Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 878 A veritable vicious skill

The successive activation of ground-based anti-ship weapons put an end to the iron ring's situation of being passively beaten. It was completely consistent with the state of the fleet besieging the iron ring, which was to hide under the cover of the shield and open fire.

For large warships, the counterattack firepower of orbital defense platforms is extremely deadly.

The anti-ship weapons on battleships can also be deployed on the ground, and even more and larger ones can be deployed.

Although the fleet appeared directly near the iron ring, making all the void defense lines established by the Iron Warriors useless, the counterattack from the ground was still extremely powerful.

According to the pre-made plan, the expedition fleet jointly focused fire on the connection between the iron ring and the planet.

In less than ten minutes in the real universe, the giant flagship of the Glorious Humanity projected firepower that was enough to turn half of the planet into a sea of ​​flames. However, this firepower hit the void shield together with other battleships, and it only caused a layer of fire. Faint ripples.

Within the bridge, the team of mechanical priests brought by Caul were working hard on calculations, and any clues displayed on the ship's auspicious instrument became the basis for their calculations.

The calculation results were imported into the Thinker Array on the Dark Angels flagship Invincible Truth. By comparing them with the existing void shield data in the universe, it was finally determined what kind of void shield the Iron Warriors traitors used.

But the result Kaul got from the priest team was: "Comparison result: None."

Not even a trace of the technical principles of the void shield used by the traitors could be found.

It was Ryan's idea to let the priests access the Invincible Truth. He believed that among all the treasures gifted by the Emperor in the former First Legion's treasure house, there must be powerful void shields, and there were even some that were lost that even the Mechanicus could not study. The ancient void shield principle came out.

But it turned out not to be.

"Call, what are you doing?" Guilliman suddenly noticed that Caul had made a strange move.

Kaul did not connect himself to the common computing array composed of those priests. Instead, many appendages stretched out from under the red robes, walked to the pile of parchment in the corner of the bridge and began to rummage.

"I want to find out if anyone has recorded anything about the void shield during the infiltration operation." Caul responded.

"Stop looking, it's impossible to find it." Guilliman directly rejected Caul's idea.

If it had been anyone else's denial of Caul, it would have been a fart, but the denial from Guilliman made his movements slow down.

All the information gathered by the Inquisitor passed through Guilliman's hands and eyes, and Guilliman could memorize all the information recorded on the mountains of parchment.

Regarding the defense device of the iron ring, all Guilliman knew was that those nuns and inquisitors who bravely penetrated deep into the void shield control device, those who just refused to evacuate and sacrifice themselves during the bombing to destroy a connecting structure Loyalists.

And these people did not understand the situation of the Void Shield. They only learned from a traitor that they were near the Void Shield control device by means of soul torture, that's all.

However, Caul still did not stop because of Guilliman's denial. He searched carefully.

The mechanized logic of the Mechanicus cannot explain what Caul is doing now, and even he himself doesn't know how to explain it.

If I had to find a reason, it would be hearsay and my own personal experience of sometimes working and sometimes not working.

"Stop looking for it." A strange voice appeared in the bridge. Call followed the sound and saw a golden phantom standing where there was nothing.


Everyone who noticed this element immediately realized who had appeared.

"There are indeed revelations in it from the future to the present, from other revelations I have given you."

The phantom projected by the Emperor spoke slowly.

At this time, the environment he, Guilliman and others were in seemed to be stripped out of the bridge, forming a separate space, and no one else on the bridge noticed anything.

"But if you want to decipher the revelation above, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort."

"So it's better for me to personally explain the revelation above."

After hearing the emperor's words, Qin Mo took away a roll of parchment blessed by the state religion from Kaul's hand and found that there were some obscure words written on it.

What comes from vicious distortion, what is the viciousness of seekers who abandon everything for the sake of knowledge...

Qin Mo balled up the parchment and threw it away, then looked at the golden phantom in front of him with a smile on his face.

The Emperor did not fail to play a role like last time. He not only established a guidance beacon, but even came personally to interpret the important revelations given by the Emperor's other wills at this moment.

"That void shield was not built by the Iron Warriors, but by a vicious being named Vashtor."

"The souls of countless creatures are trapped in the device called the torment circuit that he established, and countless unimaginable vicious methods are ravaging the souls in the circuit."

“Those souls’ desire to avoid pain resonates emotionally, and the emotions are amplified, projected, and ultimately become a barrier with attached concepts of protection and avoidance.”

"It is similar to a void shield, but it is not a void shield in the strict sense."

The Emperor gave what he thought was a very simple and clear explanation, giving everyone a rough idea of ​​what the Iron Warriors were using.

Qin Mo started to think about Vashtor.

Evil creatures driven by pain are not uncommon among the forces of Chaos.

But being able to use the spiritual resonance formed by the escape emotions generated by countless souls when they are suffering, to impose the concept of avoidance and protection on a certain creation, and then form a barrier similar to a shield. This method is really not an ordinary bad species. You can think of it.

But what Qin Mo didn't expect was that the emperor's explanation was not complete.

Combining practicality with the concept of chaos, the "malicious art" represented by Vashtor is truly worthy of its name.

"Then how can such a vicious creation be destroyed?" Ryan asked first.

"The psychic energy of the psyker cannot even penetrate this barrier, but there is a way." The Emperor raised a finger, "If it is outside the Eye of Terror, such a creation can only use mental resonance to tear a It serves no other purpose than to allow demons to enter and exit, and its power is easily suppressed by reality.”

"There are many traitors who cannot work outside the Eye of Terror, but this is the Eye of Terror, Father." Guilliman looked helpless, but then his eyes lit up and he looked at Qin Mo.

Qin Mo thought for a moment and realized what Guilliman had in mind.

The Emperor's phantom dissipated, and with it the psychic powers that had concealed the conversation.

Qin Mo looked at Admiral Adam and ordered loudly: "Use the black stone warhead!"

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