Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 854 Monitoring

Life in the Eye of Terror is unbearable for the C'tan.

Even the false physical world shaped by the void dragon's black stone technology makes the C'tan gods feel disgusted and hateful.

The difference is that Saranoga, who assisted the White Scars fleet in the battle, could endure it.

Compared with the days when he was plunged into madness and hellish torture due to cannibalism, this little discomfort now is nothing to Saranoga.

Mimicry and Void Dragon could endure it. The former knew what he was going to do, and the latter was willing to study the uses of black stone creations.

As for the Narrator, its mission is to unify the various files of the expeditionary force to ensure that the files are not distorted by the power of subspace, and it is also willing to record the various states of living beings in the universe in a safe environment. Mortals or superhuman warriors, these real-life beings in the universe, for the sake of reality A cosmic sacrifice and display of valor.

Only the Burners really can't stay any longer.

Even Sanguinius, who occasionally regained consciousness, would talk to Dante about the irascible C'tan and the honest reason for his swearing.

But fortunately, when Mimic arrived at the Angel Fleet and conveyed the order to Burner, Burner was temporarily liberated.

The Star God named Nyadrassa was sent out of the Eye of Terror by a transport ship specially built for the Star God. Then it got out of the ship and used the ubiquitous electromagnetic power in the real universe to shuttle through the star sea.

In a meeting, the Eldar prophet Eldrad Uslan bluntly told Qin Mo that the Eldar used to think that they were the darlings of the real universe.

Because a creature in the real universe lives under the constraints of physical laws, but can use spiritual energy to release the constraints because of its spiritual talent.

But Uslan did not have the same idea as his ancestors. He felt that the Star God, a stellar vampire who was called a curse to the real universe by the ancestors of the spirit race, was the darling of the universe.

The super-light interstellar navigation ability that a species and a civilization has to pay a huge price to acquire is an innate skill that the Star Gods are born with.

No one can figure out how electromagnetic force helps the Star Gods to travel among the stars. Anyway, they can use electromagnetic force to wander around among the stars just like a naked large humanoid creature.


The Burner stopped in front of a green planet, and the gravitational waves turned into a whisper in its mouth.

After looking back at the Eye of Terror, the Burner turned back and looked at the green planet in front of him. He leaned forward and reached the surface of the planet in an instant.

There are living things on this planet.

When the Burning One came, those cold-blooded reptile species who were still in their primitive stage thought they had seen gods, and immediately gathered together to kowtow and worship to the Burning One.

Little did they know that this transcendent existence, which they regarded as a god, reminded them of a hostile species from ancient times - the Ancient Saint.

The tribal leaders who crawled closer and kowtowed in front of them looked like ancient saints, but they seemed to have no spiritual power.

"This time I really have to burn it."

The Burning Man stretched out his finger towards the head of the reptilian tribal leader.

Under the awed gaze of the intelligent creature, the fingers wrapped in flames gently touched its forehead.

Then the creature burned like a ignited coal, and the flames even soaked from it to the surface of the planet.

A rapidly expanding ring of flames spread to the entire planet with the burner as the center, eventually turning a green planet into a flaming hell star.


Manic laughter shook the planet, the flames dissipated, and the planet was intact, but it looked as lifeless as most of its kind. Unless a species with the ability to modify the environment arrives, this planet will never be able to give birth to life on its own. .

After doing all this, Burner recalled that he still had something to do.

The electromagnetic force was used again, and the Burner jumped into the stars and quickly shuttled between the stars.

Tau Empire Colony, Vika Planet Colony.

The galaxy monitoring station operates continuously around the clock.

The Feng clan personnel located in the monitoring station stared at the screens connected to various devices.

This is a job that cannot be neglected in the slightest, but he occasionally looks out the porthole to see the world, because in his opinion, the Greater Good will not punish a person for slight negligence.

There are a large number of transport ships coming and going on Weka planet outside the porthole.

There are a large number of orbital defense facilities that have been built or are being built in orbit. The nearby planet Vicat III has become the station of the fleet in the galaxy.

From the perspective of this Feng clan member who had been working at the monitoring station almost all his life, the fleet in that galaxy was already large enough. He knew that it was drawn from other galaxies and seemed to be preparing for a war.

The attitude of Aether, who is responsible for maintaining the operation of this colony, is very vague. Although building a large number of orbital defense facilities, allowing transport ships to come and go, deploying a large number of Fire Caste land forces and auxiliary armies such as Kroot and Govisa seem to be necessary. Prepare for war, but the ether prohibits the fleet from making defensive deployments directly at the edge of the galaxy where the human fleet may sail.

But if you say you don’t want to fight, that doesn’t make sense.

Because the legendary commander who came to the galaxy a few days ago no longer just took a turn, but was ordered to stay and be responsible for the defense of the entire galaxy.

"An unknown object approaching rapidly was detected!"

The alarm sound of the monitoring equipment drew the Feng clan member's eyes and thoughts from the world outside the porthole back to the monitoring station. He immediately checked various monitoring information.

The screen showed a red dot that entered the monitoring range five light years away. Although the red dot was not big, it might represent a huge fleet.

Due to the limitations of space monitoring technology, even a huge monitoring station cannot clearly monitor and display what is coming and how much is coming fifty light years away.

It is no longer easy to just detect something, because objects that can be detected fifty light years away must have extremely strong energy and radiation, which can be captured by the monitoring station.

"That could be the human fleet!"

In the exclamation, the monitoring information was reported, and then the AI ​​processed the monitoring information and directly conveyed it to the ether of the commander and management personnel of the combat forces.

After completing this series of routine procedures, the Tau man glanced back at the screen and found that the red dot was already within ten light years.

After a blink of an eye, it was within five light years.

This series of abnormalities were also conveyed by the monitoring station.

Thanks to the assistance of AI, this information can be processed quickly, and orders from the combat force commanders in the galaxy can also be quickly conveyed.

The fleets in the galaxy are already arranging battle formations to prepare for battle.

Only a few people know that at this time, the ether is cursing the far-sighted commander who gave the order to defend.

However, before the fleet was ready for battle, uninvited guests had entered the galaxy.

The visitor passed directly by the monitoring station and passed directly through the fleet.

The Tau crew members near the portholes of every battleship had expressions of horror on their faces, and their reactions were much more horrified than when they saw the human fleet attacking directly.

Because what they saw was not a battleship or anything else, but a humanoid creature whose whole body was on fire.

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