Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 618 The Dream of Unification

"No matter what, I regret bringing you out. We might as well die under the tyrant's knife now."

The old chief of Bendis kept complaining, although the potion given by the Haemonculus made him a little younger...

But it was precisely because he became a little younger that he had the strength to complain here, otherwise he would have been lying there with no air coming out.

The truth was about to blurt out from Bendis's lips, but he didn't want the old officer to collapse and go crazy after learning the truth and realizing that his suspicions were completely unnecessary.

So forget it.

"Can you all calm down for a moment?" Bendis pressed the communication device given by Li Sun to his ear. "In two days I will have to kill people in the arena to keep you alive. I have to rest."

"I didn't ask you to save me! I'm a cripple now. You should have let me die in the arena for you!"

"Yes, yes, okay, okay."

"People like me have no reason to live at all! Why can't you insert the medicine you gave me into your own neck, and then squat there and watch me, a cripple, die!"

Hearing these words, Bendis slowly turned his head, staring at his old commander with two hollow eyes in his sunken eye sockets.

"I don't have the qualifications or desire to live, but you were the one who dragged me away after my head was penetrated by a laser."

"You won't let me die, and in retaliation, I won't let you die either."

Bendis's two words were like two sharp arrows, instantly silencing the old officer.

The other old guys also fell silent. They found some warm things to cover Bendis in the shabby shack, and then kept quiet so as not to disturb Bendis' rest.

In his sleep, Bendis dreamed of many things.

About the Terran Unification War.

About Thunder Warriors.

About the symbol worn by the Emperor at that time - lightning.

About what the Emperor was called before he became the Emperor - Lord of Lightning and Thunder.

After these dreams that almost woke Bendis from his sleep gradually dissipated, he dreamed of a peaceful and peaceful scene.

A group of people are mining mineral deposits in a desolate wasteland.

This scene was peaceful enough on Terra.

There are only a group of workers sweating, cheering and encouraging each other, and women and children delivering water and food to the workers.

There were no explosions of fire, no murderous and bloodthirsty shouts, and no terrifying marauders sent by the great warlords.

Bendis just stood there and watched.

That was the first time that the ten-year-old him saw such a peaceful and peaceful scene.

Then Bendis' father, Bendis Sr., arrived.

He called on all workers to put down what they were doing, gather around him, and listen to himself.

Bendis discovered that there was a tall and handsome man standing next to his father.

The handsome man made Bendis sigh in his heart. If he were a woman, she would be willing to be a servant next to this man, as long as she could serve him.

"We are going to select some of the best young men to fight with the Lord of Lightning and Thunder!"

"Who wants to be a Thunder Warrior?"

Listening to his father's call, Bendis looked at the Lord of Lightning and Thunder: "Sir, what is a Thunder Warrior?"

Bendis saw the man squatting down and looking at him. The people around him didn't seem to see his movements, otherwise his father would have rushed up to him, grabbed his ears and beat him violently.

"A group of biochemically modified people, just like the picture in the book you read, tall, strong, powerful in combat, and tenacious in vitality."

"Sir...how do you know that I have seen..."

Bendis was curious, as he and the Lords of Lightning and Thunder had only met twice.

Once he came here and convinced his father with his charm and methods, so that the resource city-state ruled by his father joined his command.

The second time is now.

How did this man know that he had read the Cyborg comics?

"In exchange for great power," the man confessed to Bendis, "they will live a short life, become crazy, and their transformation surgery will be defective."

"No, no, no... stop talking, sir!" Bendis did not dare to continue listening. He was afraid that he would be silenced for knowing the secrets of those Thunder Warriors.

The man easily understood Bendis's thinking: "You don't need to worry, they all know their flaws."

"Then... then why do they still become Thunder Warriors? Who wants to become a defective defective product?" Bendis was puzzled.

The man stood up and looked forward.

I don’t know why, but in Bendis’ eyes, the workers did not gather around his father, but were still working there.

"For everyone on Terra to be able to enjoy order and security like you, for..."

The man's voice was deep and powerful, and every syllable was charming.

"For unity."

Bendis realized a lot at this moment.

Terra has endured many, many years of chaos, with warlords fighting each other and civilians eking out an existence under war and oppression.

The wealth consumed by the warlords in raising a dog can feed thousands of people, but they are just not willing to give even a little bit of anything to let people at least have a bite or two to maintain vital signs.

They even took away the sea water.

If Terra is not unified and the warlords are not eliminated, this tragedy will continue forever.

Therefore, the purpose of the Lord of Lightning and Thunder is to unify.

The Thunder Warriors, this powerful special force, were also born for unification.

The dream changed.

Bendis lies on the operating table.

"As a noble, you can know the flaws of the Thunder Warriors."

"If you are unwilling to join the Thunder Warriors after knowing it, then you can serve the Lord of Thunder in another way."

"You are a noble, you are always useful, you always have privileges."


The person responsible for performing the transformation surgery thought for a long time.

Bendis had long known the consequences of becoming a Thunder Warrior, but he did not interrupt the doctor's chanting.

He was thinking about the future of Terra and humanity.

There is always someone who needs to make a sacrifice, someone who should always step up.

Otherwise, Terra would still be the same as she was when she was five or six years old. A group of warlord's lackeys would come and rob her at every turn. People were squatting in the underground fortress, planning whose daughter they would give away this month.

"Are you sure you know the consequences and are willing to become a Thunder Warrior?" the doctor asked.

Faced with the inquiry, Bendis was silent for several seconds.

"For unity."

Bendis said.

"For the sake of unity." The doctor waved towards the door, so that those guys with modified implants could come in and perform operations, "For the Lord of Lightning and Thunder."

"For unity!"

A loud shout woke Bendis from his sleep.

Others were also woken up, got up and looked at the man who shouted in his dream.

Then the old guys lay down back to sleep as usual.

Bendis wanted to rest for a while, but he really couldn't sleep, so he took out the communication device and put it to his ear to listen.

As before, no news.

Not at all disappointed, Bendis placed the communication device in his locker.

To him, it was no longer an item that could be used to call for rescuers, and he did not expect a Rogue Trader to enter Commorragh without informing the empire's top brass that a group of Thunder Warriors had survived to this day.

It is a treasure used to express emotions.

Through this Eldar communication device given by Li Sun, Bendis can know that mankind has stumbled into the 41st millennium.

Although humanity is still a mess, the dream of unification has come true.

The human species forms a vast interstellar empire spanning astronomical scales.

Instead of fighting each other in a certain area of ​​​​the planet, the ants will be easily killed by powerful enemies falling from the sky if they fail to protect themselves.

I had a bad cold and couldn't sleep, so I started reading and went to the hospital in the afternoon.

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