Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 707 Confession and Sorrow

"I propose that we join forces and get out of here."

Guilliman suddenly raised his hands to vote.

Ryan was silent.

Perturabo raised his hand.

Mortarion raised his hand.

Magnus also raised his hand: "But I think we should find where Jaghatai is first."

The only ones who didn't express their opinions were Ryan and Angron.

Seeing that his brothers all felt that what Guilliman said made sense, Ryan wanted to open his mouth to cause trouble for Guilliman, but considering his more "ambitious" goal, he had to raise his hand to show that he had the same view as his brothers for the time being.

Now only Angron is left.

"It's for the best that Jaghatai is not here," Guilliman said to Magnus. "It means he didn't get killed."

Magnus sighed in relief and nodded.

After comforting Magnus, Guilliman realized that Angron was not normal. He immediately walked over to comfort Angron: "What's wrong with you, brother?"

Ryan looked at Angron coldly, and several other original bodies also looked at him in the same way.

In their memories, Angron was an out-and-out lunatic.

No one likes a crazy person.

Guilliman didn't like it either.

But he is a politician.

"You guys should find a way to leave." Angron buried his head in his arms, unwilling to look at anyone. "I should have died a long time ago."

Guilliman suddenly saw extreme guilt in Angron's attitude.


"I did those bad things to my descendants. I destroyed a legion. I led this legion to kill many innocent people. I would have died long ago."

This is confession.

It was normal for confession to come from any mouth, but it was the strangest thing to come from Angron's mouth.

Guilliman tilted his head in confusion, his eyes falling on the back of Angron's head.

Something is missing there.

Guilliman thought carefully and was suddenly shocked: "The Butcher's Nail is gone!"

Hearing this, Perturabo stepped forward and grabbed Angron's long red hair, roughly pulled his head and took a look, and found that the Butcher's Nail was indeed gone.

"How is this possible?" Magnus glanced at the others, "Father can't even remove that nail."

"It seems that you are the only one who got a blessing in disguise, loser." Ryan sneered and said something cold.

Angron raised his head, glanced at Ryan with tearful eyes, and then put his head between his arms.

His body began to shake.

A faint cry came from between his arms.

Guilliman crossed his arms on his chest and glanced at Lion dissatisfied.

Angron began to sob, the sobs growing louder and eventually turning into howls.

The heart-wrenching cries were accompanied by hateful curses against the Emperor.

"I'm on Nukeria...my brothers and sisters and I are trapped in a cave...we're reduced to drinking my blood to survive..."

"Then that bastard showed up and took me away! Why couldn't he have taken two more people with him?"

"I...I shouldn't vent my hatred on my children because of this...I shouldn't massacre them because of this..."

"Why am I losing my mind and going crazy?"

"My descendants have nothing to do with this matter... They shouldn't be used as a punching bag for me to vent... But I... But I couldn't control myself at that time!"

"They are still willing... and willing to follow me... to liberate Nukeria... but too many innocent people died in that war... innocent people... they are just like my brothers and sisters... They are all oppressed..."


There was silence in the laboratory.

Even Ryan and Perturabo looked at the crying Angron with pitiful eyes.

Perturabo felt his heart being touched. He knelt down and patted Angron's back gently.

Magnus and Guilliman also stepped forward to embrace Angron.

Ryan wanted to say something to persuade, but didn't know what to say.

Only Mortarion was still standing there, looking at everything in front of him in confusion, feeling very strange.

Mortarion's feelings were not without reason.

Almost everyone present suddenly became empathetic to Angron's experience, which was a very strange thing in itself.

An inexplicable capacity for empathy pervades the hearts of all Primarchs.

Mortarion was not unaffected, but he felt something was wrong.

"It was the Butcher's Nail that affected you, brother." Perturabo shook his head helplessly, "I'm sorry, not only my father, but also I can't do anything about that thing."

"This is indeed a problem with the Butcher's Nail. There is even an anesthetic on Nukeria that can numb you. What can you do..." Magnus comforted.

During this process, all the negative emotions in the hearts of the Primarchs were sensed by Angron, and he began to consider his brothers in turn.

At last the Primarchs all felt an unprecedented sense of relief.

Guilliman's anxiety about his brothers' suspicions of evil intentions disappeared. Although it had not been resolved, it could no longer bother him for the time being.

Perturabo's obsession with killing his sister has also disappeared. It has also not been completely resolved, but it will no longer torture his heart.

So does everyone else.

Only Angron became more sad and desperate.

A world where no one suffers except Angron is thus achieved.

"Ryan, I know you are very dissatisfied with me, but the current situation is special and we have to work together to get out of here."

After comforting Angron, Guilliman stood up and walked to Lion, extending his hand to his eldest brother.

"I hate to admit it...but you're right." Lion held Guilliman's hand.

The two reached a tentative reconciliation.

"You guys should leave...I should die here...I should atone for my sins!" Angron was so painful that he rolled on the ground.

Guilliman and Lion split up and groped around in the laboratory, looking for a way to open the door.

But the way to open the door was not found, but a button was accidentally touched.

A holographic projection appeared.

The projection of Fabius Bayer, the man who committed suicide, spoke to the Primarchs.

"I know you may not understand me and may be hostile to me."

"But I am a loyal person, as evidenced by Angron's removal of the Butcher's Nail."

"I did conduct experiments on each of you, but that was because you were almost killed by the enemy, and I had to find a way to save you."


Before he could finish speaking, Guilliman punched and shattered the device that released the projection.

This kind of nonsense that sounds like a lie is not even qualified to serve as a reference.

"Come here." Ryan held up a data tablet he had just found.

The Primarchs stood up and gathered around Lion, except Angron, who was still crying.

A series of warnings were displayed on the dataslate.

"Invasion! Invasion! Invasion!"

Below the warning is footage of surveillance equipment near the intruder.

Seeing the intruder on the screen, Ryan immediately searched for the corresponding information in his memory.

"It's Randan."

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