"The regent and governor are invited to inspect our regiments."

Grote said and winked at Qin Mo, and then the three mortal commanders followed Qin Mo and Guilliman, strolling together in front of the three gathered Tyron regiments.

The other participating regiments of the Astra Militarum were all on their own transport ships. The voyage was almost over and there was no time to inspect them on their transport ships.

But the three Tyron Army regiments in front of them were originally stationed on the flagship, and now they were inspected by the original body and the sector lord. It was considered a first-come-first-served basis.

"Ahem. Everyone!"

Guilliman came to a raised place on the deck floor, cleared his throat, and prepared to give a passionate speech.

Just as there were always speeches and debates on the Five Hundred Worlds during the mortal reigns before the Primarch's return, this has become one of the hallmarks of the Ultramar, a Space Roman power.

But even though as a friend of the Lord of Tyrone, Guilliman's speech was still somewhat inappropriate. After all, the Tyrone sector nominally belonged to the Empire, but in fact it was no different from another human force.

Unfortunately, Qin Mo really had no talent for speaking, and Guilliman felt that these warriors should hear something impassioned before going into battle.

If it were Qin Molai, he would probably only say: "My concern for you is all concentrated in your power armor and weapons, let's go to battle."

"Your leader always said, for humanity. He holds the entire galaxy and the entire race in his chest, and I believe you are the same."

"You fight in Cadia, you fight in Ultramar."


Guilliman first praised Qin Mo, and then began to praise the Tailon Army soldiers in front of him.

Qin Mo looked at his soldiers, and suddenly his eyes fell on a woman with a scar on her face.

The woman was very beautiful, with long blond hair. Even the scar on her face only made her look strong, rather than making her look disfigured.

Qin Mo suddenly thought of something, walked forward and asked the female soldier in a low voice: "Why do I seem to have seen you somewhere?"

If it were anyone else, the female soldier would probably think this was a shockingly low-tech approach, but Lord Tyrone obviously didn't need to strike up a conversation with anyone, so she thought about it and gave an answer.

"I thought about it, and the only place where I might have the honor of being seen by you would be on News 44."

“But I was very young at the time.”

Hearing what the female soldier said, Qin Mo suddenly remembered.

Back then, he and Guilliman were taking a bath and watching TV together, and saw Channel 44 broadcasting the star district breeding model in the Hive World of North Ryu.

The female soldier in front of her looked very much like her mother.

"Both your parents are capable people." Qin Mo sighed sincerely.

He also remembered that the couple had two Tyrone Army standard Army classes, which was twenty children.

Now it seems that the "two Tyrone Army standard army classes" is not a joke, because the couple did send their children into the army as infantry soldiers.

Still an elite infantryman of the 44th Infantry Regiment.

Qin Mo glanced at the "44" mark on the chest of the female soldier.

"Are your parents okay? And your brothers and sisters?" Qin Mo suddenly wanted to know the outcome of that couple. Even though the couple received awards for giving birth to two children in the infantry class, they did not agree with him. have met before.

"My mother was killed during the Battle of Comoros during a small reconnaissance operation in Quadrant Four."

The female soldier became serious and reported everything with her head held high.

"My father wanted to recover her body. The commander of the unit where he served after the war told me that he had not seen my father come back."

"My two brothers served on the cruiser No. 19923 of the Tyrone Navy. During the Battle of Comoros, the shells fired by the alien warship hit the port side of the ship and they were killed by the shock wave."

"One of my sisters died with the Archon of the Dark Rose Cabal."


The female soldier went on to tell the story of all her family members.

Qin Mo found that most of the family members had died on the battlefield, leaving only the female soldier in front of him who was serving in the Tailong Army, and her younger brother who was still studying at the Tailong No. 1 Naval Academy.


Qin Mo was silent for a moment. Not knowing what to say, he only said: "Be careful on the battlefield..."

"For the star sector! For humanity!" The female soldier stood at attention and saluted with her right hand on her heart.

Qin Mo nodded, turned around and left in a daze.

Until the fleet stopped sailing and the Tyron soldiers present ended Guilliman's speech with a round of applause expressionlessly and went to the tarmac, Qin Mo was still thinking about the female soldier just now.

This war could last for centuries.

Maybe after a while, the female soldier's brother would be recognized by him on a certain battleship.

Or... they all disappeared.


Low Earth Orbit.

Densely packed light groups flew from the deep void to Bloom's orbit, and then those light groups gradually dispersed and turned into blurred black matter, and then gradually became clearer, making all distances from Bloom invisible. People who were far away or who were already on Broome could clearly see that it was an entire huge fleet.

On the surface of Broome, a Great Unclean One who was invited out during the fierce war sighted the entire fleet.

It has been here for a long time.

The spiritual energy filled with the Eye of Terror was mobilized by this Nurgle Demon. It only needed to scoop out a spoonful of water from the sea to exert enough to bring a plague to the entire fleet.

But when the demon mobilized its psychic energy, it suddenly saw a blue figure.

The ever-changing Lord of Tzeentch, Kalos the Fateweaver, appears behind the Great Unclean One holding the Staff of Tomorrow.

When two Daemons appear in the same place, their affairs become an extension of the conflict between the Dark Gods of the Warp.

The Great Unclean One's head shattered into pieces and exploded into countless Nurglings.

Carlos turned back to the Lord of Change.

After the two demons died and left, a group of Space Marines covered in fire appeared out of thin air and slaughtered all the Nurglings.

This situation, which is an absolute big deal in the real universe, is nothing at all in the Eye of Terror. It is just a failure of a Great Unclean One's attempt to protect his good friends on Broome. No one will be aware of its presence and banishment.

What was enough to attract the attention of the main fleet of the Golden Expedition was the huge plague fleet approaching Broome.

Inside the new Terminus, which has completely transformed into a twisted creature, Typhonus sits on a throne made of flesh that continues to grow and wither.

Looking at the fleet that suddenly appeared in front of him, Typhons fell into deep thought.

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