Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 845 The Importance of Order

The gate to the flagship conference room did not open automatically, but was forcibly opened by psychic energy.

When the Emperor controlled Vanessa's body to float out of the conference room, the gate behind him closed with a bang.

Guilliman and Lion in the conference room could hear how angry their father was from the popping sound of the gate closing.

The Emperor advanced down the corridor.

Everyone who passes by him cannot see his presence due to the effect of psychic energy.

After walking menacingly for a certain distance, the Emperor suddenly stopped and leaned against a fine gold pillar at the corner of the corridor, looking up at the ceiling above his head and thinking for a long time.

He listened to everything Guilliman said, and even recognized it to a certain extent.

To a certain extent.

But the Emperor just didn't want Guilliman to get involved in this matter, because he felt that it had nothing to do with Guilliman.

As for the fact that Corax complained about Qin Mo because he failed to be persuaded by Qin Mo, the emperor thought about it and felt that it was because he was too sad at the time, so he complained without thinking...

But you can’t entirely blame me.

The Emperor thought so.

Who knew that guy was as easy to burn as fuel?

Doesn't he know and understand me quite well?

Thinking of this, the emperor curled his lips slightly, stopped leaning on the fine gold pillar, and continued to walk forward.

After walking about a hundred meters, the emperor froze and used his spiritual energy to teleport to the corner of the corridor ten meters away.

Then, Qin Mo walked out from another corner.

The emperor checked with his psychic vision and found that Qin Mo was not alone, but with a new Thunder Warrior.

The armor looks like a new Thunder Warrior, but it's not.

That was one of the original clones brought back - Angron.

In order to keep Clone Corax, Qin Mo often went to Clone Corax to chat and brush up his favorability so that he could stay in the fleet honestly.

This is how Qin Mo keeps someone. He never forcefully orders the other person to stay. He will impress the other person with words and actions... provided he still has patience.

When talking to the clone Corax, the clone Angron would often come up and have a few words.

At first, Qin Mo was too lazy to talk nonsense with Angron, but later he discovered that this guy was particularly interested in him, and then realized that he should not preconceptions that Angron's clone was as incommunicable as his original body.

After that, just like now, Qin Mo often talked with Angron's clone.

"What does the entire universe look like in your eyes, and what do I look like in your eyes?" Qin Mo asked while walking on the corridor.

Angron thought for a moment and gave his answer.

"I feel like I'm in a giant arena like everyone else."

"You are a slave owner just like that glittering man, but you are a slave owner without slaves. How do they call people like you... Anyway, I think you are the same as my brother named Guilliman. Such a strange slave owner.”

"There are also differences between slave owners. For example, you are completely different from the slave owner who claims to be my father."


The Emperor, who was hiding around the corner, heard everything and cursed: "Stupid donkey head."

But despite the scolding, the Emperor felt very sorry for Angron.

At least that's what the human will now thinks.

Angron would think that the universe is a big arena. The Tyron Army, the Astra Militarum, and the Astartes are all gladiators affiliated with a certain slave master, and then they drive their own gladiators and the gladiators of other slave masters. Fighters slashed at each other.

But this kind of thinking is not because Angron is born stupid, but because his education makes him think so.

The original body knows this from birth, but they also need to be educated. If the place where Angron fell is a cesspit, then when he grows up, he will feel that the universe is a super cesspit, and every living thing in the universe is in a cesspit. Maggots burrowing around.

This is the importance of education.

Angron was unlucky, or maybe it wasn't just bad luck, but something else. He didn't get an adoptive father like King Konnor.

"You are a wise slave owner." Angron continued, "Why do you think that glittering tyrant hated and loathed me from the moment he found me?"

"First of all, if you want to describe slave owners like me and Guilliman, you should use the title ruler." Qin Mo stopped.

"Sorry." Angron smiled awkwardly, "I'm studying."

Qin Mo shook his head and didn't take it to heart, and then said: "Secondly, why don't you go to the corner and ask your father and let him tell you what he was thinking at the time."

Upon hearing this, Angron was very confused.

The emperor, who was hiding around the corner and eavesdropping, was startled.

The clone looked around the corner, but saw no one.

"Look, he's still the same." Qin Mo stared at the corner and said, "This guy thinks a lot, but he never expresses it. He dares to stand up when the human race is in greatest danger, but he just doesn't have the guts to reveal his feelings to others. .”

Angron looked puzzled.

The Emperor at the corner was leaning against the wall, holding his breath and looking around.

He didn't want to appear in front of Angron's clone, because he felt guilty and wanted to say too much but felt uncomfortable and afraid because of Angron's hatred for him. He could die right away, but he would never Be willing to stand up and explain to Angron.

Just like when he had a lot to say to the clone masters, but after Angron stood up and questioned the tyrant slave owner, the Emperor felt as if Angron punched him into his mouth, knocking out all the stuck ones. The words in my throat went back to my stomach.

"It doesn't matter, I can answer you for him." Qin Mo pulled Angron and continued walking away, while glancing around the corner, "But I have to get rid of his habit of holding back his words. !”

When the two of them were far away, the emperor breathed a sigh of relief. He was glad that Qin Mo didn't come over with Angron just now, otherwise he really didn't know how he would face Angron.

"He really hates you and hates you, from the moment he found you."

"But it's not like you think. He thinks you are a waste. You have not unified the world you live in and have not established your great reputation as a primarch."

Qin Mo said to Angron as he walked.

"Just like Warmaster Horus, before he was found, he was just a member of society in the hive world, a thug. Why was he treated kindly and given the responsibility of Warmaster?"

"The Emperor never hates losers. There is only one thing he hates, and that is the destroyer who stands on the opposite side of order."

"You led the gladiators to burn, kill, loot and take revenge without a plan. This is standing on the opposite side of order and becoming a destroyer. This is what he hates."

"Even if you just occupied a city at that time, even if you were hiding in a village, and mortals maintained a normal life under your rule, he would not have the slightest dissatisfaction or contempt for you."

After speaking, Qin Mo looked at Angron's thoughtful face and added a few more sentences.

"Of course, I'm not speaking for the emperor, I'm just telling my own guess."

"Who knows what that guy was thinking at that time? You know, his thinking is completely different from that of a normal person."

After listening, Angron thought for a moment.

Qin Mo left the original clone, but the original clone was still in deep contemplation and did not realize it.

It wasn't until he thought deeply that Angron murmured to himself: "Order..."

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