Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 761 A rash strategy

"Isn't the Blood God just a spectator?"

"It really won't. It will strike a blow to our opponents when our own people are at a disadvantage."

At this time, even Typhons couldn't help but respond to the prophecy spoken by the plague warlock with a questioning tone.

Whether this prophecy came from the Almighty Father himself, or from some bastard floating in the warp, it was difficult for Typhons not to question it.

It's possible that the Blood God would stay aloof, but it would be fanciful to expect it to help win the war on Broome.

There are also Drakasi people on Broome. The guy who was originally a reptile but was transformed into a demon prince is obviously more popular with the Blood God. Considering that the Plague Marine has been fighting with him until now, the Blood God has no one. What surprised Typhons the most was that the ax left a chasm on Broome.


The Plague Warlock's body instantly straightened up, green spiritual fire came out of his body, and the screams originating from his soul before his death turned into two words, "Execute", which were similar to language messages.

And the sorcerer's soul was also taken away.

Typhons stood up and looked at his newly promoted adjutant, thinking that he might have gone to the highest heaven to serve his loving father and fight against his loving father's brothers.

That's fine.

At least he didn't have to face the mess that was to follow.

Thinking of this, Typhons leaned back while sitting on the command throne, with his arms resting on the armrests made of mutated flesh.

A cold command came from the mouth of the Nurgling on the Plague Herald Sarcoma.

"Stay close to Broome, stay close at all costs."

"We abandon the battlefield in the void and go to Broome, even if our fleet is completely annihilated."

Typhons was skeptical when issuing these orders.

It was absolutely a crazy decision to abandon the fleet and choose to land in Broome. Losing orbital control meant having to withstand horrific bombings from the enemy fleet.

But this was a command from a loving father, and Typhons still decided to believe in the true God in his heart.

Many adjutants were secretly calling Typhons crazy, stupid, and incompetent, but Typhons did not choose to go all out because of his own beliefs.

He clearly knew that this was the Eye of Terror, a place where beings in the supreme heaven could interfere with a part of the real universe to the greatest extent. If he followed his father's request and received his father's intervention, he would still have a chance of winning.

Otherwise...it's both Star God and Black Stone, who can beat him head-on?

"Charge towards Broome at full speed. Other warships of various types are arranged around the New Terminus according to model and importance!"

"Execute my orders!"

Typhons stood up from the throne, just raised his hand and used his psychic energy to obliterate an adjutant in the command deck.

He made an angry move, but it was the Nurgling on his tumor who shouted on his behalf. This scene was extremely strange.

Under the command of Typhons, the New Terminus charged towards Broome.

The small warships around the flagship were "stripped off" layer by layer, and the warships had to pay a huge price for every step forward.

And as the new Terminus gets closer to the Golden Expedition Fleet, the Terminus itself is also more and more seriously affected by the Blackstone Battleship. Now it is not just the tentacles and sarcoma on the flagship that are beginning to be constrained by physical rules, but also the new Terminus. Even the space inside the battleship began to look more and more like the real universe.

The warp demons that kept flickering in the battleship corridors disappeared.

The biological engine in the battleship's engine room that can convert anything swallowed into energy has now stopped running. The huge mouth is paralyzed on the ground because there is no reasonable bone support. No matter how much the mortal slaves on the battleship try to pry it, they can't move it. Feed the fuel into the mouth of the engine.

The adjutants in the command deck gathered behind Typhons and looked at the majestic figure of their commander standing in front of the porthole.

Even the Nurglings on Typhons' Sarcoid held their heads high and looked very majestic and firm.

But in fact, Typhons himself couldn't help but have doubts when he saw such huge damage to the fleet. Not only did he start to worry, what if...

No chance.

Typhons threw away all worries in his mind and looked directly at the gunfire that blocked his view outside the porthole.

The void shield is even affected by the black stone. If this was the Cadia galaxy back then, I am afraid that the entire Terminus would have been destroyed in the concentrated fire.

Although Typhons was carrying out actions that could ruin the entire fleet, what he did still had the effect of taking them by surprise.

The warships in the main fleet of the Golden Expedition thought that the Plague Fleet would flee immediately, but they did not expect that they would turn back and head straight towards Broome, so that the warships that had just turned around to hand over the expulsion task to friendly forces had no time to turn around. return.

"Prepare to use teleportation." The Nurgling on Typhons's sarcoma turned to look at the lieutenants and screamed an order.

He had a special way of issuing orders.

Information spread among the viruses in the cabin of the New Terminus, which was filled with ubiquitous poisonous gas. Everyone in the battleship knew the order from the commander in an instant.

Not only the New Terminus, but also the cruiser-level plague ships received the news in an instant, and the plague warriors loaded inside began to gather.

In this desperate charge that would destroy the fleet, Typhons was still trying to give orders, hoping to at least bite his opponent hard before the fleet was destroyed.

Relying on his own psychic abilities, Typhons quickly issued orders, causing the fleet to gradually form a line as it advanced, focusing fire on the enemy ships surrounding it on both sides.

This tactic did not achieve anything, because when the first battleship moved under the command of Typhons and was discovered by the scout ship of the Golden Expedition Fleet and reported, the Golden Expedition Fleet had already made appropriate actions. deploy.

The battleships originally prepared to surround the plague fleet shrank back and formed a line of formation directly in front of the plague fleet. The battleships aimed their sides at the plague fleet in order to maximize their firepower output.

It is estimated that the original body returned its attention to the void battle.

Typhons thought so.

He could see that although there were two original bodies in the main fleet of the Golden Expedition, the attention of those two original bodies was obviously not on the void battle, because the fighting method of the main fleet was completely conventional, and it seemed that I didn't expect to completely annihilate the plague fleet.

"Forget it." Typhons, who originally wanted to continue giving orders, gave up his struggle completely. "Let's wait to be teleported to Broome before the battleship is destroyed. May the kind Father God bless us to reach the surface smoothly and protect us from the orbit. The invasion of bombing.”

I caught a cold and didn't wake up until the afternoon. I just finished writing and posting one chapter.

Yesterday I said I would update normally today, and I kept it true, but I will definitely write it very late.

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