Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 733 Angel Problem

While Luo Jia in the dimensional space was filled with tears, Qin Mo, who was still on Bloom, had no idea what good deeds the narrator had done.

He and Horus, who had persuaded several clone brothers to decide to go to the Tyrone sector, were together, repairing the equipment that would be used to allow everyone to evacuate Broome.

"Doesn't this thing seem to be unusable?" Horus looked at the device and found that something went wrong just after it was used on Lorgar.

"It's just a matter of replacing the black stone, there is no problem." Qin Mo continued to repair the equipment.

Horus didn't understand these things. He was a little bored, but he had something to say.

The clone warmaster looked around and touched around where the equipment was placed, waiting for Qin Mo to finish what he was doing so that he could discuss something with him.

"About Sanguinius..."

Qin Mo suddenly stopped what he was doing. He didn't look at Horus when he spoke. Instead, he lowered his head and took two steps back, leaning on the equipment.

Seeing Qin Mo's hesitation in every gesture, Horus became increasingly worried.

Coincidentally, what he wanted to say was also about Sanguinius.

During these days, the clone primarchs were occasionally called together for meetings to find out how the minions of Nurgle and Khorne were fighting on Broome, and to prepare for the war to spread to the laboratory. .

Sometimes Horus would catch a glimpse of Qin Mo staring at Sanguinius with strange eyes.

Hesitant, embarrassed.

Sanguinius would also feel this gaze, turn his head and smile, and then Qin Mo would look away.

It was hard for Horus not to suspect that Qin Mo had something to hide.

"About what I'm going to say next... I'm telling you because I think you will understand and do it." Qin Mo said hesitantly.

Horus nodded.

Then Qin Mo told the story about Sanguinius.

Except for the unlucky Jaghatai, almost all the other clones were actually lucky, at least they were unnecessary for the main body.

But Sanguinius is different. He must serve as a container for the true body.

After hearing this, Horus was extremely shocked, but he did not get angry or pray for anything. He just thanked Qin Mo for his confession: "Thank you for telling me... If everyone is like Perturabo If you hold something back and don't say it, things will get worse..."

Qin Mo nodded vigorously to express his strong approval.

But he also felt that there were reasons why some things couldn't be said. If the Horus in front of him were someone else, Qin Mo would never say anything about Sanguinius.

Because after talking about it, clone Sanguinius will hear about it, and then run away or commit suicide, or choose to sacrifice himself in exchange for the survival of the original body. This is all possible. Cloning Sanguinius is the only one , can’t bet.

And Horus was very aware of the situation of Sanguinius's body. He had felt strong guilt after learning that his body had killed Sanguinius, and he understood what it meant to have Sanguinius truly return.

So he feels tortured, but he also knows what he has to do.

"I will ensure that the cloned Sanguinius will leave with us. As for the future..." Horus said with difficulty.

"Thank you." Qin Mo nodded.

Horus pursed his lips and remained silent. After taking a deep breath, he turned and left.

After watching Horus leave, Qin Mo was silent for a while, and then shouted into the air: "Scholar!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the projection of the psychic iron man appeared in front of Qin Mo.

"Use your spiritual power to help me contact..."


“No, contact Vanessa.”

Scholars understand that Dangji can use psychic powers to establish psychic communication with the outside world of the Eye of Terror.

The form of psychic communication is usually astrology. Two astropaths send and receive, and then because of the various characteristics of the warp and psychic energy itself, the two of them must guess each other's puzzles.

But for a psychic Iron Man who is connected to the Iron Man entity of the Warp, and the humanity that is part of the icy sun in the Warp, it is not difficult at all to conduct psychic communication that is more stable than physical FTL communication.

Communication was quickly established.

Vanessa saw the projection, and the next second the Emperor's human will took control of her body, which was enough to show how eager the Emperor was.

"I heard from Guilliman two days ago that you went to Broome?"

"Two days ago? I feel like I spent months in this hellish place!"

"It does not matter."

The Emperor, who had been waiting for Qin Mo to contact him, but was completely unable to contact Qin Mo, a scholar who could not be controlled by Muggles, was extremely anxious. After a few words of conversation, he went straight to the topic: "Where are those cloning originals?"

Qin Mo was silent for a while, and then spoke: "Robert asked me to kill them. Eisenhorn thought so too, but... I didn't do it."

"I knew it!" The emperor breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, and suddenly became calmer. "When will you bring them back to see me?"

"It will take some time." Qin Mo said.

The Emperor was no longer anxious now and rubbed his hands in anticipation.

This pure human will still wants to see the cloning originals, because there are many originals that can't be seen now or will never be seen due to various reasons.

He wished he could reunite with all the Primarchs, even cloned ones.

"I'm thinking about Sanguinius." Qin Mo said, "Sanguinius said that he wanted to disguise himself as a new Thunder Warrior with wings, and also said that he wanted to go to Baal to meet the descendants of his original body. , just take a look from a distance..."

The emperor nodded and listened in confusion.

Qin Mo paused, raised his head and looked at the ceiling, thinking while saying: "So I am thinking that after I bring the cloned Sanguinius back, I will kill his will so that the real Sanguinius can Before resurrecting, should we take him to Baal..."

"Why did you kill him?" asked the Emperor.

"Who are you asking?" Qin Mo asked the emperor, "Ten years ago I asked you if it was possible for Sanguinius to be resurrected. You said you had to clone him and then kill the clone so that the real Sanguinius could have it. New body.”

Hearing this, the emperor remained silent.

It is still uncertain whether Sanguinius can be resurrected through a clone. After all, there is no experience or precedent for using a clone to resurrect the original body.

After pondering for a while, the Emperor decided to wait until all the clones returned.

"I just haven't conducted research for too long... Maybe we have other methods, maybe we can discover new ways to use the original body's genes."

"The people who created these problem children are right in front of you. Bring them back and we will study them together. If that doesn't work, you still have a group of Star God friends."

Hearing the emperor say these words, Qin Mo suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

Indeed, the original bodies were created right in front of them, so there was no need for me to worry about them.

"End communication." Qin Mo signaled to the scholar.

Chapter Six. Completion progress of six updates in eight days: 2/8

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