Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 73 The Blade of Fear

Among the guard-class knights in the center of the front, Lannis Arlan was driving his knights to fight hard, not realizing that his own front was about to be shattered.

The Avenger Gatling cannons on the knight's arms rain down shells on the buildings in the defense area in the distance. In just three seconds, a building will collapse, burying all the enemies inside under the rubble.

Ailan enjoyed the feeling of pouring firepower very much, and the machine spirit of the Roaring Bullet Rain knight linked to him also enjoyed it.

Aylan and his knights are outliers in the entire family. The average knight's machine spirit prefers to charge forward and crush all enemies with a chain saw. Even the person who drives it must learn how to restrain the impulse from the machine spirit, but the Roaring Bullet Rainhorn is different.

"Death, all of them!" Aylan controlled the roaring bullets and turned the Gatling cannons on his arms to shoot at a group of enemies directly in front of him who had just rushed out of the collapsed building.

Most of the shells fired by the Gatling cannon exploded around the enemy, sending shrapnel flying, but whether they were direct hits or flying shrapnel, they were all blocked by a drone.

There seemed to be an invisible hard shield underneath the drone.

"Damn it!" Alan roared angrily. What he hates most is encountering shielded enemies, and he intends to show off this group of enemies who are unwilling to die quickly in the attack.


The roar from the Roaring Bullet Rain suddenly resounded throughout the battlefield.

The Roaring Bullet Rain stopped during the attack, pressed its body downward, and raised the missile bay mounted on the top to aim at the sky.

One missile flew out of the bomb bay, then a second, and a third.

Each shot will cause the Roaring Rain of Bullets' body to tremble downward until all the missiles are fired.

These missiles rose into the sky, then fell and exploded above the target location, sending large amounts of fragments of human bodies and power armor flying around.

Seeing the death of his hated enemy, Ailan laughed excitedly. He could even hear the machine soul of his own knight laughing too.

The Avenger Gatling Cannon fires faster and does more damage to buildings ahead.

Seeing the fire from the muzzle and listening to the roar of the Roaring Bullet Rain, Ailan returned to the past in a trance.

In the family living quarters on Tyrone 2, a group of children played a knight pretending game together, holding a wooden stick in their left hand as the knight's melee weapon, and then engaged in slow melee combat.

Ailan doesn't like this. He prefers to pour firepower on the enemy, but this kind of gameplay is not accepted by his friends, not even the elders in the family.

At one point, when he asked his elders why knights couldn't carry two Gatling cannons, the elders' disdain and reprimands about family traditions are still fresh in his memory.

He thought he would never have a chance to fight for his family's honor, until one day he was brought to the Roaring Bullet and linked to the machine spirit of the knight who was notorious for killing his master.

At that moment, it was like being reborn.

"It's a cowardly family that lost the power struggle on their home planet and ran away. How can we talk about glory?" Ailan shouted angrily.

In his eyes, the enemies in front seemed to have become other members of his family, and those collapsed buildings had become a family tradition of advocating close combat between knights.

At this moment, Aylan can control the knight equipped with two Avenger Gatling cannons to kill as much as he wants, making the most direct challenge to the family tradition of close combat dueling.

"I am the Blade of Terror! For the Lord of Wisdom!" Aylan accelerated forward, the Roaring Rain of Bullets' legs passed over the heads of the infantry, and then stepped on a tank.

When the infantrymen in front of the tank heard the tremors and explosions and were about to shout a warning, the knight's other leg stepped on their heads, and the knight continued to move forward.

From the beginning to the end, there were shells exploding at Ailan's feet, or hitting him directly, but he was not afraid of the machine soul linked to him.

Ailan, who was getting closer and closer to the building, did not notice that soldiers preparing to deal with the knights were shuttled back and forth among the ruins.

But these soldiers are not the last line of defense.

After the energy rift directly in front of the defense zone was opened, Qin Mo's figure gradually emerged.

Looking at the knights who were pouring out firepower crazily, Qin Mo felt that he was really negligent. He didn't expect that there would be knights in a remote and remote place like Tailong, so there were no weapons specially designed to target knights.

"Our troops have smashed the enemy's lines." Gray's voice sounded from the communicator.

"Very good." Qin Mo nodded with satisfaction, "Now let's deal with this knight together."

After receiving the order, Gray Anreda and Yaoen, who were fighting alongside other friendly forces, changed direction and headed straight for the knight's location.

At this time, Aylan had already discovered the person blocking his path. He gave this person the highest level of respect, and at the same time focused fire on him with the Gatling cannons in both arms.

Qin Mo stood there with his hands raised, thinking about how to deal with the knight, when the gravity shield around him was bombarded.

Countless shells were blocked, but the smoke also obscured Qin Mo's sight. It wasn't until the visor automatically turned on the thermal imaging field of view that he could see the battle situation in front of him clearly.

Aylan fired while advancing. When he moved the knight's legs again, the ground did not bear the weight of the legs, and the legs sank into the metal ground like they were stuck in a quagmire.

The huge forward kinetic energy of the knight's fuselage meant that even if Alan reacted, he had no time to adjust. The entire knight fell suddenly, and his head slowly turned to the side to see how he had stepped into the quagmire.

Then Ailan saw that his legs completely overlapped the metal ground. He was greatly surprised: "This is unreasonable!"

The scene in front of me was so weird.

The metal floor didn't collapse, but it was still there, but it just didn't support the knight's legs, just like... water.

Ailan couldn't believe his eyes. Even though he had seen weird miracles on the Tyrone 2, he had never seen anything like this.

In panic, Ailan looked at the man in front of him, turned his arm, aimed at him, and continued to fire.

As before, live ammunition attacks are all blocked by the gravity shield.

Qin Mo once again began to control the physical laws of the area where the knight was.

In the past, he could only control the physical laws within a few hundred meters. Now, although he cannot directly control the physical laws of a planet, he still has no problem controlling the knight in front of him and his surrounding environment.

During the control, the trajectory of the weapon's ammunition changed from a straight line to an arc. After successfully distorting this physical law, all the ammunition fired by the Gatling gun deflected and hit the knight's head.

A metallic scream sounded, and the arm with the gatling cannon suddenly fell.

"You really hit the muzzle of my gun." Qin Mo said.

The so-called specialization in the art is just like the hell gun is no better than the logging gun when facing the overwhelming infantry, but the logging gun is nothing compared to the hell gun when facing armor.

Dealing with a metal-made knight or similar war machine is Qin Mo's second best among many things he is good at.

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