Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 860 Wise decision

"We actually have no intention of provoking you."

Aether, who had remained silent as He Chou issued a series of warning words, finally spoke.

"It's just that we want to avoid a civil war and eliminate a bastard individual race member with different intentions. We can't do this using normal means."

Hearing this, He Chou could probably realize the meaning of the words through the series of events so far.

He thought about it for a moment, then stopped thinking about it.

"I don't care, we don't care." He Chou stared into Ether's eyes and said calmly, "Whether you are trying to get rid of a traitor with different intentions, or you want to do something else, that is your own small business."

Aether wanted to make one final attempt, hoping that at least humanity could make a correct stand between the Ethereal tribe of the Tau race and the Farsighted Ones.

But He Chou didn't give Ether a chance to continue speaking: "No matter what thoughts you had before, start making choices now. As I said, in forty Vika star hours, you can make decisions that will affect your entire species." Destiny’s choice.”

"There is no need to make a choice." Xin Ning said immediately, "We will stop all dangerous behaviors and give you the black ore you care about. It will be over, okay?"

When Xin Ning said these words, Aether present looked at Xin Ning with extremely surprised and incredible eyes and expressions.

The ether has begun to think about ways to report the current situation to the home planet. He never dreamed that an ambassador of the Water Clan would dare to stand up and make a decision for him that could affect the fate of the entire race.

This is very abnormal from the etheric point of view, both on a psychological and physical level.

"I'm sorry, Sir. After thinking about it, I feel that we have gone too far." I just want Yuan Yuan to die.”

"Xin Ning...䱱..." Aether stood there and winked, making a strong expression, but the Xin Ning in front of him was not as enthusiastic about him as Aether like before.

Communication equipment based on dimensional technology is always turned on during communication. Since the start of communication, the energy in dimensional space has penetrated into the surrounding real space within tens of meters.

He Chou had no idea that the chain reaction caused by the communicator had an extremely unexpected effect at this time. He thought that Xin Ning had used some means to get rid of the influence of ether on other clan individuals.

"I've thought about it, sir, and you have made many mistakes." Xinning said, "I will not evaluate whether the whole conspiracy against Vision is correct. After all, the Supreme Ether has its own considerations and ideas in doing things. But no matter what, , in order to trigger a conflict between Farsight and the uninvited guest of Burning Fire, you sent people to fight on his ship."


"In the end, the entire battleship was destroyed. Although the flaming guy killed the battleship with just a few clicks of his fingers,... but without your intervention, the battleship would not have been the target of the attack at all."

After hearing these words, Eitai became more and more angry, staring at Xinning with wide eyes.

"According to what I said, the black ore belongs to you, and we will no longer engage in dangerous behavior." Xin Ning ignored Ether's gaze and turned to look at He Chou.

He Chou pondered for a while.

Obviously, in a caste-system civilization, the Shui clan, which is at a relatively lower caste level, obviously does not have the power of the ether, so whether Xinning can make decisions for others is also a question.

However, considering that Xin Ning couldn't be a fool who couldn't even figure out whether he could make a decision, He Chou didn't refuse, but just asked: "Are you sure you can make this decision on behalf of your ether?"

"I can't represent Ether, but I can make decisions on behalf of the commander of the military forces in this colonial area. I'm pretty sure he thinks the same as me." Xin Ning said.

He Chou nodded slowly after hearing this.

He knew very well that the military commander Xin Ning was talking about was the far-sighted commander who came from the Viola warrior family.

Considering that the commander previously resolved the misunderstanding by going to the Burners in person after the battleship launched an attack on the Burners, his thoughts would obviously be the same as Xinning's.

All the Tau Empire fleets in the system stayed near another planet on the right side of Vekar.

The army on Weka and all civilians on it have been transferred to transport ships.

A cruiser formation and an engineering ship formation of the Tyron Navy quickly jumped into the system and approached the Vika planet under the watchful eyes of the ships of the Tau Empire who had been ordered by Foresight not to move.

Each engineering formation affiliated with the navy in the Tyrone sector is composed of dozens of engineering ships about 20 kilometers in length. Under special circumstances, a large void creation the size of a satellite will be incorporated. This void creation can serve as a warehouse. function, it can also be equipped with a large-scale material printing device to assist in engineering.

When the civilians on Weka were relocated, the engineering team built a large orbital residential station for these people in the galaxy. This is a large void building that is no different from a planet except that it does not look like a planet.

The space folding technology with an indoor area of ​​100 square meters and an outdoor area of ​​20 square meters ensures that it has a residential area that does not take up much space but is enough to accommodate a huge population.

The saved area is used to build artificial bionic landforms such as ocean beaches and forests, which is equivalent to an artificial garden world.

Orbital habitation stations were originally used to garrison troops in the webway, and were built in the sector to house people who migrated from planets whose environment was so bad that they could not be saved.

And now it is used to provide necessary living conditions for the people who migrated from Wekar before the Tau Empire colony is ready to resettle immigrants from Wekar on other planets in the system.

After it took less than ten solar days to complete the construction of the orbital residential station, the serious work that the engineering team needed to do had just begun.

An artificial star ring was built around the entire Wika star. The energy spreading out from the center of the star ring to the surroundings of the planet enveloped the entire planet, causing the material activities and the passage of time inside the planet to become completely stationary.

Then the giant star gate was transmitted into the galaxy. The Vika star, pushed by the star ring, gradually left the orbit of the star and entered the star gate. In an instant, it was teleported from outside the eastern part of the Tyrone star sector to Belis near the Eye of Terror. The galaxy closest to the Eye of Terror in the Corona Sector, then enters the orbit of the star and continues to rotate.

Countless workers and construction machinery that have been deployed there have descended on Wika to build mineral extraction facilities that can mine black stone with the highest efficiency.

The Void Dragon quickly obtained enough materials to expand the nearly bottomed inventory of black stone creations.

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