That night, a storm of thunder, lightning and flames swept around the canyon.

It was like a giant sandstorm blowing in the harsh wasteland of the hive city, except it was not made of sand and strong winds, but made of thunder and fire.

The flames had the nature of a violent wind, whistling and blowing lightning, traveling in an unnatural route with overwhelming momentum, passing through every artillery position deployed by the attacker around the canyon.

Space Marines in ceramite armor and mortal soldiers in carapace are all killed in the strange storm, including those hidden in the deepest fortifications.

Because when a storm sweeps through the entire position, people hiding in the underground fortress who think they are safe will see lightning and flames penetrate the walls and the geology above their heads, pouring into the interior of the fortification like a flood.

A person who has no way to escape in a small fortification will die faster than a person who is trying to avoid the storm on the ground by racing.

Tyrone and the Cadian people, who stood in their positions and looked out at the storm, had realized who was driving the storm.

This god-like power can only belong to a man in their memory.

The Red Corsair Space Marines and the mortal army did not realize who the storm came from. They only thought that it might be some Word Bearer's sorcery and mental retardation that summoned the storm that killed their own people, or sacrificed their own people.

Huron paid special attention to Qin Mo's traces. He once promised his subordinates that if his gem eyes saw the appearance of that guy, he would definitely inform his subordinates.

But due to some special reasons, Huron failed to accurately predict Qin Mo's return, and those who believed in him also failed to get the warning.

The storm raged throughout the night, and it wasn't until the next morning that the attacker's nightmare truly began.

The commander of the attacking forces stationed outside the artillery position received sighting reports from the 87th Taillon Armored Regiment from two units in less than three minutes. At first, he thought that those people were driven crazy by the storm and reported blindly, but after careful Thinking about the superiority of Tyrone's army, I realized that this was not a false report, but that two troops were actually defeated by the armored regiment teleported to them in three minutes.

At first, the commander-in-chief could try to make some arrangements, such as sending additional reinforcements and requiring all his troops to gather together, but these measures were all ineffective.

Reports from all the routed units were of a man wielding great strength leading armored regiments and civilians in an assault.

They can teleport directly behind the defense line instantly.

Can get out of cliffs.

Can fall from the sky.

These strange phenomena, together with the previous storm, led the commander to speculate that two powerful creatures in the Tyrone sector were participating in a war.

Like the guy who was on fire.

That weird thing that can turn into a war machine.

But think about it carefully, how could these two powerful creatures come out to rescue a besieged army instead of fighting in the northern continent where the war is the most intense?

All this confusion lasted until ten minutes later, because ten minutes later, the commander's headquarters was attacked.

After everyone arranged positions around the entire command post, an armored regiment emerged directly from the center of the defensive position, disintegrating the defense almost instantly.

While armored vehicles were killing everyone, the hive militiamen rushed into the headquarters building, destroyed the void shield, slaughtered the command personnel, and collected documents.

The command quickly collapsed, as did the previously attacked armies.

Under the teleportation assault of armored forces led by a powerful individual, the enemy is often defeated without even knowing what is happening.

This is the 44th Infantry Regiment.

Grote didn't know what happened after the storm raged. He just received a message showing that the enemy forces besieging them had been completely defeated.

Less than ten seconds have passed since the first gunshot was fired from the enemy's side. The friendly forces who came to support can only be described in two words - powerful and efficient.

And this kind of power and efficiency also made Grote even more convinced that he had the support of the Lord of Tyrone himself.

The order received yesterday afternoon had seemed at the time very foolish and very coercive, but now it seems very wise.

If an armored regiment, an infantry regiment, and more soldiers were fighting with the Lord of Tyrone and could not even disintegrate the enemy's front that was several times their own, then the Tyrone sector would have been captured by the enemy long ago.

Sixty seconds after receiving the message, the armored regiment, hive civilians, and Lord Tyrone teleported to the position.

Qin Mo is a classic, dressed like a statue in the star area.

Power armor, scepter, chainsword.

When they saw the gleaming golden scepter and the chain sword, all the soldiers in the trenches, whether they were Cadians or Tyrones, felt that the fatigue caused by the endless battles had been swept away. The will to fight filled the chest, and everyone wondered why they suddenly had a sense of mission that they must fight on and fight at all costs.

Not just them, but also the men and women who were temporarily organized in the hive city.

Under the cover of the overwhelming artillery fire, the footprints of the Lord of Tyrone and the scepter and chain sword in his hand were clearly visible to the senses.

Qin Mo was not wearing a helmet at this time. He was walking on the battlefield with a smile.

The soldiers in every trench walked out of the trenches in unison, gathered behind Qin Mo, and followed him to the command group.

Grote and others bowed and saluted.

"There is no time for complicated etiquette." Qin Mo motioned for everyone to stand up straight, "Get ready and continue fighting with me."

The regimental commanders of Grote and Cadia immediately mobilized their soldiers to prepare to leave their positions.

A Tyrone naval warship that came into orbit sent a teleportation protection device to the position, as well as a brand new standard rifle produced.

The mobilization of a large army always takes time. The Tyron Army, which is specially trained to assemble speed rather than queues, also needs a little time to assemble. The Cadian people assemble quickly because of the compulsory military training they have received since birth.

Taking advantage of this gap, Qin Meneng could say a few words to Klein and Grote.

Grote hesitated. He wanted to tell Qin Mo that he might not be suitable to be a regiment leader or general because he did tend to get carried away in battle, but he didn't know what to say.

"Your problem is no longer a problem." Qin Mo knew what Grote wanted to say and took the initiative to speak, "Subspace... we can no longer passively bear the negative impact it brings."

Hearing this, Grote let out a long sigh of relief, and suddenly felt that the stone that had been weighing on him for more than ten years had fallen.

Qin Mo looked at Klein again.

This handsome blond guy who he thought was graceful had changed a lot. His hair and beard were gray, he was leaning on a cane, and wrinkles had appeared on his face.

" did you..."

"It's a long story." Klein smiled bitterly and shook his head. "Two years ago, I was designed by a competitor to take him on his ship. The ship encountered a storm in the subspace... My daughter and wife told me that I was only missing for three years. God, but I feel like I’ve spent twenty years.”

Qin Mo had a stern look on his face: "Who set you up?"

"That despicable guy has no right to let you know his name." Klein shook his head, "Anyway, I killed his whole family after I came out of the subspace."

Qin Mo nodded helplessly, took a deep breath, and focused on the war at hand.

I came back from the clinic last night. I don’t know why I started to have a headache after eating. I didn’t sleep all night. I saved a chapter last night and wrote another chapter in the morning.

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