Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 407: Fraud within a fraud

When the demon army was under bombardment, Vlad had no choice but to use witchcraft.

A witchcraft shield with the same principle as the void shield was formed above the Tzeentch demon army. The attack of the iron man's giant battle body could no longer damage the Tzeentch demon army at all. No matter how much artillery fire was fired, the various shells and beams could only quietly attack. Dissipated on the shield silently.

However, this is not the most powerful witchcraft that Vlad can use. It can even teleport those iron men directly out of the planet and into the void, but the problem is that it cannot be used now.

The witchcraft shield was already provoking the Blood God. If he used stronger witchcraft again, he would probably be chopped off by the Blood God's ax on the spot.

Vlad felt like he was walking a tightrope.

It was necessary to ensure that Carlos's orders could be carried out to maintain the cooperative relationship between the three parties, but also to be careful not to make the blood god angry... The great demon Tzeentch had to take care of Khorne's emotions, which made Vlad feel outrageous just thinking about it.

But there is no way, who can let his boss do nothing.

"Witchcraft...the strongest witchcraft...that you can use..."

A whisper sounded in Vlad's ears. This whisper made Vlad's hair stand on end. It was the whisper from the Lord of Change.

The Lord of Changes, Tzeentch, is urging his Demon Lord to use the most powerful witchcraft directly. As for the blood god's anger, there is no need to worry, Tzeentch will help Vlad deal with the blood god.

Vlad was very happy at first, but after thinking carefully about the temper of the Lord of Change, he began to doubt whether the Lord of Change was planning to harm him.

"Don't listen to it!"

"Hurry up and do what the master says!"

Two contradictory but identical voices echoed in Vlad's ears.

It was Carlos who spoke.

In order to make the Lord of Changes still feel that he was loyal to the death, Carlos even called on the power of the Well of Eternity to transmit this communication to prevent the Lord of Changes from hearing it.

But whose voice these two voices listen to is a question.

"The person talking to you now is the head that tells the truth. Remember, the first sentence is the truth!"

"Fart! I am the head that tells the truth! The second sentence is the truth. Don't listen to the other head, it is lying to you!"

As always, Carlos said two contradictory things.

However, Vlad, as one of the All-Changing Demon Lords, was so wise and intelligent that he immediately deduced that the first sentence was spoken by the truth-telling head of Carlos.

Vlad asked Carlos: "Should I listen to my master?"

"No, the consequences of your obedience are written in the Book of Destiny: Vlad believed Tzeentch's lies, used large-scale witchcraft, Khorne furiously slashed the demon army of Tzeentch, but Tzeentch was indifferent to this. There was no intervention at all, and Vlad was banished by Khorne amid Tzeentch's laughter."

"Listen to it, or you're dead!"

It's still a contradiction, but Vlad already knows how to listen selectively.

Tzeentch will not help him fight. This thing does not sound very reliable. After all, it was Tzeentch who facilitated the agreement between the dark gods, but Vlad believes that this is the case.

Tzeentch's purpose is to leave a demon world in the Tyrone Star Sector, rather than completely destroying the Tyrone Star Sector. In the Crystal Demon Realm, Tzeentch warns every demon king, telling them that if they accidentally kill someone, they will be dead in the past and future. The fate of a living person is to be thrown into the Well of Eternity. This sentence is not a lie!

After Tzeentch told him to withdraw his attention, Carlos checked it with the Book of Destiny and found that what Tzeentch told him was true to his heart. The Book of Destiny states that a demon king accidentally killed can cause all kinds of changes. Elusive man, and then thrown into the Well of Eternity.

Tzeentch's goal has now been achieved, and it really won't do its best in this war.

After thinking for a long time, Vlad chose to believe Carlos. At least Carlos had a brain that told the truth, and the Lord of Changes' seemingly casual actions might be full of lies.

During the time that Vlad and Carlos were talking, Iron Man's giant battle force had shattered the magic shield, and the next round of bombing, which was enough to wipe out all of Vlad's magic army, was about to begin.

Then here comes the problem.

Using witchcraft will anger the Blood God and lead to banishment.

Without witchcraft, he still couldn't withstand the iron man's bombing, and he would still end up being exiled.

The results of these two approaches are exactly the same.

"What should I do? Help me!" Vlad asked Carlos. "It was you who asked me to promote cooperation. It is you who are extremely concerned about the war. You should make suggestions for me! You should! It is your duty. !”


There was only silence in response to Vlad.

Seeing that the cannons of the giant iron men in front began to charge up, Vlad tried to communicate with Carlos, but he heard Carlos's screams.

Carlos's use of the power of the Well of Eternity turned out to be just a trivial matter for communication. This matter was discovered by the Lord of Change, and then the punishment came.

This punishment was not imposed on Carlos' body, but was used to interfere with psychic interception communications.

Tzeentch was not angry that Carlos deceived him. On the contrary, it found it quite interesting, but the psychic communication still had to be intercepted.

Before his spiritual energy was completely drained, when Vlad fell into despair, Carlos tried his best to give Vlad the final instructions with a roar.

"Use powerful witchcraft! Quick! I will help you suppress the spiritual energy that releases witchcraft, so that your witchcraft can be effective without being excommunicated by the Blood God!"

Carlos has the Book of Destiny, which allows him to see the future consequences as Vlad prepares to unleash his sorcery.

Then it would be enough to intervene and assist Vlad in accurately controlling the effects of the witchcraft.

This is as difficult as climbing to the sky for other demon kings, but for a demon king like Carlos who has two ways to see the future, it is simply a piece of cake.

So Vlad began to mobilize his spiritual energy and waved his staff to brew witchcraft.

The witchcraft was successfully brewed after the giant battle body opened fire. When it was released, Vlad's demon army had been blown up, but Carlos helped Vlad move the effect of the witchcraft from the future to the past.

The giant battle body's cannons were all paralyzed by sorcery when they fired, and the demon army under Vlad's command was able to survive.

This is a witchcraft that spans time and space, and it cannot be released without the help of Carlos.


Vlad suddenly realized something, and then he heard the roar of Khorne coming from the sky.

Sorcery across time and space enraged Khorne.

A giant sword as huge as a mountain peak fell from the sky, triggering a terrifying explosion like a nuclear explosion.

Vlad and his demon army were instantly banished back to the warp.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Carlos's nine times nine psychic projections appeared next to Vlad, mocking the demon king from nine hundred and ninety-one directions.

Vlad already understood at this time that he actually followed Carlos's orders and rushed to the battlefield, promoted cooperation, and performed witchcraft... This series of things was originally Carlos's scam.

Not only did Carlos not weaken the witchcraft just now, but he enhanced the witchcraft to the extreme, which aroused the blood god's anger, and it wanted to do this.


Being exiled is a shame for a demon, and even a demon king will be ridiculed and ridiculed by his weaker peers.

Vlad stared at the nine times nine projection of Carlos, the beak grinding and making a crunching sound.


After staring at Carlos for a while, Vlad couldn't stand it anymore and laughed at his own stupidity.

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