Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 678 Spirit Race Actress

Although it is not a bath in a bathhouse, it is still a bath in hot sea water on the coastline of an isolated island, and the environment is even better.

It was difficult for Guilliman not to relax and talk to Qin Mo about the recent affairs of the empire.

The utilization rate of the dimension engine has reached more than 40%.

Decades have passed and the Dimension Engine has not yet been fully installed. This is not because Guilliman is slacking off, but because the Empire is simply too huge.

Some people have already used the Dimension Engine, and some are still waiting for the Dimension Engine to be delivered to them.

Some people even don’t know that there is already a dimension engine.

Qin Mo said that there is no problem in not promoting the dimensional engine or even the star gate, because he has a plan called the hyperspace channel.

As long as the hyperspace channel plan is implemented, there is no need to wait for the Tyron sector to produce the dimensional engine and then let others install it. Instead, the engine can be directly manufactured to use the hyperspace channel. This will enable humans to get rid of subspace navigation faster.

But since the hyperspace channel project was still in the planning stage, Qin Mo didn't say much.

The two then chatted about Comoros.

Talk about the core of Commorragh being sent back to before the Big Bang.

And Qin Mo was thrown into subspace by the defense mechanism of Commorragh, and then appeared in a wild Eldar world, experiencing the feeling of being a dragon knight.

The regent and Lord Tyrone were soaking in the sea water, leaning on the shore, chatting while watching the screen.

Guilliman dialed the channel to a channel showing romance dramas.

Qin Mo thought that Guilliman just dialed this channel casually. He wanted to change to a discussion channel such as the current situation in the star sector, but Guilliman stopped him.

"Don't change, I just saw this episode a week ago."

"Wait...why do you watch the romance drama on our star channel?"


Guilliman looked at the screen, pondered for a moment, and then gave an ambiguous answer: "I don't know why, but when I am too stressed, I will look at these things and then continue to deal with the mess. Maybe I want to Look at how people live under normal circumstances and don’t have to struggle.”

"Okay, you are a guest, you can do whatever you want."

Qin Mo was not interested in this kind of drama at all. While Guilliman was watching it carefully, he was thinking about Guilliman and Lion's arrival in the star zone.

In order to welcome Chagatai, this is the reason.

But not all reasons.

To announce the return of the third Primarch, Guilliman and the Lion had to make a big splash, which is why they came in person.

But arriving with the fleet was obviously not just for Chagatai.

Maybe there will be a war in the Empire next, and Guilliman is hesitant to ask the sector that has just ended the war to participate in another war.

But since Guilliman didn't speak, Qin Mo didn't want to ask further questions.

"How about I recommend a romantic drama to you?" Qin Mo raised his hand and changed the channel.

Guilliman looked at the screen curiously.

A warning sign with 25 written inside a red circle appears on the screen.

Then a loud warning sound sounded.

"Viewers under the age of 25 and those with heart disease are advised to watch with the company of a friend or under the guidance of a doctor."

"In addition, the heroine in the play is a spirit tribe. They can often feel extremely strong emotions. No matter how strong human emotions are, they are bland and tasteless to them. So this means that the heroine in the play may do something Some behaviors that are beyond the psychological endurance of the audience.”

"A TV show about romance, is it necessary to give such a warning?" Guilliman sat up straight and watched carefully.

The episode starts playing.

The image of an Eldar woman appeared on the screen.

Qin Mo pressed pause and said to Guilliman seriously: "This play is performed by an Eldar actor, an Eldar actor on Caris."

"Her name is Mori."

"An Eldar raised on Karis."

"After she became famous, she opened a film and television company, which filmed according to her requirements."

"During the filming, Mo Rui asked a hospital that cooperated with the company to inject her with amnesia injections to make her forget everything about herself and then concentrate on participating in the filming."

"According to Mo Rui's request, the filming was also secretive, which was intended to make her think that she was really a character in the play."

After listening to Qin Mo's explanation, Guilliman looked surprised: "Then this guy is quite dedicated... As for that?"

"You'll know if it's serious enough just by looking at it." Qin Mo pressed the play button.

A brief synopsis appeared on the screen.

The heroine played by Mori falls in love with a human hero. One of them is an Eldar ranger who fled to Caris, and the other is a special police judge from the Hive City Legal Department.

The love between the two started from the moment they met, but later there was a little conflict.

Then the male protagonist thought that the female protagonist no longer loved him, so he moved and hid in a wilderness on Karis to work as a farmer.

"This is all normal." Guilliman rubbed the back of his head, "Why is there a twenty-five-year-old warning before the show starts?"

"You'll know after you read it." Qin Mo looked mysterious.

on screen.

It was snowing heavily, and the hero locked up his livestock, then returned to the house to light a fire to keep warm.

It was night at this time, and there was silence outside.

A moment later, when the hero was sitting by the stove, warming himself and reading a book, a faint cry rang out.

"The heroine turned into a ghost?" Guilliman guessed.

The hero stood up, picked up a shotgun and walked out of the house. Then he saw a tall figure who was obviously an Eldar walking towards the house on the snowy stone road.

It is the heroine played by Mo Rui.

"Sarah." Mori staggered and staggered, weakly calling the hero's name, "Sarah..."

The male protagonist hurriedly stepped forward to support Nori. Seeing that she was only wearing a windbreaker, he immediately took off his own clothes and put them on Nori.

"Are you drinking? I have told you not to drink. You know the reason why I separated from you..."

"I know, Sarah, I know."

Mo Rui stopped unsteadily, looked at the male protagonist and said seriously: "You said... you said I don't love you... I don't have you in my heart... so I... I will..."

"Stop talking, you're wearing such thin clothes." The male protagonist helped Nouri and wanted her to go into the house to warm up.

But Mo Rui pushed the male protagonist away and began to take off her windbreaker: "You said I don't have you in my heart... so I... let you see..."

When the windbreaker was untied, the actor saw a heart beating rapidly in his chest.

Mo Rui stretched out her hand to hold her heart: "Look... look at my heart... is there... you..."

"A gift crab!" Guilliman was so frightened that he jumped to the shore.

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