Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 402 Fearlessness and Sacrifice

As the Daemons of Khorne continue to be thrown into the battlefield, the number of Ironmen is also increasing.

The high output of Iron Man can ensure that the opponent will never be able to control the numerical advantage. Just like in the late stage of the battle in the Hades Galaxy, each knife insect in the Tyranid War Beast had to deal with two Iron Man on average.

Iron Man's various combat bodies are still carrying out bombardment, and conventional combat bodies equivalent to infantry have approached a position of twenty kilometers away from the Khorne demonic army.

At this time, the demon army of Khorne took out a weapon that made Heat Death feel complicated.


Ironmen can also dream, at least Ironmen like Heat Death can, but since their birth until now, they have never dreamed that they can see their enemies taking out weapons like trebuchets.

A total of ten trebuchets appeared at the rear of the demon army at the same time. They started to operate automatically without human control. The trebuchet buckets without anything in them quickly bounced up amidst the buzzing sound of the ropes being tightened and unfolded.

The piercing screams resounded throughout the battlefield. Heat Death, who was on top of the giant battle body, saw ten giant skulls flying towards the Iron Man troops and looked for the target.

The first to be attacked were ten giant battle bodies.

Ten skulls howled and drilled through the Iron Man troops, leaving behind a pile of burning steel and metal fragments wherever they passed, and finally hit the energy shield of the giant battle body.

The energy shield neutralized the impact on the skull, but it also shattered.

When the Iron Man troops began another round of bombardment by the Khorne demon army and threw skulls again, ten giant battle bodies were shattered by the skulls, but then ten battle bodies were teleported out to make up for the battle damage.

More and more trebuchets appeared behind the Black Stone Tower along with the demons, and Iron Man's giant battle body also increased more and more.

As the bombardment of each other escalated, the daemons of Khorne's daemons began to prepare for battle against the ever-closer Ironmen conventional combat bodies.

Then Heat Death once again saw a scene it couldn't understand.

The Daemons of Khorne gathered together and formed phalanxes.

The main force in these phalanxes are vampires. They hold long swords and stick out their slender tongues when roaring at the Iron Man. Blood spurts from their fanged mouths.

There was even a cavalry phalanx, in which vampires rode powerful mounts called bronze bulls.

There are vampires standing, vampires riding things... In short, there are vampires everywhere.

"What are they doing?" Heat Death asked, and then deduced the answer.

The Daemons of Khorne roar in battle.

Just like the movie made by the Tyrones that Heat Death watched when he took UR025 to find a planet to stay on after delivering the Blackstone Fortress.

Troops armed with cold weapons gathered in square formations.

The generals, that is, the great demons of Khorne, walked slowly from the back of the line to the front, raising their weapons and roaring as if to boost the morale of their own people and show their courage.


Heat Death heard the sound of heavy breathing, followed the sound, and saw the largest Khorne demon.

Skarbrand, the Blood God's once favorite servant, came to the forefront of Khorne's demonic army.

The two weapons bestowed by the Blood God: Slaughter and Murder were held high by Skarbrand.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god!"

Skarbrand's roar even reached the Iron Men.

The vampires are also more active.

The bronze bulls in the cavalry phalanx roared and sharpened their hooves on the ground where blood and lava intersected.

Even when the Khorne demonic army roars for fierce battle, it cannot avoid being bombarded. The bombardment between skull trebuchets and giant battle bodies is going on all the time, but no matter how strong the bombing is, the Khorne demonic army always maintains its formation. .

The strange thing is that the cannonballs never fall on the head of Skarbrand, who is showing off in front of the demon army.

The Blood God would not allow the demon army to stand still and wait for the Iron Man to attack, and the Khorne demon himself would not allow this to happen.

Faced with the Iron Men advancing in unison under the huge beams and cannonballs that streaked across the sky, the Khorne Demon Army chose to launch an active attack.

"For the Blood God!" Skarbrand raised his thick right hand and pointed straight ahead, taking the lead in taking steps forward.

The demon army roared and followed behind.

Their pace is not as uniform as that of Iron Man, but they definitely maintain a neat line.

Gunfire flew from the sky, and screaming skulls flew away.

From time to time, a phalanx would be engulfed by an explosion. The impact of the explosion would roll up the debris into the sky, and then fall towards the heads of other phalanxes.

The servants of the Blood God were unhurried and marched uniformly amidst the artillery fire and debris of the same kind.

Whenever a phalanx was bombed and only three or two vampires were left, the living vampires would get up and join the other phalanxes.

"Amazing order." Heat Death was surprised.

It originally thought that the Chaos Demons had no order at all, and the Khorne Demons should be reckless men who didn't care about anything when fighting and could only yell and rush and fight stupidly, but this was not the case.

The discipline of the Daemons of Khorne is definitely the highest of any species Heat Death has ever seen.

Of course, except for hive-mind creatures like bugs.

Standing on the giant battle body seventy meters high, Heat Death could overlook the entire battlefield.

It saw that the demon army of Khorne was still approaching in an orderly manner. The infantry in the front line advanced slowly, while the cavalry troops riding bronze bulls circled out from behind the front line, outflanking the Iron Man troops from the left and right wings. .

Leading the left-wing cavalry charge was a big demon who was slightly smaller than Skarbrand and rode a huge war beast.

The big demon glared fiercely at the maintenance warriors behind Iron Man on the left side. After the charging speed increased to the extreme, he pointed the sword in his hand straight ahead and roared with a ferocious expression.

The bloody mouth full of fangs was opened to the limit, and saliva was stuck between the fangs.

Heat Death admired the courage of the Khorne demon, but it really didn't think this cold weapon fighting method was of any use. It instantly transmitted a message to each iron man.

The maintenance warriors began to move, and the specialized fire support iron men carrying heavy weapons platforms were mobilized directly in front of the cavalry.

In front of Khorne's cavalry troops were countless neatly arranged iron walls. Various heavy weapons not only blocked the cavalry's charging route, but even blocked the cavalry's retreat or roundabout routes.

But the Great Demon of Khorne riding on the war beast showed no fear, and neither did the cavalry behind it, and even charged faster.

Heat Death has almost no experience in fighting demons, and it certainly doesn't understand why the demons use such cold weapon tactics, and why they can use such tactics.

The fearlessness of the cavalry in the face of the blind-angle fire blockade pleased Khorne in the warp. The Blood God cast his gaze on the battlefield, staring closely at the cavalry.

Iron Man troops opened fire.

The demons in the cavalry troops were expelled one after another, but this was already abnormal.

In Heat Death's vision, it was impossible for the cavalry to withstand the iron man's firepower for more than two seconds, but the cavalry was able to withstand it. The melt that could penetrate the Tyranids' carapace could only create bone-deep wounds for the vampires or copper bulls. Wound.

The cavalry rushed over under the iron man's firepower and crashed through the iron man's wall after paying half the sacrifice.

But this was of little use. Skarbrand, who was still leading the walking vampires, soon lost sight of his men.

And Heat Death was a scene that shocked it greatly.

The big demon riding the war beast was only covered with bruises after being burned by the melt for a minute, but it was accidentally attacked by an agile iron man, and then it was split in two by the sword attached to the agile iron man's limbs.

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