Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 396 Cruelty and Kindness


"Hive City No. 7 disappeared from the surface."

He Qizheng, who was discussing matters in the main nest city, heard the Shiren assistant report the matter.

Gray was surprised, but He Qizheng and the others either nodded or closed their eyes, obviously expecting this.

He Qi was looking at Gray, and when the latter looked at him and asked why, he slowly spoke.

"Mr. Guard, do you know the process for taking office as the new Governor of the Tyrone Sector?"

No doubt Gray didn't know.

He Qizheng continued to explain.

"When the Praetorians and Space Marines killed the former Governor and were about to leave, I boarded a transport plane and entered the battleship and was sent to the sector capital for training."

"After a series of training sessions, all of our new governors and successors to the governor were called into a room and each was given a box."

"There is a device inside that box. When activated, it can completely wipe out matter in a large area."

"Its purpose..."

He Qizheng paused for two seconds before saying, "There is only one sentence to describe its use: when you are in a desperate situation, you should activate it, it will erase everything painlessly and quickly. This It's the Sector's mercy. You must activate it, it's the Sector's trust in you."

After listening, Gray could guess why the hive disappeared.

Obviously, someone in the hive used the suicide box given to the governor.

The guards also have similar self-destruction devices in their bodies. As far as Gray knows, this thing is like the guards. It cannot be made using conventional means and can only be produced by the hands of the Lord of Tyrone.

"Hive City No. 7 has a long history, which means it will have some willing victims." He Qi looked directly into Gray's eyes, "I tried my best, but there are still at least a few hundred people who are unwilling to leave, so..."

He Qizheng wanted to defend himself, lest Gray think that he had set a trap using people as bait.

And this is true.

Human beings are an extremely diverse species. In the desperate situation when the hive city clearly wants to abandon the small hive city, some people hope to leave as soon as possible, some people ask for weapons to stay and fight guerrillas, and some people do not want to leave but want to make themselves The place where you grow up becomes your own grave...

When these people seem to have been stamped with ideological stamps and assume the attitude of killing me or doing whatever I want, all they can do is let them go.

"I understand." Gray patted He Qizheng's shoulder, "But that box is left for you. As the person who sent you the box said, it is the mercy of Lord Tailong. If you are forced to have no choice, those who want to give you the box will The approaching enemy can think of ten thousand ways to torture you without even turning his head, but as a pampered governor, you have exhausted all your courage just by stuffing the barrel of the gun into your mouth. How can you do this? manage?"

"Don't forget that I am not the successor to the governor. I have been forced to almost swallow the barrel of a gun more than once." He Qizheng said this easily.

Gray nodded silently. This was not his first time in Beisu Nest City, and he believed that He Qizheng was brave enough to put the barrel of the gun into his mouth and pull the trigger.

There are too many terrifying things in this universe. The torture methods described by the Huron company commander who was captured by Foros ten years ago can make the listener shudder with fear.

Suicide boxes are truly a mercy.

But having said that, there are many people who have seen horror, and there are many who don't need a box.

"Don't be so pessimistic. At least the main hive city has not been breached yet." He Qizheng stood up and walked to a staff officer and ordered him: "Scan the hive world and see how many enemies there are now."

Scanning equipment hidden deep beneath the hive emits scanning waves across the planet.

The scan results came back quickly and were sorted.

There are at least 400 million enemies on the entire planet.

The suicide transport launched by the Red Pirates war gang using a transport ship seems crazy, and it is very likely that the orbit of the North Star will be canceled by both the people and the ship, but it is indeed effective.

At least the enemy has put enough troops on Beisu-1 to carry out a long-term war.

When the navy is stretched thin, it is difficult to intercept the enemy before it deploys its troops, but fortunately there is a powerful existence helping the navy deal with enemy ships coming from the galaxy.

At least no more troops will be put on Beisu-1 in the future.

"There is a high probability that we will engage in an apocalyptic war." Gray stood up from his seat. "If you have any questions, please contact my ship. I have to go to enemy-occupied areas for a while to collect intelligence."

"Pay attention to safety." He Qizheng stood up to see Gray off, walked to the door and asked again: "Do you need help? My assistant may be able to help you."

Upon hearing this, Gray turned his head.

The stone assistant saluted.

Gray was the only person present who knew that it was not human. He also knew that the device used by the stone man to receive commands could replace brain tissue and make people crazy and cruel after being implanted in the human body. The stone man's body was covered with technological crystals. They are perfect creatures shaped by transcendent forces.

But Gray still refused because he could not rule out the possibility that the enemy would use decapitation tactics on He Qizheng.

This governor was more qualified than any current planetary governor Gray had ever seen, and his death would be a heavy blow to morale.

"Protect him." Gray said to the stone man, then turned and left.

While using his jetpack to move outside the hive, Gray passed by the northern wall and saw the Martian Witch.

Gray, who has worked with Yao En for many years, wanted to say hello to his friend's daughter, but he gave up when he saw Diana standing in a daze on the Mars Witch's phaser.

Drones are collecting the bodies of the dead outside the city walls and piling them together.

The Martian Witch is parked next to a mountain of corpses.

Diana stood on the phaser's sight, and two operators sat in the gully of the sight.

In front of the three Titan pilots is a giant mountain of corpses that has almost reached the Titan's shoulders. Farther away is the wreckage of the destroyed Warmaster-class Titan.

An operations officer described the wreckage as "like a mountain in the shape of a fallen giant."

Another operator described the pile of corpses as "like a Necron obelisk made of limbs and red debris, decorated with helmets."

Diana had seen a war more brutal than this, on Dead Domain Three.

But at that time, all the people who died were iron men and iron skeletons, so I didn’t feel anything at all.

Looking at everything in front of her now, Diana understood what her father said that day in the Titan hangar, "like the Battle of Cadia."

However, the three people who had just started their career as Titan pilots at this time did not know that the intensity of the war on the northern wall of the hive city was far less than one thousandth of the brutality of the previous battle for the Skyguard in the Battle of Cadia.

Because the mountain of corpses lacked the helmets and fragments of loyal and rebel Space Marines.

The corpses of both sides engaged in a meat-crushing battle in any turret of the weapons array are enough to build another wall for the hive city.

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