleship. The astonishing power and psychic energy erupted from both sides caused them to fight in the past and future at the same time.

Horus was not resurrected.

He is the past and future echo of that seminal duel.

"Sanguinius, my brother, you should not have stopped me."

"I don't want to kill you... neither do you, father."

"Ferrus...I see you...are you here to support my cause? But it's too late, I'm dueling with my father."

Horus's body walked forward while slashing wildly, as if searching for a powerful opponent to duel with him, and his mouth was full of inexplicable murmurs.

And the claws of Horus, stained with blood and feathers, hung feebly and swayed.

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