Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 656 A free and easy person

"Barbarian chaos."

"You made quite a fuss in a lower town with a four-digit number in the seventh quadrant of Comoros. In the huge Comoros, this is a big achievement."

Arrow recalled a record in a document he read when he was a child.

"What happened next?"

The person who asked the original body very urgently was not Chen Ye or Ai Rui, but Yao En.

Yao En has a psychological problem that psychologists in the sector call the "Tyrone Master Plot."

The so-called Lord of Tyrone plot refers to the emergence of a savior who leads people to resist in a dangerous environment of absolute embarrassment and fight against the people who caused the dangerous environment. People are very interested in this kind of story. This kind of plot has been used in the Star Zone. It is very common among the veterans who fought alongside the Lord of Tyrone.

And there are many people in the sector who like stories similar to the template.

So Yaoen was unusually interested in what happened to Jaghatai after he entered Comorragh.

"We are unstoppable."

Jaghatai added some fuel to the bonfire. The fuel was the bones and skin of some creature.

"We liberated the arenas and the terrifying dungeons of the Dark Eldar."

“Those who were tortured to the point of insanity were raised to death, and those who were willing to rebel against their slave masters and executioners took up arms and formed armies.”

"Everything was going well until we discovered that our success was actually an experiment by Victor. He wanted to see what would happen if the slaves rebelled."

After a moment of silence, Jaghatai revealed the last thing that happened to him after being imprisoned in the webway.

"Another person who led the resistance with me had differences in strategic opinions with me, and then he convinced most of the people and led the army into the ambush prepared by Victor. In just a moment, we were all sent into it. This network."

After listening to Chagatai's narration, Yao En let out a long, depressed sigh.

Then the guard asked in great confusion: "Another leader of the resistance? In a desperate situation, everyone should only obey one leader. Although the power of the governor in our sector is greatly restricted, in wartime In this state, the planetary governor has absolute control and command over the defense team on his own planet, and can also execute anyone who disagrees with him. This is because absolute authority is necessary in desperate situations."

Hearing this, Chagatai stared at the guards.

"The wise man always stands in front of the mirror."

"A structure with only authority is unhealthy. Even the wisest ruler needs someone who often speaks out against his opinions as a mirror and a wake-up call."

"In addition, I don't want to have only absolute authority in the so-called desperate situation. Even if this authority loves everyone, everyone who is loved by him will lose their freedom."

"No matter how majestic the eagle is, as long as it succumbs to hunger and succumbs to the food provided by the falconer, it will sooner or later become a caged bird."

Freedom, this is what Chagatai pursues.

Yaoen thought carefully for a moment, and then nodded, not agreeing but respecting.

In the analysis of the Primarchs in the sector, Jaghatai is often labeled as pursuing freedom and ideals.

Many people know that Jaghatai completely disagrees with the emperor's ideas and will. The Lord of Tyron once bluntly said that in Jaghatai's eyes, the emperor is not a good person, but the enemy is even worse.

Between two rotten apples, you have to choose the less rotten one.

Chagatai also proposed a new world concept that is more equal, rational, and free.

A branch of Primarch Psychology, Chogoris Eagle researchers used the main control intelligence kindly sponsored by the Lord of Tyrone to conduct a virtual social simulation, and finally came up with a completely different model than what the Khan researchers had hoped for. conclusion.

That is, if humans did not form an empire, but did what Chagatai envisioned...

The probability that humans can survive for a hundred years without becoming extinct is one percent.

Then researchers have to admit one thing, that is, a thing may be very bad in human feelings, but it is effective as long as it exists. Most of the things that good things bring are not good.

Just like the Empire, it is indeed terrifying and cruel, but it is effective when facing many enemies.

In addition, those researchers even went to the Star Gods in the sector to find out why beautiful ideas were not beautiful.

The Star Gods' response is: Because you live in the real universe and not the subspace, the real universe doesn't care what shit you are thinking.

After thinking about this, Yao En could only let out a melancholy sigh, and then asked: "We were not all wiped out after entering the webway, but we still survived, right? Then why are you the only one here?"

Jaghatai did not explain immediately, but picked up an object that could be used for lighting and completely illuminated the surroundings.

It makes those shielding things no longer shieldable, and even human eyes can penetrate those thick obstacles.

Then everyone saw that the hiding place was located in a city of the Ancient Eldar Empire. The hiding place was a huge fortress-like building that looked completely different from the surrounding Eldar architectural styles.

So it is conceivable that this place was built by others.

The whole building was full of lights, but not even a single person could be seen.

The empty giant square silently speaks of the prosperity of the past.

Apparently, those who were imprisoned in the Webway with Jaghatai not only survived, but also founded a new city.

But they are all gone now, turned into stone graves in the large open space around the square.

At this time, a small civilization was destroyed.

"The time is long and the years are long."

Jaghatai said softly.

"All of us will eventually perish, but we will all become the memories of future generations and survive in their spirits."

"The sea of ​​souls is not the destination of every warrior's soul, but the memory of every person he protects."

The warriors of the White Scars raised their heads and looked up at their original body, their eyes filled with admiration and admiration.

Yaoen was also amazed by Chagatai in his heart, thinking that he was a free and elegant man, completely different from his rough appearance.

However, the Dark Eldar had no reaction at all. Everything shown by the original body was too bland in their view. For these Eldar, Khan's personal character must be magnified a hundred times to arouse their strong emotions. The spiritual resonance of the race.

"Everything you do seems to have no meaning." Arrow said, "The people you once saved and fought alongside you were just a few words in your words."

"It doesn't matter, they existed and will be remembered." Chagatai looked down at Arrow indifferently.

Just like the decision Jaghatai made during the Battle of Terra.

As the minions of Horus tortured the civilians outside the Imperial Palace of Terra, Jaghatai stood with Sanguinius and Rogal Dorn.

Dorn showed no expression at the miserable situation of the civilians outside, and Sanguinius could only sigh.

Jaghatai asked Sanguinius: "How many people can I save in your prophecy?"


After receiving his brother's response, Chagatai jumped up and rushed out of the city.

How many people can Chagatai save? Even if those who were saved by him did not die at the hands of the enemy, they might die from collateral damage caused by various weapons of mass destruction, such as radiation.

But Jaghatai just wants to jump out and save people.

It may have no impact on the overall situation, or it may not be of any use from a utilitarian point of view, but it is what needs to be done.

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