Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 90 Let you get it right

ten minutes later.

"I'm a veteran, it's unlikely that you can beat me."

"That's it?"

In an abandoned bunker prepared by Adam for Grote, Grote held an iron rod and moved around under the siege of six people, using his superb fighting skills to constantly dodge attacks and counterattacks.

Six people were hit in the arms or legs by Grote one after another. They either dropped the weapons in their hands or were beaten to the ground on one knee.

Even if Groat is not wearing power armor, he is still a qualified warrior, there is no doubt about this.

"Is this the level of your servants? Your combat prowess is inferior to even the soldiers of the Planetary Defense Force. No matter how enthusiastic you are on the battlefield, it will be useless." Grote leaned on the iron bar and looked down at the six defeated people. The pride and excitement was palpable.

Adam was watching from the side at this time, silently observing Grote.

This is not the first time he has been in contact with Grote, and it is not the first time Grote has learned to control his emotions. His previous performance was very good, but he easily became proud and excited in battle.

This is a bit like those heretics in the Valiant Champions incident.

After thinking about this line of thought for a while, Adam still didn't know the reason why Groat was fired from the guards, but he believed that the reason must be related to Groat enjoying fighting too much.

"Let me do it." Adam walked towards Grote expressionlessly and picked up the iron rod from the hands of the fallen man.

"Come on, I've long wanted to know if you can fight." Grote became even more excited. He first took two steps back and then quickly rushed forward, trying to hit Adam with his shoulder.

Adam did not dodge, but directly hit Groat.

In terms of physical strength, Adam is not inferior to Grote, but in terms of skill and speed, he is even better.

After the collision, Grote was surprised by Adam's strength, and his body fell back after being hit.

Adam stretched out his hand and grabbed Grote's collar to pull him back, and when Grote wanted to thank him for pulling him, he punched Grote in the face.


Grote was beaten and fell to the ground. He lay on his back for a while and then slowly recovered. He quickly got up and rushed towards Adam and hit his head with his head.

This time it was Adam who was lying on the ground. He took a while before getting up and looking at Grote expressionlessly, as if he wasn't the one who had been beaten just now.

"You can still remain calm?" Grote couldn't believe it. He felt as if Adam was not a person but a machine.

Although the servers all hope to be as cold as the logistics machinery, it is still very rare for them to be like Adam. People are just people, and they cannot really have no emotions.

"Thank you for your help, brothers." Adam turned to the six people and said.

The six people all shook their heads, then turned and left.

Adam immediately turned to look at Grote and asked him in a low voice: "As a former guard, you should know more about the Brave Champion incident than I, an officer, right?"

"I more than understand." Grote sat down seriously, looked at Adam and asked, "What do you mean by mentioning this?"

"I don't think you are stupid. You should understand why you were expelled from the guards." Adam said.

Grote frowned and immediately understood what Adam wanted to say: "You mean, the reason why the legion commander fired me is because he was afraid that I would change my temper and kill innocent people indiscriminately like my brother?"

Adam nodded in approval.

In Adam's eyes, Grote said dissatisfied: "What do you think? I have already thought about it."

This statement is true. Grote has been thinking about why he was expelled and came to this conclusion very early.

At first he thought it was because of the revenge incident in the arena, but later he didn't think so, because Qin Mo would definitely support a legitimate revenge.

Then there will only be another reason, which is the Brave Champion incident.

After careful reflection, Grote believed that he enjoyed fighting just as much as his brother. The only difference was that he didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately, that's all.

But Grote couldn't figure it out. What happened to enjoying fighting? What's wrong with this?

"Is your brother a cruel and murderous person? Do you think there is another reason for his killing spree?" Adam asked very seriously while sitting in front of Grote.

As an ordinary officer, he only knew about the Brave Champion incident, but had no knowledge of the people involved. He needed to help Grote analyze it, so he needed Grote to provide more information.

After thinking about it again and again, Grote told Adam a long story.

Twenty-four years ago, a boy saw the corpses of his parents when he returned home, and then had to take his sister and brother to the nest to struggle for survival, to when he became a pit slave and entered the arena. It ended with a reunion with his brother on the field.

As Adam listened, he understood that Grote's brother was not a cruel and murderous person. On the contrary, he was actually a good man, a brother and father, and a man who would always lend a helping hand to others. .

But one thing about this good brother is that he particularly enjoys fighting. Sometimes he even deliberately finds trouble and beats up some villains.

"Maybe it's because something has changed his personality." Grote looked at the ground and said vaguely.

There was one thing he deliberately concealed from Adam, and that was the statue of the Valiant Champion.

The statue had been blown up, but Groat wasn't sure if this information could be shared with Adam.

Adam conducted a cold analysis like a machine, "Your brother was transformed into a pit slave, and then domesticated into a gladiator. It's okay for him to want to go on a killing spree, but he can't even see those who have the same fate as him in the gladiatorial arena." If everyone is killed, there will be a problem.”

"That makes sense." Grote nodded.

Adam continued: "The reason why the legion commander fired you is obvious, because he is worried that one day you will be affected by something like your brother, causing your warlike character to be magnified to the limit, and you will kill indiscriminately."

"Obviously." Grote nodded vigorously.

Then the two of them began to meditate in unison, thinking about the reasons that affect their personalities.

After thinking for a long time, Adam came to the conclusion: "There must be something that has influenced your brother, and this influence..."

Grote stared at Adam and listened quietly.

"Perhaps there is something wrong with your family's genes. For example, if you have a warlike gene, you will only enjoy fighting at first, but later you will become immersed in killing when you encounter some stimulation. If your experience is the same as your brother's, you will also feel the same. Weak people go on a killing spree." Adam stated his thoughts seriously.

Grote wanted to say hello, but then he thought about it carefully.

In his original judgment, the main culprit that caused the big change in his temperament was the statue of the brave champion, but what impact could a broken statue have? Humanity has one and only one god, the God-Emperor on the Golden Throne. There cannot be any brave champion.

From a genetic perspective, it may indeed be a recessive gene that is inherited in the family, and this gene will affect personality... Grote has never received education, but he has heard about some genetic knowledge.

After thinking about this, Grote took a deep breath and calmed down for a moment before saying, "You might be right."

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