Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 420 Book of Insight

At the passage from the Ring of Greed to the Ring of Gluttony, Piccolo stood in a secret place, waiting for the battle to end.

Qin Mo held up his chain sword and scepter to chase the demons who were in a hurry. Anyone who was slower would be struck by the sword.

It was a massacre.

Piccolo suddenly had a question in his mind, that is, demons actually have no form in the subspace. Why do the demons fighting this star god seem to be bound by their bodies in the real universe...

But Piccolo's desire for knowledge ends here, because the fact that a creature has two essences is confusing enough, and any strange things happening are completely expected, and there is really nothing to worry about.

The killing didn't stop until the last demon was killed and its soul was annihilated.

Qin Mo's chest was heaving violently under the power armor, and his breathing was rapid, but it was not from fatigue, but from excitement.

Because just now he saw the fear and panic of the demons... These demons can enter the real universe countless times and be exiled countless times, but this time is different, they are really dead.

Although this number of demons is not as much as one hundred millionth of the number of demons who died in the battle between the four gods, it doesn't matter. Qin Mo just wants to see the misery of those demons who can easily play with mortals, and is afraid when facing death. To the virtue of kneeling down and begging for mercy.

"Bik!" Qin Mo yelled out the name of the Undivided Chaos Demon, looking everywhere for traces of this demon's soul.

Then he saw Piccolo using his soul to perform witchcraft to obliterate a demon hiding in the corner.

"We really fought a bloody battle." Bick's voice was tired, and he sat on the ground like a human and took a few deep breaths.

"It was indeed a bloody battle." Qin Mo walked to the golden gate, "Are you too tired to leave? Do you need me to drag you here?"

"No need to bother you..." Bick quickly floated to Qin Mo and helped him open the door to the next ring.

This ring is called the Taotie Ring.

After entering the Circle of Gluttony, Qin Mo saw giant round tables one after another. All kinds of tempting delicacies were placed on the round tables. Countless creatures were squirming like ants on the round tables because their bodies were so fat that they could not walk. .

The creatures devoured the food as if they would never be full.

Piccolo's familiarity with the Demonic Realm of Slaanesh exceeds Qin Mo's expectations, and he can always find a shortcut to the front.

And due to the terrain of the Gluttonous Ring, Piccolo was able to lead Qin Mo around the big demons and the demon armies they led.

While on the way, Piccolo suddenly said: "Do you know which god I am a servant of?"

"Aren't you a Chaos without distinction?"

"Of course, it is now, but not before."

As if to relieve his boredom, Piccolo suddenly recounted a series of events in the past.

Not long ago, there was a god in the subspace who liked to watch and record. In the parlance of the real universe, this god was a benevolent entity in the supreme sky. Then it was captured by the three great powers because it recorded the failure of Slaanesh’s temptation plan against mortals. The demons join forces to crush it.

This benevolent entity who likes to sit on the sidelines is Piccolo's shaper.

After listening to these stories, Qin Mo just said "hmm".

"Huh? After hearing this, you just said huh?" Bick said with some dissatisfaction.

"Whether you are the lackey of the Four Gods or not, you are still a devil. I will treat everything the devil says as farts." Qin Mo pointed forward, "Guide your way, or I will eat you."

Piccolo raised his eyebrows helplessly and continued to lead the way honestly.

While leading Rubik, he was thinking. There were too many mysteries in the creatures around him, but no matter what, he seemed like a creature from the real universe. He liked to use threats to solve problems. He didn't know the rules of communication in the subspace, and he only knew how to deal with demons. Establish a threat and threatened relationship.

"Actually, we can sign a contract." Piccolo turned to look at Qin Mo, "As long as the contract is signed, it will take effect regardless of whether the contract is fair or not, so you can trust me."

"You have to take it with you whether you sign the contract or not." Qin Mo walked expressionlessly.

"Okay." Piccolo nodded helplessly.

Piccolo was still thinking about how to make Qin Mo understand that not all creatures in the subspace were untrustworthy.

And one more important thing:

It wasn't because it was afraid of death that it led Qin Mo. If it was afraid of death, it wouldn't be guarding the road into the Demon Realm of Slaanesh in its soul state.

One person and one demon took a shortcut and walked for who knows how long until they came to the entrance to the next circle.

But this time, Qin Mo didn't see the big demon guarding here.

Anticipating that Qin Mo wanted to ask about the whereabouts of the big devil, Piccolo told him directly: "The big devil here went to the real universe to seduce Guilliman, so we can go to the next ring without any bloodshed."

"Guilliman?" Qin Mo was stunned for a moment, "Do you still know Guilliman?"

Piccolo reluctantly took out a book and opened the labeled page: "Who knows what the hell Guilliman is, anyway, that's what it says on it."

"What is this?" Qin Mo looked at the thing like the book of destiny.

This thing is like a book of destiny, but it is just a functional image. The things recorded on it will not change. It is more like someone wrote it with a pen.

"The Book of Insight." Piccolo lowered his head and stroked the pages of the book with deep eyes. "The legacy left by my master records what happened in the real universe a thousand years ago and a thousand years later."

Qin Mo nodded after hearing this and realized that Piccolo used this thing to lead the way.

Piccolo put away the book of insight and suddenly asked: "You know that even if you get to the palace of the Prince of Darkness, you can't kill it, right?"

"I know." Qin Mo nodded, "But I can't get out anyway. Once I enter the palace, I will smash everything I can see and release all the playthings controlled by Slaanesh."

Piccolo nodded silently and did not move forward. He just stood there motionless.

When Qin Mo opened his mouth to ask, Piccolo suddenly said: "The Book of Insight records a way to kill the dark gods."

"What can I do?" Qin Mo asked eagerly.

He knew that the four gods were already conceptual gods and could not be killed by conventional means.

Now that we have a way, of course we can’t wait.

"Let me state in advance that this method was thought up by my master. No one has tried it. Even he himself wrote in the book that he didn't know if it would work." Piccolo first said a series of disclaimers, and then started to describe the method: "Let a mortal kill a god or a quasi-god who is about to become a god, imprinting the concept that the gods in the subspace can be killed by mortals."

Hearing this, Qin Mo smiled and asked: "So...how can a mortal kill a god?"

"Didn't I say that the gods should be branded with the concept that they can be killed?"

"Then how do you introduce this concept?"

"Let a mortal kill a god."


The smile on Qin Mo's face disappeared instantly.

"Try talking nonsense again."

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