Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 461 Guilliman’s Second Wonderful Journey

The Red Pirate Army on Beisu No. 1 began to evacuate desperately.

But in the minds of people other than the top Red Pirates, this was not an evacuation, but a military operation.

The other warbands of Chaos Space Marines were left to continue the fight on the North Rim, realizing that something might not be right, but their god told them to stay and cover the Red Corsairs.

After Abaddon's life and death were unknown, the four gods' favor towards Huron reached its extreme. Each of them hoped to use their favor to bring Huron closer to themselves.

When the stalemate war situation reversed, a person that Qin Mo unexpectedly came to the Tyrone star region - Guilliman.

Qin Mo could only divert his attention from the war and squeeze out some time to arrange a meeting between Guilliman and Sanguinius.

If Beisu Nest had not been relieved before, and the sector was always facing the threat of being penetrated by the Hurons through the Tailong Gate, Qin Mo would not have had such leisurely intentions.

But now that the war in Beisu Hive City is over, the war situation is improving.

The fast-sailing ship equipped with the most advanced dimensional engine docked in the starport of Tyron One, and then Guilliman teleported to the surface together with the Honor Guard of the Ultramarines Chapter.

This second journey to Tyrone began with great urgency, and there was only one reason for the Primarch's second arrival.

After Calgar resolved the war in the Elona system, he sent a message to his genetic father: Your holy, angelic brother appeared in the Talon sector.

Guilliman came without hesitation, even though the High Lords advised him to stay on Terra, and even though he had to openly ride on a Tyronian ship, he still came at great speed and without hesitation.

On the way to the meeting place, Guilliman felt extremely uneasy as he walked along the wide straight road.

The Honor Guard noticed that the genetic father was walking with his head down and looking at his feet, which was not the posture of their father.

The Gene-Father should hold his chest high, his broad palm resting on the hilt of the Emperor's Sword at his waist as if he could control everything.

But they didn't know that Guilliman didn't come to Planet 1 of the Tyron System as a primarch, but as a brother.

Guilliman was thinking.

Why did Sanguinius appear? He was obviously killed by the traitor Horus on the Vengeful Spirit...

Is Sanguinius the same Sanguinius as before? Will he be distorted by the worship of the people of Baal for nearly ten thousand years and become like his father?

When the Second Empire was formed, Sanguinius was unwilling to be the leader of the Second Empire. He was persuaded by himself to agree. However, he later discovered that the Empire had not been destroyed, and his father was waiting for support in the solar system... Will Sanguinius hate him for this?

What would he say if I met him?

No matter what he wanted to say... he wanted to talk to Sanguinius, talk about the current situation of the empire, and talk about the cold and heartless curses that his father uttered at the beginning of the meeting.

"Father." A soldier from the Honor Guard patted Guilliman's lower back gently, and then stopped.

Guilliman stopped thinking and raised his head to look ahead.

Four hundred meters ahead, under the tall statue of Tyron's capital world, which is Ideal City, stood three people.

Lord of Tyrone.

Guilliman was extremely happy to see him, just as happy as when he first learned from his descendants that Qin Mo not only did not die in the subspace, but also came out alive to lead the army in battle.


Guilliman's pupils dilated. He couldn't believe that Sanguinius was standing there. His metal body did not affect his beauty at all, and the affinity between the original brothers also made Guilliman certain that it was his. Brothers, not war machines that are extensions of Talon's living metal technology.

Guilliman couldn't help but want to talk, but he saw a third person.

The blonde woman who could be possessed by the human part of her father.

never mind.

As for the conversation with my father during the meeting, let’s find another opportunity.

Guilliman thought so and walked forward faster.

When the distance between the two sides was only five meters, Sanguinius suddenly gave Guilliman an unexpected hug.

He was also happy to see Guilliman.

Among the primarchs, although Guilliman tried hard to maintain the relationship between brothers, he was actually not very popular with his brothers. When he first met Lion King Lion ten thousand years ago, For some reason, I could feel a trace of... a negative feeling that was hard to describe in Ryan's gaze.

Among the Primarchs, Guilliman's favorites were Sanguinius, Vulkan, Ferus, and Krax, Lord of the Fire Dragons.

Most of the other Primarchs found Guilliman ambitious.

Guilliman was still worried that Sanguinius would hate him for what happened to the Second Empire, but now he was relieved.

Of course Sanguinius was actually angry, but that was ten thousand years ago. When the Empire became what it is today and the entire galaxy was in chaos, Sanguinius was actually worried about his brother's situation.

"Don't even think about asking him to help you clean up the mess." Vanessa stepped forward and said, "His living metal body can only allow him to move in the real universe for a while."

Guilliman turned to look at Vanessa. This woman's eyes were filled with golden light, which was a sign of her father's possession.

"That's such a pity." Guilliman turned to his heirs and said, "It's okay now. Let's go back to Terra."

The original body was just joking. He couldn't just turn around and leave just because Sanguinius couldn't help him clean up the mess. In fact, he had already thought about it before coming back and wanted Sanguinius to stay in the Tyrone sector for a while longer. , lest Sanguinius would see the current Empire as quickly as possible.

"Guilliman..." Sanguinius reached out and picked up Guilliman's blond hair, his eyes falling on some of the white hair. "You...how many times have you been hit by weapons that can speed up time after you woke up?" How long?"

Guilliman looked helpless.

Sanguinius saw his white hair and even thought he had been hit by a ray gun used by the xenos race ten thousand years ago.

This is no wonder, because Sanguinius had previously learned from his descendants that Guilliman had entered a quiescent position for ten thousand years. It was impossible for him to age. Now that he has gray hair, he can only be hit by a ray gun. What's the reason?

"You don't know what our ideals have become. You don't know what a twisted and ugly monster the empire we fought for has become."

"Did you know that the powerful people in the current empire even use a weird thing like a servo skull, a baby with wings and half flesh and half electronic parts? That kind of freak, the origin of the monster is just... It gives me chills just thinking about it.”

Guilliman complained with a ferocious expression about what he saw.

He always had a smile on his face when he faced the high lords and nobles on Terra, but in fact he hated everything he saw and everyone he discussed with him.

The pope of the state religion thought that he had won the favor of the Son of God, and he was still complacent...

However, Guilliman, who was smiling and discussing the state religion with the Pope, did not like it. He wanted to use his commanding hand to smash the Pope and the twisted monster with wings like a child flying around.

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