Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 412 Mimicry Prophecy

"You're welcome, because we won't need him in this war." Qin Mo snapped his fingers, and a small black box appeared in his hands, and the body of Sanguinius and the container were stored in it.

This small box is a portable dimensional space storage warehouse. Since Qin Mo gave the body of Sanguinius to the Emperor, of course this box also belongs to the Emperor.

The Emperor stood up and looked at the box Qin Mo handed over, suddenly doubting his purpose of creating the body of Sanguinius.

He is no longer needed in this war...

Could it be that Qin Mo regards Sanguinius's body as a tool and wants to join this war and use it as a weapon, instead of creating a carrier for Sanguinius to move freely in the real universe?

Although the emperor's other wills angrily complained in the ears of the human will that the damaged tool container given by Qin Mo was of no use, the human will did not think so. He did not want his son to become a war machine of the Star God.

If Sanguinius wakes up to face a terrible battle, and then falls into slumber again after the battle, it would be best for Sanguinius not to wake up.

Lord of Baal, Son of the Emperor, Sanguinius, he had suffered much.

"What are you thinking about? This thing is given to you, and you have the right to use it." Qin Mo put the box into the emperor's hand.

The Emperor attached to Vanessa's body cannot take the box into the warp, so he does not consider it his right to use it.

Both the body and the box are meant to stay in the real universe, and the user of this gift is actually Qin Mo.

"The right to use it is yours, and I will keep my word." Qin Mo opened Vanessa's pocket and put the box in. "You can tell this woman not to use it without your permission."

The Emperor was silent, nodded, and then opened his mouth slightly to speak, but before the first syllable came out, Vanessa's body began to tremble, and blood flowed from her eyes and nostrils.

The golden light representing the emperor dissipated, and now it was not the emperor talking to Qin Mo, but Vanessa.

Vanessa subconsciously reached out and took out the injection. When she was about to prick her neck, she noticed Qin Mo's hand tugging at her clothes.

The scene was a little awkward for a while.


"Stop pricking, you can all go and rest."

Qin Mo took the injection and gently put it back into Vanessa's pocket.

Vanessa nodded, saluted, and turned to leave.

Qin Mo did not stay in the research facility, he also left.

The Psionic Matrix was easily created, but there was something more important.

Just as Sanguinius's body would not be used in this war, neither would the Psionic Matrix.

Not necessarily.

At least Qin Mo doesn't think so.

The so-called most important thing right now is war.

The war on Beisu No. 1 continues to escalate. The Tyrone Army and the Hive City Guard have invested a total of nearly one billion troops on the battlefield. Scanning detection results show that the enemy is still sending troops.

This shows that the enemy intends to pursue a decisive battle on Beisu-1.

And Qin Mo also had this intention.

After a while.

Northern star system.

Most of the Tyron navy has withdrawn from other galaxies and devoted its fleet to the North Pleiades galaxy. Also arriving are the celestial engines.

The Red Pirate Fleet invested more, and almost the entire fleet moved to Beisu, and even sent the New Badab Blackstone Fortress into the galaxy.

The fleets of both sides immediately began to bombard each other. The celestial engine needed to deal with the Blackstone Fortress. It was unlikely that the void battle would produce results in a short period of time. It was impossible to see who would have orbital control in less than ten days and a half.

So this is a decisive battle between land battle and void battle.

While the Lord of Tailong was covering the transport fleet heading to Beisu No. 1, Qin Mo and all the guards except Yao En stood on the bridge, preparing for the next decisive battle.

Including the Mimic, which was previously turned into an orbital defense platform, it has a land warfare mission.

Burner was naturally transferred to Beisu.

"The next battle is likely to end the entire war. We must withdraw our hands from the battle outside the sector and concentrate on dealing with the subspace creatures inside."

"Each of us must be prepared to sacrifice."

Qin Mo stood on the spot and spread his hands flat.

Drones flew up and down his body, donning power armor.

"Yes!" Everyone in the bridge responded in unison.

"You can predict the future. Is there anything we should pay attention to?" Qin Mo looked at Mimic.

Mimic closes his eyes and tries to see into the future.

As the star god of the real universe, its method of predicting the future is the exhaustive method, which uses the movement trajectory of all matter at this time to deduce what may happen in the future.

After the insight was completed, Mimic said seriously: "We should be careful about the Blackstone Fortress. The Blackstone Fortress will increase the influence of the subspace."

Qin Mo nodded and looked at the others.

Everyone nodded.

However, Qin Mo did not arrange for them to attack the Blackstone Fortress. The number of guards and troops was limited, and they needed to deal with the enemies on the ground.

As for the Blackstone Fortress... Qin Mo will personally solve it after the land war situation stabilizes.

Smash the Blackstone Fortress like a hammer to the slaughterhouse of the undead.

"Why do we have to have a decisive battle?" Mimic asked.

This sentence was transmitted secretly, and those present could not hear it.

"We can't do it without fighting." Qin Mo looked at Mimic indifferently, and also transmitted the words in a secret way, "Either we have a decisive battle on Beisu No. 1, or we watch Beisu No. 1 being taken down by Huron with his military superiority. Perhaps from a macro perspective, the importance of a galaxy is not very great, but Beisu is connected to the galaxy where the demon world is located. If the occupier transforms Beisu into a demon world..."

"I understand, no need to say anything." Mimic suddenly became very irritable.

Qin Mo noticed Mimic's mood, frowned and asked, "What did you see just now? Did we lose the war?"

"Why don't you take more care of yourself?" Mimic asked, "I saw you were sucked into the subspace."

"Then can't I just pay more attention?" Qin Mo didn't care much about this prophecy. He felt that he didn't have long legs, and he would have run away if the situation went wrong.

Mimicry looked at Qin Mo silently without saying anything.

"Don't be too nervous." Qin Mo smiled, "What will happen if the Star God enters the subspace? I know you have never seen such a thing, but you can speculate."

Mimic thought for a while and replied: "Because there is no soul, the pure reality of the universe will lose all power in the subspace. The entire subspace is like a system that squeezes out alien impurities. I am not talking about squeezing you out. Subspace, but will crush you, us soulless aliens."

"Okay." Qin Mo nodded.

At this time, the guards had led the army and began to launch troops on the surface.

Qin Mo, Burner and Mimic did not go down immediately, but began to provide supplies for the following decisive battle.

Attract stars.

I had something to do in the afternoon, so I took advantage of the night shift to finish five chapters.

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