Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 611 Arrogance

The naval fleet returning from victory escorted the ships filled with Dark Eldar out of the webway and back to the Tyrone sector.

However, the fleet commander learned on the way that the Lord of Tyrone would personally deal with the aliens, so he immediately made all arrangements.

All 6,100 Dark Eldar prisoners captured were imprisoned in large temporary prisons in the cruiser, and then all captains in the fleet were asked to come to the pilot ship with their entourage to prepare for the arrival of important people.

After doing all this, the commander waited at the entrance of the place where the alien prisoners were kept.

Considering that Arrow contributed knowledge about Commorragh and that if she hadn't secretly dropped the beacon, the fleet would not have been able to pursue the webway, Arrow was also authorized to welcome the leader of the sector together.

"Transport plane arrives at the tarmac."

"The guide has passed."

The fleet commander heard the deputy's report and nodded.

At this time, everyone was silent for a while.

Returning victoriously with a Dark Eldar alien, and then having to meet the Lord of Talon with her, this made everyone present feel mixed.

Everyone is thinking about why Arrow betrayed her kind, and why she told the fleet about Comoros, and even let the shuttle enter Comoros for reconnaissance.

Could she be a hybrid between a human and a Dark Eldar?

No, this is impossible. Humans and Ada people cannot mix together at all. There is reproductive isolation.

"Why do you want to help us? You must not just want to exchange for the relics of the Ancient Spirit Empire." The commander couldn't help but asked.

Arrow nodded expressionlessly: "We are descendants of the ancient Ada Empire. It is our duty to collect the relics of our ancestors. As for me taking you to see Comoros... If you can figure out the reason within thirty years, remember to contact us. I, I will let you, the most intelligent person among the upright ape barbarians, be given the title of Honorary Ada."

"Fuck you." The commander raised his middle finger.

"This is why it is difficult to establish friendship between our two races." Arrow said coldly, "Our thinking is too profound and complicated. I can't explain to you my motives or anything else, because I am really too lazy. Downgrade your mind to the level of a three-year-old Ada before I talk to you."

Arrow's words were heard by others, and everyone cast unkind glances at her.

This arrogant attitude of the Eldar is the most hated thing.

Those profound thoughts, extreme emotions, complex and sharp senses, these racial advantages that can give humans a sense of superiority over humans physiologically, in the eyes of the Tyrone people, are precisely the most sinful and deadly aspects of the Eldar race.

Compared to the Eldar, the very simple senses that humans possess have thresholds. This means that no matter how hard humans try, they will not pursue sensory stimulation like the Eldar do. Naturally, they will not use that intense The emotion hatched into a demon.

The other thing is the extreme emotional feelings. The Eldar protected by the star sector on Caris made a huge joke because of their extreme emotions.

A life-or-death love triangle began between three Eldar. The man who was abandoned by the woman felt that he had lost the meaning of life, so he committed suicide. The woman's emotions resonated with the dead man's, and she committed suicide. Then the other man also committed suicide because he also had a crush on the dead man and was moved by this feeling.

In the end, these three people were saved because there was no medical insurance business for aliens in the sector, and they were saddled with large medical debts.

Now it's better, no matter what love you still have, you can just go to work and pay off your debts.

Humans don't do this, and that's the beauty of simple senses.

After running through these theories in his mind, the commander was ready to systematically refute Arrow, the alien, but the sudden sound of footsteps interrupted him.

"Five hundred worlds for Tai Lung!"

All those present stood at attention and shouted in unison.

Qin Mo, who was wearing a gorgeous formal suit, came to the entrance of the temporary prison where the aliens were imprisoned, with his hands behind his back.

Normally, everyone would feel honored and happy when seeing this sector leader, but not now.

Everyone feels that they are under strong mental oppression, and fear spreads in everyone's heart.

But this is not because of Qin Mo. In fact, it is precisely because of his existence that everyone will not collapse.

The source of that fear was a burning person behind Qin Mo.

It was suspended in mid-air, wrapped in flames, and its crazy white pupils swept across everyone and everything.


An overly powerful existence like the Star God would make every living being in the real universe feel uncomfortable.

Even if the Burner did nothing, even if it could do nothing now following the Lord of Talon, fear was fear.

In addition to the Burner, there is another companion who follows the Lord of Tyron.

That was also an alien, but one that had a decent relationship with the sector.

The former Prophet of the Ark of Uthvi and now the Supreme Prophet of the Death Army, Eldrad Uthlan.

Everyone present was curious.

Why did this alien appear again?

"You did a great job, and the entire sector is inspired by your feat of annihilating the alien fleet."

"We will teach those aliens who are eyeing the Sector a bloody lesson."

Qin Mo first praised the senior management of the fleet, then said a few other words, and walked directly into the temporary prison where the Dark Eldar alien prisoners were held.

As for Arrow, she didn't say a word to Qin Mo, and there was no need to say anything. She just made an appointment with Li Sun in the star area, and then took away what she should take.

But Ai Rui took another look at Uslan, because the old prophet's deep temperament, elegant manners, and extremely handsome face moved her heart.

"We'd better not kill these prisoners."

Uslan suggested while walking down the corridor into the temporary prison.

"You are not qualified to dictate. How to deal with these prisoners is something I need to consider and decide. What does it have to do with you? You captured these Comorian bastards alive?"

"You are still biased against me... I came to you on the orders of Prophet Enad to help you deal with our bad relatives. Of course, I am not qualified to give advice, but I must give some opinions, right?"

"On the order of Efreni? When my people said they were going to pick you up outside the star sector, you were surrounded by a group of Eldar, and you were holding a Crystal Seer in your arms! You came here to avoid trouble like last time! "

Qin Mo's last words made the Crystal Prophet Marauder shut up.

Uslan wanted to defend himself, but after opening and closing his mouth several times, he just showed an unbearable smile and complained: "You humans speak too straight."

I feel a bit uncomfortable because I have a cold, so I will rest until the afternoon before starting to write.

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