Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 42 Welcome to the bottom nest

Although New Cato has been established and most people have their own jobs to do, there will never be a shortage of bounty hunters in the bottom lair.

Through their previous performance in the war, the bounty hunter group received a reward from Qin Mo, that is, they could still move around as bounty hunters, but they had to hand over what they obtained during their actions.

The things you turn in will be turned into throne coins, which can be used to buy more food or weapons and equipment.

Seven hundred kilometers away from New Cato underground, a team of seven bounty hunters were fighting.

The warring parties are in a long and narrow corridor.

The bounty hunter hid behind an energy shield and exchanged fire with the rebel aliens and psykers that were crawling in the distance.

"Is the bolter warmed up?!"

"Her name is not Bolter, her name is Reyna."

"Okay, okay, Lena, are you ready to warm up?"


A bounty hunter carrying a multi-barreled heavy weapon squeezed from the back to the front of his companions. When he pointed the "Rena" in his hand at the rebels, a bracket automatically extended from the bottom of the weapon and hit the ground.

After the gun barrel rotated rapidly for two seconds, a large number of bullets poured towards the other end of the channel.

Each bullet will explode when it hits, sending the aliens on the passage walls flying in all directions. Occasionally, some bone fragments or shrapnel will fly in, but they will also be stopped by the energy shield.

The alien on the wall couldn't move forward even half a step under this kind of firepower.

But the main reason is that the body parts of the aliens are swollen, and huge blisters squeeze out from under the hard bone armor. Some aliens even have swollen hands and feet, and they can only limp forward.

This is a group of weaklings who are already dying, and the bounty hunter hastened their demise.

"Death...die..." The rebel psyker limped to the front, his blistered hands raised ready to release his psychic powers.

"Yao En!" When the captain shouted, a young man in rags squeezed from the back of the team to the front. He knew what to do without any further orders.

Yaoen moved forward, and the others covered as they moved forward.

When everyone covered Yao En and came within 20 meters of the psyker, the psyker couldn't even maintain the psychic spells on his body. First his arms exploded, and then his entire body quickly turned into liquid.

The aliens screamed as the psyker died and exploded into puddles of liquid.


"Hurry up, the battle with the rebels has already taken too much time!"

After the battle, all the bounty hunters did not rest or look for loot. They ran forward in the passage, as if there was something terrifying chasing them behind.

After running for ten minutes, I could already see the end of the long and narrow passage.

At this time, Yao En couldn't help but look back.

"Don't fucking look back!"

Amidst the captain's angry and worried roar, Yao En, who had turned around, saw an alien.

This was a fat spider, its body covered with hairy hairs like steel thorns squeezed together in the passage, but it still moved very fast.

When he saw the spider, Yao En's brain was so shocked and frightened that it shut down and he stood there blankly.

The rebels in the current bottom hive are not the biggest enemy of the bounty hunters, but the mutated creatures born from the thousands of years of pollution in the hive.

"Leave him alone and run!"

"hurry up!"

The captain roared and ran wildly, leading the entire team closer and closer to the exit. They could even see the light at the exit.

But the light was quickly blocked, as if someone had closed the door.

The "door" opened immediately, but what was revealed was not the light from outside the passage, but a giant dark green eye.

Fear, horror, weirdness... these feelings made the bounty hunters freeze in place, as if they were petrified and unable to move.

The giant eye blinked, then moved up.

The huge mutated creature outside the passage has blocked the mouthparts at the exit, and the circles of fangs extending into the throat are clearly visible.

But then a beam of light penetrated the mouthparts blocked at the exit of the passage, and the intense energy even made the entire passage hot.

A bounty hunter wearing an ancient temperature-regulating device silently turned on the cooling function.

Immediately after the beam penetrated the mutated creature's mouthparts, two people wearing guard power armor walked through the gap created by the beam. As they walked, they used the shotgun laser on their hands to blast apart the fangs or other objects that would block the path. Road stuff.

Until the two men's feet touched the metal floor.

Some of the bounty hunters who had participated in the war could recognize the symbols on the power armor of the two guards at a glance, as well as the people wearing them.

It was Gray and Anreda.

The bounty hunters except Yao En rolled and crawled towards Gray, then hid behind his Praetorian Power Armor.

Gray continued to move forward with an expressionless face, passing in front of the frightened Yao En. After walking ten meters forward, he stared at the mutant creature coming towards him and turned on the gravity shield.

The passage was crushed and deformed by the gravity shield, and the mutated creatures were crushed under the gravity.

Gray turned off the gravity shield, turned to look at everyone and asked: "Why are there such big spiders in the bottom nest? I saw that thing outside is as big as a building!"

"It's not surprising that there are...things in ancient ruins and relics."

"We...we even found a female alien in a ruins..."

The bounty hunters were so excited that they almost cried, explaining in a flurry of words.

"Gray." Anreda walked up to Gray and said with a smile, "Welcome to the bottom nest officially."

Gray nodded and suddenly recalled the stories about bounty hunters he had read when he was a child.

There are not only dangers in the bottom nest, but also ancient technological relics or other valuable things.

After seeing it with his own eyes, Gray realized why people in the Lower Nest liked stories about bounty hunters, but not many people were willing to become bounty hunters.

"I advise you not to come next time." Gray warned everyone, then turned around and walked to Yao En to pull him up.

But after getting close to Yao En, Gray felt disgusted. In his eyes, Yao En was a dirty and smelly person.

Although he hated Yao En, Gray still pinched his nose and stretched out his hand to pull Yao En up.

"Are you sent here by God to save us?" Yaoen asked in surprise.

"No, it was your wife who brought us here." Gray pushed Yao En, "Now go home and buy some good things to reward your wife, because if she hadn't reported it in time, we wouldn't have been able to arrive in time. .”

"It doesn't matter, in my eyes you are still God's messengers." Yaoen said with a smile.

Gray didn't like Yao En, so he didn't say anything. He just turned around and walked towards the end of the passage.

As he boarded the transport plane to leave, Gray looked down at the giant spider the size of a building below, wondering how much scraps this thing had to eat in its nest to grow like this?

In the passage, when the bounty hunters were preparing to leave, Yao En stood blankly at the exit, looking up at the transport plane in the sky, looking very excited.

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