Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 850 Diplomatic Means

In the conference room on the floor where the diplomatic team was located, the ambassador of the Water Clan of the Titanium Civilization, who had a relationship with this department twelve years ago, met again with He Chou.

And this is not the second meeting.

After the exchange twelve years ago, the Water Clan ambassador would often visit the star region and visit He Chou.

But it does nothing but travel and see old friends.

Only rarely will the Water Caste ambassador bring some other Tau people to discuss small matters with the sector, such as trade in specialty products and luxury goods.

And He Chou also knew the name of this alien friend - Xin Ning.

"Are you here this time to buy luxury goods for Ether? If so, then I won't waste my time and will send you directly to the business district." He Chou stretched out his hand.

The Shui Clan ambassador named Xin Ning held He Chou's hand, with a clear smile on his blue face: "No, my friend, I am here to visit you."

After saying that, Xin Ning looked at the followers beside her.

Gou Weisa, who had a relationship with He Chou twelve years ago, was still working for the ambassador. He stepped forward and presented an exquisite box to He Chou.

He Chou opened the box and took a look, and found inside a gem that was so beautiful that He Chou, who had seen many collections of the governor's family in Beisu, was amazed.

He didn't worry about accepting this gift. He was very happy that his alien friend could come to visit him and give him some good things every time he came.

In return, He Chou would naturally receive Xin Ning well and arrange the itinerary of the Shui Clan ambassador.

But what the two of them have to do now is sit down and exchange a few words.

"I just met the great general from the Viola family a while ago. He is still so brave and wise." Xin Ning sat down and said.

After hearing this, He Chou sighed and said nothing.

A great general who came from the Viola family of the Titanium civilization, He Chou knew that Xinning was talking about a Tau commander known as Farsight here in Tyrone. The sector also received news that Farsight led a fleet passing by a distance from the Gate of Tyrone. The nearest Tau civilization colony.

And He Chou just hummed, because he was not sure whether his friend's words were mentioned casually, or for some other reason, such as an order given to him by the ether.

The Viola family has a bad reputation in the Titanium civilization. This is because the so-called great generals from their family are working against the top brass of the Titanium civilization.

If the Tau wanted to solve this problem, they might let a conflict break out between the Sector and the Farsights, and then let Farsights off the hook as everyone knows...

"An ether wishes to accompany me the next time I visit you..."


Hearing Xin Ning say that Yi Tai wanted to visit, He Chou quickly refused.

The Tau civilization is a caste system civilization. For example, the Fire Clan are warriors, the Wind Clan is pilots, and the Water Clan, like Xin Ning, is administrators or diplomats... The Water Clan seems to be at the top, but in fact it is not, because there is a group called Ether. Ruler of the Water Clan.

He Chou knows this very well, and he also knows something about the ether, and knows that this special titanium civilization individual may have the ability to control other people's minds and make others obey them, so he is not willing to see anyone anyway. An ether.

"Ether is the perfect leader group of our Titanium civilization. Each of them is a perfect person. If you meet them, you will definitely not feel disgusted with them." Xinning said with a smile.

"Indeed not." He Chou agreed with words.

Seeing that He Chou seemed to have a natural bias against Ether, Xin Ning stopped asking for trouble and started talking about other things.

"About the strange black mineral deposits we recently found in a colony... Several Ethers arrived in the colony and are discussing the black mineral deposits." Xinning said, "I heard that you are very interested in these black mineral deposits."

"Of course." He Chou nodded, "But let's not discuss the matter of this mineral deposit."

Xin Ning wanted to ask about the black stone deposit in a circumstantial way, because the Titanium civilization didn't know what that thing was used for. It only knew that humans were very interested in that thing and had already sent out many overt or covert ones. Investigators went to check.

And He Chou also knew very well that Xin Ning just wanted to get more information by sneaking around. He knew even better that he couldn't tell because if the Titanium people knew the importance of the black stone, they would probably raise the price.

As for what to do with those black stones, He Chou is also waiting for an answer.

Xin Ning's testing did not yield results, so she stopped making useless attempts. The two took turns talking about their respective current situations.

This process was just a casual chat in a private social event, just like most of the things Xinning talked about when he came to visit in the past. It did not involve each other's respective responsibilities at all, and it had nothing to do with official business.

The only thing that interested He Chou was an interesting story told by Xin Ning.

"There is an Aether who wants to establish diplomatic ties with the Orks as one of his own merits."

Orks, orcs, or greenskins.

He Chou knew what the outcome would be when he heard this sentence, but he still wanted to hear Xin Ning continue talking.

"Then the Ether started an arms trade with the Orks, made some very sophisticated weapons and invited the Orks to come and try them out... The Orks actually came, and they also used these weapons and thought they were very good. use."

"But instead of trading with us, they killed everyone present and took away the weapons."

When Xin Ning finished talking about this, He Chou let out a burst of laughter that shook the conference room: "Hahahahahahahaha! How can there be any idiot willing to make a deal with the green-skinned barbarian? There are no deals between our star region and the empire. You have to be discerning! Hahahahahahaha!"

Seeing her friend laughing so hard that he was out of breath, Xinning said lightly: "Among the people killed by the Orks was my biological brother."

He Chou's smile slowly disappeared, replaced by indignation: "Ok orcs are the damn enemies of mankind and the enemy of all intelligent species in the galaxy. I feel for us and all of your companions who died at the hands of the green-skinned barbarians. regret."

Xin Ning closed her eyes and mourned for a moment, then asked, "Where will you take me this time?"

"We've already visited the commercial area of ​​Tailong One, how about going to Tailong Three Resort World?" He Chou suggested, "It's a beautiful place, and you will definitely linger there."

"Then I'm really honored!" Xin Ning smiled and nodded.

The two left the conference room immediately.

Before sending Xin Ning off to his empty car, He Chou made an excuse not to follow immediately. Instead, he returned to the diplomatic team and handed the gem given by Xin Ning to a team member.

"Take this thing and analyze it."

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