Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 859 The time of survival and death

"Vision survives."


Aether, who was staring at the situation on the side of the Burner, collapsed on the chair in astonishment.

He saw the vision being broken down into a puddle of dust, and then he saw the vision being reshaped, and the lips moving slightly as if communicating with something.

What Burner said was not heard by Aether and Xinning. They still didn't know why Vision could survive, and it was difficult to speculate on the reason.

But one thing is now very certain, that is, Vision has survived, and the burning monster must not be expected to kill this traitor who may trigger a civil war in the Tau Empire in the future.

"Ambassador, communication." Gou Weisa, who was following Xin Ning, stepped forward with a communicator and whispered a reminder.

Xin Ning looked sideways.

That palm-sized device capable of faster-than-light communication was not a creation of the Tau Empire, but a gift given to Xinning by Hechou when he came into contact with humans for the second time.

This is just a microphone that accepts communication unilaterally, a technological black box of communication technology that cannot be analyzed but is easy to use.

Xin Ning's eyes turned from the communicator to Ether, and when she saw the latter nodded, she connected the communication.

A holographic projection appeared in front of him.

That was He Chou. He was obviously on the bridge of a battleship at this time.

"Why didn't you refuse the call this time?" He Chou looked at Xin Ning coldly, "Did Burner scare you after giving you a lesson and want to seek our help in dealing with that uninvited guest?"

"No...wait..." An expression of astonishment that could be understood by humans appeared on Xinning's face, and she asked tremblingly, "Do you know what the flaming monster is and what its name is? Is its arrival related to you? related?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Aether, who was still looking at the screen and thinking about how to trick Yuanyuan, immediately looked back at the holographic projection.

"A burning monster? No, we don't call it a monster, because it is one of the protectors of the star region. We call it an ally of Catan." He Chou turned his eyes and looked at the burning one on the monitoring screen, "In In some sectors with religious traditions, these Catan allies are called the Tyron Gods."

When they heard that the fiery guy was an ally of mankind, both Xinning and Ether breathed a sigh of relief.

You can't use this guy to kill Yuanyuan, you have to find a way to send it away. This is a mess. Now He Chou's words made Xin Ning and Yi Tai aware of the possibility of properly handling the uninvited guest.

Xin Ning suppressed the ecstasy in her heart and asked, "Can you ask it to leave? It came suddenly and killed some people. We don't even know where we offended it or what we have that is worthy of this god's interest." .”

"No." He Chou stood with his hands behind his back and shook his head slowly.

Xin Ning and Yi Tai looked at each other and felt something was wrong.

The two Tau people who were proficient in human language were watched by He Chou, feeling the human's gaze and listening to his words.

"Twelve years ago, our two races first came into contact. You and your compatriots left a very deep and good impression on me and my compatriots."

"But you are pushing your limits and want to use those black ores to get what you don't deserve from us."

"If you want to ask for reward, then you can, because we are different from the Imperial people you have met before. We are willing to solve problems through communication and are willing to make transactions."

"You have discovered the black ore contained in the planet. This alone is enough for you to receive our generous gift."

Speaking of this, He Chou's eyes fell on Yi Tai.

Xin Ning also looked at Aether.

At this time, Aether was lowering his head and frowning and thinking hard, but what he was thinking about was: If humans and the monster that suddenly descended were on the same camp, then the latter's failure to kill Vision was obviously considering the opinions of human allies. Then it is definitely not feasible to use humans to kill Vision.

"We are not engaging in diplomacy with you because we have to choose other means besides war to deal with you."

He Chou continued.

“It’s because we uphold the principles of tolerance and communication first. Even if our navy is almost entirely engaged in a huge war that has lasted for decades, we still have the power to wipe your entire race from the real universe. "

Xin Ning nodded, he thought so too.

This was not the first time that the Tau Empire had expanded, nor was it the first time that it had come into contact with many species, including humans. There were some things they knew.

However, Xin Ning's idea is that even if a war breaks out with another human force in this nominally star region due to certain things, he can still use diplomatic mediation and meet human requirements, and then introduce a few methods to kill the unlucky guy who takes the blame. armistice.

"You appear to us as a young but promising species that can receive our tolerance and guidance and become an ally that can jointly fight against the enemies of the real universe, like those Eldar or other aliens serving in our sector. Same race."

"And if we think that you are a race that is not worth communicating with and will not only hold you back, but also cause trouble like moles, we will clean up you, just like the beastmen, even if they have a common ancestor with humans, even if they are Human subspecies, even those that have been allowed to exist by the most extremely xenophobic human empire, will never be spared by the extermination fleet."

Exterminate the fleet.

Xin Ning has heard of this term before.

That is the embodiment of the ruthless side of this other human force besides the Empire.

During the development of the Tyrone Sector, countless weak alien races appeared, most of which were pre-space age civilizations.

The kind-hearted aliens among them will be guided and accepted. Even if their home planet has some special function and they have to move, they will be assigned a perfect and modified new home as compensation.

The cruel and backward aliens will be taught by force until they beg the sector to sit down and negotiate, and then they will be accepted, but their development will be restricted and they will be required to provide a certain number of young adults to form an auxiliary army.

However, due to the diversity of species, there are alien races that are not only cruel and backward, but also unrepentant and shameless. They even have evil beliefs. Then the extermination fleet composed of warships drawn from patrol fleets in various sectors will go to destroy such aliens together with other The traces of the past and present are cleaned together.

"Are you bringing the extermination fleet?" Xin Ning asked.

He Chou shook his head, "No matter what kind of alien race it is, multiple departments within the star region will conduct a joint evaluation to determine whether it has the value and qualifications to continue to exist."

"There will ultimately be a vote to decide your fate."

"But during this process, your actions will affect the results of the judgment and ruling."

After hearing these words, Xin Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

But what He Chou said next made him nervous again.

"Now we will give you forty Vika star hours to contact your supreme ether, waiting for your leaders to discuss and think about what is happening to us and finally make a decision."

"If we can reach an agreement in forty Weka colony hours, then everyone will be happy, otherwise we will use force, even if force will take longer to get what we want."

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