Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 621 The Troubled Neck

The blinding flash overshadowed the light from the webway itself.

The roar of the explosion shook the entire network route.

"What happened?" Efreni quickly rushed to the porthole and looked behind.

A ship of normal size cannot look back in this way, but the Regent and the Death Prophet are now in a very small ship.

When Efreni looked back, she saw that all six enemy ships chasing behind her had disappeared.

But then three more enemy ships pursued them from the fork in the network road.

"I have long said that you should ask for the webway structure road map corresponding to the Tyrone Sector!"

Efreyne ran back to Guilliman, unable to avoid complaining in this critical situation.

It was obvious that as long as Guilliman asked for the road map, the Tyrone Sector would definitely give it to him, and then he would not be in a state of being like a headless fly when he encountered this matter today.

However, Guilliman was unable to respond to Evrené's complaint.

The original body lay flat on the floor, clutching the open wound on his neck.

The Honor Guard who followed Guilliman waited anxiously beside the Gene Father.

"What happened to Guilliman?"

The sound coming from the human vocal organ sounded. Efreni followed the sound and saw a person penetrating through the bulkhead of the battleship.

It was Qin Mo who came to support.

He killed six ships, then sensed that something was not right with Guilliman in the ship, and hurried over to check.

Seeing his friend arrive, Guilliman, who turned pale, waved.

Qin Mo stepped forward and listened carefully.

"That...that guy named Ahela...is not as powerful as Fulgen..."

A weak voice came from Guilliman's mouth.

Although he didn't see what happened, Qin Moguang could guess it. Guilliman must have been furious and ran to fight the enemy.

The final outcome was that Guilliman's neck was slit, but we don't know what happened to the former Phoenix Lord named Ahela.

If Akhla hurt Guilliman unilaterally, that would be the end of it.

"I cut off... one of his legs."

Guilliman forced out these words through his teeth.

"It's not worth it. You should just run all the way, because that guy named Ahela is a former Phoenix Lord. Even if he can't suppress you, he can still inflict some damage on you. You don't need to fight with him." Qin Mo said as he injected Guilliman with a potion containing Elsa's power.

Guilliman's face regained some color after being injected with the medicine, and the wound on his neck also healed quickly.

"Besides me who can deal with Ahela, who else here can stop him without dying?" Guilliman asked.

"Yes." Qin Mo had to nod.

Guilliman is not very lucky. He always encounters things like this that no one can solve unless he takes action.

But if you think about it carefully, Guilliman is the original body after all, and Ahela was seriously injured. It is estimated that it will be impossible to come out and run around in the short term.

"Boys, can you excuse me?" Efreni came over to remind Qin Mo, "There are three more battleships following us!"

"Take the Webway branch line. There is a Webway gate there, and then we return to the real universe." Qin Mo knows his part of the Webway well through years of experience in Webway exploration.

At this time, the Eldar warship just arrived at the branch line intersection, turned directly in, and then jumped out from the unfolded webway gate after driving for three seconds.

The three warships of the Dark Eldar realized something was wrong, but they still couldn't stop in desperation and followed them into the real universe.

Immediately, an uninhabited and wild world in the galaxy began to collapse, and a small black hole was created.

Gravity pulled the Dark Eldar ship into the core in an instant, but the ship Qin Mo was on was not affected by gravity and quickly left the scope of the black hole.

Then Qin Mo took out the forge that fed the star gods in the star area, and reshaped the celestial body that had been turned into a black hole by his own power into a normal celestial body.

After she was safe, Efreni breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought we would die in the hands of Ahela."

"No." Qin Mo shook his head. On the way to the ship, he saw the support troops sent by Iyanden's Ark. Even if he didn't come, Guilliman and Everene would not die in the pursuit. .

Efreni went to Iyanden's Ark this time and paid the highest respect to her compatriots.

Since the Eldar believe that awakening the Death God will lead to genocide, many forces are hostile to the Death Army.

Of course, Iyanden's Ark is not so easy to accept the Death Army, so Efreni who goes to the Ark will go there without troops and only in a small boat.

Iyanden's Ark was respected, so naturally he would not just sit back and ignore Efreni.

Now that the worry about her life has disappeared, Efreni can think calmly, and then asks Qin Mo: "How did you know that we are being hunted by Ahla?"

"Because I've seen this."


"I'm just kidding. One day ago, Prophet Uslan told me about your visit to Iyanden's Ark, and then Uslan relayed the request for help you just sent to me, so I came here."

Qin Mo gave a reason that was as plausible as possible.

But Efreni knew that this couldn't be the whole reason, otherwise it would be impossible to explain how Qin Mo could directly find the group of people in the webway when he just got the news.

Considering the current alliance between humans and the Death Army, Everene decided not to ask so many questions.

"Their dark kin's plundering actions against Tyrone, and the recent reports from the Inquisition that the Black Ship Eldar's plundering actions against the Empire are increasing." Guilliman found a place to sit down and elaborated on his speculation, "We are now Being hunted again, it is estimated that their dark relatives are brewing some big conspiracy against the entire human race."

Guilliman always glanced at Evrené when he spoke. They in "their dark kin" naturally meant the Eldar.

Efreni felt that Guilliman seemed to be secretly expressing his dissatisfaction with the Eldar race, but then she realized that she had never taught Guilliman another name for the dark relatives.

After a pause, Guilliman said in a deep voice: "Whether Iyanden's Ark is trustworthy is also a question."

"Iyanden's Ark has little to do with the attack on you." Qin Mo explained for Everene, "The Death Army has already been targeted by Ahela, whether you went to visit Iyanden alone or Visit other craft worlds, even if you go to visit the greenskins, he will still jump out and hunt you down."

This is an incident that the Death Army encountered. Humans are not the only ones with old enemies in this universe.

The Death Army also has old enemies, and events similar to the Battle of Cadia also occurred within the Eldar - the fall of the craft world Bietan.

The craft world of Iyanden is absolutely clean. In the original development of things, Efreni was only a slap away from Ahla's sword, and then the Phoenix Lord and Prophet of Iyanden saved her.

And it was not without reason that Guilliman suspected Iyanden's Ark.

Qin Mo thought for a while and felt that Iyanden's Ark did not leave a good impression on Guilliman. She did not say anything like Efreni from the Death Army, but looked like a common Eldar. Inscrutable and mysterious, it looks like he is not holding back anything good.

"I learned about the Tyron Navy's annihilation of the plundering fleet. I thought those dirty maggots in Comoros were just relying on their powerful webway skills to cause trouble everywhere. They were simply vulnerable."

"But now I know that there are also powerful people in Comoros, and there is a reason why they can survive until now."

Guilliman wanted to persuade Qin Mo to be more cautious, and at least spend more time considering whether to rush into Comoros and take unforgettable revenge on those guys who were as twisted as maggots.

Comoros is so mysterious.

From Guilliman's point of view, the guy named Ahela just now has many people in Comoros, so he should not be underestimated.

Qin Mo understood what the original body meant, but he knew clearly that no matter what species it was, there were only a handful of strong ones.

"Then Akhla is indeed a ruthless character."

"But my sword is not disadvantageous."

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