Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 662 Death of Victor

The Lord of Conspiracy sits on his terrifying throne of limbs and flesh.

Two ancient warriors resurrected by secret magic stood on either side of the throne.

Victor, the Lord of Conspiracy, leaned on the throne and looked at the conspiracy warriors who were willing to die for him very calmly.

Those soldiers are still setting up defenses and still holding on. They are armed with anti-material rifles and can use heavy weapons left by their ancient ancestors, or those playthings that can be called weapons.

But Victor knew these people wouldn't last long.

Even the role of the ancient warrior beside him is a question.

But Victor was not afraid and sat quietly on the throne.

He dressed up.

On his head is the most powerful soul crown in Comoros.

This is a piece of equipment that contains fragments of the Eldar prophets inside, which can safely predict the future, and the soul helmet worn by Victor contains the souls of the prophets of the Bietan Arkworld.

Underneath the Soul Helmet is the Shadow Force Field, a terrifying-looking mask that can hide the user.

Other accessories with various force fields and special abilities are all over Victor's body.


"I saw."

Victor's eyes released light, and the soul helmet that bound the soul of the prophet Bietan revealed the entire future to him.

Then something strange happened.

In the center of the defensive position formed by the conspiracy soldiers, the space was distorted, and then a small Dyson sphere flickered out.

The majestic gravity instantly tore apart everything around him.

It's gravity like a black hole, but it emits light.

It emits light because it wants to, not because there is some law in the universe that light can escape from a black hole.

Then on the right side of the Dyson sphere, every molecule and atom in the space was torn apart by flames that appeared out of thin air. The ubiquitous flames converged into a storm, and a humanoid transcendent creature covered in fire appeared floating in front of the storm.

It held its flaming hands flat, raising its head and scorning all creatures and materials in front of it.

The metal material that was shaped out of thin air twisted and condensed, and gradually transformed into a god holding a spear, with what looked like a broken data stream floating behind him.

Another Victor appeared, sitting on the throne of flesh and blood, scorning the real Victor.

The white matter formed out of thin air gathered into a huge book, and the pages were turning, recording Victor's mood and feelings every minute and every second at this time.

Finally, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky, and an existence that looked almost like a human landed at the forefront of all the Star Gods.

When seeing so many Star Gods appearing in front of him, Victor's spirit still wanted to remain decent, but he could not contain the fear that originated from the bottom of his heart.

The existence of the Star God is a curse to the real universe. It is difficult for any creature existing in the real universe not to be afraid of these transcendent beings who can play with the supreme truth in the universe.

"You gave us a surprise." Saranoga looked at the ancient Eldar warriors on both sides of Victor.

An arm appeared in this Dyson ball, an arm slowly raised.

Tearing apart the past and the future, energy that shattered space and time was released from Saranoga's fingertips.

Like a touch from a graceful person.

Irresistible energy surged out in the form of lightning, reducing one of the ancient Eldar warriors to a lump of charcoal.

Another Eldar warrior tried to attack, but as soon as he took a step, he was cut into countless pieces by twisted lines from all directions.

"It's not fair!" Victor looked at Qin Mo, who had just put down his hand and cut another of his soldiers into pieces, "You all came out in force, but I only have a mortal body!"

"Fairness? The fairness you want is to watch those two ancestors of yours kill my people until their blood flows like rivers!"

Qin Mo's voice echoed in Victor's ears, and the conspiracy master's whole body flickered, and his whole body was moved directly in front of him, receiving a look of contempt.

To the Star God, those two spirit warriors were nothing. They were still creatures whose bodies were located in the real universe and could be easily wiped out.

But if it is an ordinary iron man, army, space warrior, thunder warrior... no matter what it is, as long as it encounters the Eldar warrior, the only outcome is to be killed until the blood flows into a river.

Humans often have to pay a lot of money to end a war. This is not because human tactics are shitty, but because there are really no more advanced units that can be used in soldier-on-soldier battles.

Green-skinned warlords, Eldar prophets, warp demons, Tyranid tyrants... any of these can kill humans at will, and none of them can be handled by ordinary space warriors.

But fortunately, humans now can't just use infantry or space warriors to kill the enemy.

"Don't talk to us about fairness. The real universe doesn't care about fairness." The Burner raised his hand, causing Victor's body to look at the god uncontrollably. "You are far worse than your ancestors. At least they were treated by us. They don’t cry out about unfairness when they’re being slaughtered.”

Victor wanted to refute Burner, but his eloquence was suppressed by fear. After holding it in for a long time, he could only look at Qin Mo reluctantly: "Kill...kill me...you, the leader, personally..."

"I wouldn't have come here if I hadn't suspected that you had some ruthless tricks." Qin Mo shook his head and looked at the narrator, "Let's put an end to his story."

"Victor looked at the gods in front of him in fear."

"The gods of Tyrone originally wanted to look back at the grand scene of the War in Heaven and see how much legacy the true successor of the Eldar could produce, but Victor let them down."

"The fate of Victor, who cannot even please the gods, is death. His soul will be crushed and his body will be annihilated."

"Among the gods, one named the Narrator will bring Victor's story to an end."

"It floated slowly towards Victor. Although this transcendent existence did not have eyes that could be understood by a weak creature like Victor, it was indeed looking down at the ants in front of it coldly."

The narrator came to Victor.

The living metal gathered, extended, and finally converged into an arm under the control of the Star God's essence.

His fingers gently tapped Victor's chest.

The dark armor on Victor's body rippled, and twisted lines formed a perfect circle.

At the center of the circle, where the reporter tapped lightly, a singular point the size of a grain of rice appeared out of thin air.

The next second Victor's entire existence began to collapse.

"Victor's soul was seized by the greedy Burner, and this was his end."

"The Lord of Conspiracy's life full of intrigues and deeds is over, but Commorragh still stands in the Webway, but the city will soon be destroyed."

"The gods slowly turned around and prepared to do the last thing in this war."

Sorry guys, I got up late today, there will be two more chapters soon

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