Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 455 New Standard Weapons

Where the Reality Membrane was weakened, defense was left to the Soulless armies and Necron Overlords.

Coren built blackstone obelisks on every planet here, using the blackstone in the same way that the void dragons taught their entire race.

The Word Bearers can use the Black Stone to increase the subspace by simply praying to gods and Buddhas, but their method of use is based on the subspace, and the operation of the Black Stone is naturally based on the subspace. When the Exorcist Dead Realm covers the entire galaxy, the Word Bearers There is nothing to do but sit back and wait for death.

While taking the ship to the Beixiu Galaxy, Qin Mo began to learn about all the combat situations since the war began, and began to design a brand new weapon for the Tailong Army.

Vanessa, who did not go to the demon world to join the war, watched while Qin Mo designed new weapons.

To be precise, it was not Vanessa but the humanity of the Emperor.

"What are you designing for your army?" The emperor thought Qin Mo was designing a powerful weapon.

Just like the Adeptus Mechanicus' general cannon.

Because the scene in front of me looks really confusing.

Atoms and molecules gathered and separated in Qin Mo's hands to form unique structures or substances. After seeing these finished products, Qin Mo thought for a moment and shook his head, letting the atoms and molecules in his hands change again.

This ability to directly control atoms and molecules is the unique ability of the gods of the real universe. The Star Gods were born after the Big Bang. When the powerful energy broke through the chaos and shaped the entire universe, the Star Gods were also born. These pure Material gods have the power to play with the laws of physics.

"I'm designing a new standard equipment for the army." Qin Mo seemed to have a sudden inspiration, and in an instant he created a rifle composed of countless parts.

This rifle does not have a detachable magazine, but only a box that looks similar to a magazine. Inside the box is an extremely sophisticated technological structure. The structure itself even requires another tiny and more sophisticated part to maintain reliability. sex.

"This is a powerful weapon that does not require reloading."

"Atoms or molecules are the bullets of this weapon."

"A magazine-like decomposition device can decompose any matter filled with it, converting it into atoms or molecules ready for use."

"The material will be released at an accelerated rate, breaking the target's armor and flesh from its atomic or molecular structure. This means that no non-energy equipment can withstand its attack, and the caliber, charge or power of the ammunition are of no concern to it. None of it makes sense.”

Qin Mo explained the new standard equipment he designed.

The Emperor was aware of the weapon's usefulness in a split second.

Those who hold it can shoot through the power armor of Space Marines like rotten flesh. The material ceramite, no matter its strength, loses its meaning in front of this weapon. The intertwined beams of atoms and molecules will penetrate everything. , a weapon similar to the Necron Gauss Rifle.

Moreover, the magazine-like structure can decompose matter. In extreme cases, soldiers can even grab a handful of soil and the minced meat of a companion or enemy on the ground and throw it into the decomposition device as ammunition.

When faced with non-physical defense devices such as energy shields, it becomes no different from ordinary weapons, but equipment that uses energy to form a stance or shield is not something just anyone can own. When equipped with energy defense equipment The enemy appears, and what needs to be dealt with is not some big soldier in the army, but armored vehicles and special weapons teams.

Such as the Lytlin Dimension Sniper.

"A good secret weapon." The emperor commented, "From a professional perspective of weapon design, you are an unqualified designer. Have you ever considered the installation of such a sophisticated and complex weapon?"

The more advanced standard weapons are, the more they treat the user as an intellectually disabled person, such as a laser rifle with a battery that can be thrown into a fire to recharge. In short, the simpler, the better. It is best if the big-headed soldier can hold one that is tens of centimeters long. A small gun that is as light as wood and can kill people with the sound of "biubiubiu" and "bababa" with your mouth is the best.

Precision and complex standard equipment, such as rifles, often cause trouble to users. A little dust on the battlefield may cause malfunctions.

In addition, the production of sophisticated and complex standard equipment is also troublesome. The empire can develop individual weapons that are a hundred times more powerful than laser rifles, but the difficulty of production will make it a rare weapon and cannot be supplied to countless people throughout the empire. of the Astra Militarum.

Of course Qin Mo considered these things, and the result was - no need to consider them.

"There is a small printing device integrated into the rifle disassembler. Use the power armor's printing device to repair the printing device. Then the printing device will break down the damaged parts of the rifle into atoms and print them back again. There is no need to control the printing device in the Tyrone Army. The engineers only need the soldiers to say repairs to the weapons."

"As for production...then there's no need to worry."

Qin Mo drew blueprints of the weapons he made and transmitted them to the industrial world in the sector, asking them to install the new rifles on all the Tailong Army before he arrived in the Beixiu Galaxy to lead the troops in battle.

In the Tyrone Star Sector, the colloquial term for the process of producing any industrial product is not "how much time it takes", but "how many times to start it up."

When the printing device is fully charged, it can draw hundreds or thousands of rifles with materials just like painting. It only takes one second. After the printing device consumes the energy, it will charge for a few minutes, then turn on and print again... They consume The energy is astonishing. It is difficult for all industrial worlds, including the industrial world of Tailong 2's capital, to maintain permanent operation of the printing device, and can only recharge it like a recharger.

But even so, it is enough to produce rifles for the army in a short period of time.

The emperor looked at the blueprint handed over by Qin Mo, and suddenly thought that although the Star Gods knew nothing about subspace, they seemed to be omnipotent in the material world.

Thinking of the Warp, the Emperor asked: "What did you go through in the Warp? Why can't we find you?"

Qin Mo turned to look at the emperor, thinking that the "we" in his mouth probably meant all the will of the emperor and all the thoughts in the cold sun.

"If you can find me, then the other gods can find me too, and there is no way I can leave a message in the chamber of Slaanesh and come out of the warp alive."

The emperor was very surprised to hear that Qin Mo entered the palace of Slaanesh and came out alive.

"You actually entered the Demon Realm of Slaanesh and left a message? What did you write?"

"Well...I wrote...human beings will one day enter the demonic realm and chop off Slaanesh's dog's head."

"What's the point of writing nonsense like this? If I were you, I would stop writing this! You... you just wasted a great opportunity. Now, you will never write it again. You have a chance to visit here, and I’m scratching my head and regretting it for you!”


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