Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 682 New Thunder Warrior

With the debate over humanity over, the C'tan began working with the Emperor to reform the Thunder Warriors.

The original emperor needed a large number of auxiliary tools when conducting relevant experiments and research. At this time, the Star Gods also needed auxiliary tools such as instruments and equipment, because they had to control the effects of their power on the mortal body with extremely precision. Influence.

C'tan can easily be precise, but whether their accuracy is accurate enough for mortals is a question.

Bendis and the others did not fall into dormancy in the container, nor were they anesthetized. They watched their bodies change in the container.

"What is the level of the transformed Thunder Warrior?" Guilliman asked curiously.

"A level that could kill an Greenskin War Boss in one-on-one combat," the Emperor said.

Although it is not clear what the Star Gods can transform the Thunder Warriors into, the Emperor can roughly guess the route and direction of the transformation.

"It cannot be such a simple analogy." Burner turned back, "The new Thunder Warriors will be advanced combat units."

The war in the eyes of the Star Gods is also a battle between soldiers and generals.

Low-level combat units must be replaced with low-level combat units, and high-level combat units must be replaced with high-level combat units.

"One thing is for sure, they are far superior to the Astartes. Although their combat power is much stronger than the Astartes." The narrator said.

As if to show off to the Emperor, the C'tan were performing special forms of transformation while introducing their improved masterpieces.

"It does not contain any mechanical structure, everything is based on transformed biological energy."

"They just need to absorb sunlight to survive and fight."

"They will be about five meters tall."

"Although we cannot reproduce Mephitlan's biotechnology to create soulless people, and we cannot allow them to suppress subspace energy within a range, we can at least ensure that they themselves are not affected by subspace."

"Their manipulation of matter can reach one billionth of ours, which means they can release lightning out of thin air or penetrate something."

"The genes will carry some technological codes written by the Void Dragon. These technological codes will exist in the form of biomolecules in each of their cells. As long as they have a piece of meat left, this piece of meat can serve as technological information. The role of the library allows them to create powerful weapons like a scientific research expert who has accumulated tens of thousands of years of scientific and technological knowledge."

"The Void Dragon will build powerful weapons and equipment for them, and the mass production of these weapons and equipment will be completed by a god whose power is productivity."

"Even if you are seriously injured, you only need to absorb solar energy to quickly recover from the wound."


Listening to the Star Gods' introduction, the Emperor realized that the transformation results of this new Thunder Warrior would far exceed his expectations.

"Are you creating the Primarch of Catan?" asked the Emperor.

"No, it's just to create a high-level combat unit." The Void Dragon looked at Bendis and others who were gradually shaping in the container, "The warriors who followed the Eldar gods to fight during the War in Heaven could use one thought of their own to distort With several celestial bodies, I created equally powerful warriors for the transformed Necrontyr."

"These warriors now will not be as powerful as the masterpieces I created during the War in Heaven."

"I'm broken. I can't remember what happened a long time ago. For now, these warriors will make do. Anyway, the intensity of the war in the galaxy is not that high now."

Others were thinking about whether these new warriors were strong enough, while Guilliman, who was present, was thinking about cost.

The products of the New Thunder Warrior Project are certainly powerful, but the cost of such warriors is a big problem.

But think about those giants of the Tyron Army wearing power armor... The cheapest part of the whole plan is actually the cost.

"Can they mass-produce it? Like the Astartes did," Guilliman asked.

"If these warriors who are very powerful to you cannot be manufactured in batches, then there is no need for them to be manufactured, because they are far from being considered sub-god-level combat units at the level of the God's Guard."

The void dragon floated in front of Guilliman.

"But don't say 'like the Astartes'."

"Because what these two things have in common, apart from being able to be mass-produced, is that they are completely different in terms of their status, use, and combat effectiveness in war."

"The new Thunder Warriors are as related to the Astartes as mortals are to the Astartes."

Hearing this, Guilliman nodded.

As the Regent of the Empire, Guilliman is very aware of the noble virtues of those mortal troops, such as sacrifice and dedication, and why these virtues are recorded and passed down to this day.

The fundamental reason is that humans are always fighting enemies that are stronger than themselves. As the main combat force of the empire, the Astra Militarum is always facing enemies that are stronger than themselves. It can win without sacrificing lives or carrying out suicide attacks with a large group of people. No.

The physical quality of those green-skinned boys in the green-skinned troops far exceeds that of an elite veteran of the Astra Militarum who has been tempered for decades.

This is what cannon fodder that grows out of the ground has.

The Tyranids are always fighting a war of attrition. Those low-level bugs who rush forward driven by the Tyrant or other node units only consume ammunition. In terms of combat effectiveness, they are not comparable to ordinary soldiers in the Astra Militarum. Passed.

And the Astartes...

Regardless of the small number of Astartes, even in terms of quality, it is difficult to call them powerful compared to warriors of other races.

As long as the Mechanicus are willing to invest huge amounts of resources, they can transform an ordinary person who has never been on the battlefield into a person far more powerful than an Astartes.

The advantage of the Astartes is that compared to other options for producing advanced combat units, the cost is not so high and it is relatively stable.

Guilliman had a clear understanding very early on.

That is, in every battle between the Human Empire and the aliens in the galaxy, the main force should not be the Astra Militarum.

Legion-sized Astartes should be the main force, and they should charge on the battlefield or defend in the trenches alongside the mortal auxiliaries.

The Legiones Astartes and Mortal Auxiliaries will be thrown into the battlefield before the war becomes intense.

Perhaps in the Emperor's plan, after the success of the Webway Project, he will have enough energy to create warriors far more powerful than the Astartes, and then these more powerful warriors should shoulder the responsibilities of the Astartes today. Duties in War.

The Astartes were not supposed to be the kind of troops that only appeared when the war reached a life-or-death situation.

Guilliman thought for a long time and made a decision in his mind.

"After the success of the New Thunder Warriors plan, I will proceed to revoke the Holy Code."

"The Astartes must return to Legion proportions, stronger warriors who will do what they are doing in this current war."

Something will happen soon. I will update these today.

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