Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 389 It’s not the Warmaster who is difficult to deal with


Qin Mo had just finished checking the network channel and testing the control of the Blackstone Fortress, and then he heard a series of very bad news.

First, Tyrone's Gate was besieged. The fleets of the red pirates and the Chaos Warband suddenly appeared and attacked every node in the defense zone of Tyrone's Gate. This is equivalent to directly surrounding the Tyrone star sector and cutting off Tyrone's route connection with the outside world.

Tyrone's navy and army urgently mobilized to the battlefield and began to intercept the enemy's fleet.

Then, with the Dead Zone galaxy as the core, a huge number of subspace creatures appeared in the surrounding area within four hundred light years.

After learning these two pieces of news, all high-level officials in the sector gathered at the celestial engine to discuss countermeasures.

Mimicry used its ability to unfold a star map, visually showing the current situation of the star region.

Almost every planet in the Dead Zone galaxy has become a place where subspace creatures are inhabited.

Grand Morskarbrand of Khorne led the Daemon Army of Khorne to break away from the warp portal and march and assemble on Dead Realm One.

Wherever the demonic armies of Khorne passed, the earth shattered and lava spewed out, turning the entire world into a wasteland filled with magma.

On Dead Realm No. 2 and No. 3 are Nurgle and Tzeentch respectively.

A great demon named the Doomwatch leads Nurgle's army.

Tzeentch's demon army is naturally led by Carlos.

After seeing the situation clearly, the army and navy commanders present were all talking about it.

Qin Mo stared at the Doom Watcher, the commander of Nurgle Demon Army.

This is not an easy guy to deal with.

The concept of the Doom Watch is to witness the end of the universe. This is its destiny, so it will not be killed before it sees the end, and even the Emperor's Sword cannot obliterate it.

In comparison, Skarbrand and Carlos are still normal enemies.

"No wonder we haven't started to invade until now... This is a big bottleneck for us."

"No... I always feel that things are not that simple. Maybe they have more evil purposes and reasons for not invading until now..."

"what reason?"

Everyone began to speculate and speculate.

In any case, for a long time after the Reality Membrane was weakened, creatures from the Leah space did not invade. This thing is so weird that it is hard not to make people think wildly.

However, Qin Mo thinks the reason is simple.

There are two.

First, only now have we found a primer that can be used for invasion in the real universe.

Secondly, the internal fighting in Chaos has only reached an initial agreement now. After all, most of the power of the four gods is used to fight each other.

Or maybe it's both reasons.

"Let's discuss how to fight." Burner pointed outside the Tyrone star region.

In the detailed and intuitive star map displayed by the mimicry, every Chaos warband appears. The Red Pirates warband, which has been operated by the Black Heart King to the size of a legion, is the absolute main force, whether it is a void battle or a ground battle.

Other warbands often require an entire warband to deal with a defensive node in Talon's Gate.

In Qin Mo's eyes, Huron is more difficult to deal with than Abaddon, not because he is the Chaos Warmaster, but because he is not the Chaos Warmaster.

Huron remained awake in the maelstrom to ensure that he would not be inclined to any one of the four gods. Even though his body had been mutated by the influence of subspace, his mind was still quite clear.

The Black-Hearted King, Huron, is worthy of being the heir of Guilliman, with operational capabilities and skills. The name Red Corsair limits others' impression of this warband. After all, no one associates pirates with the size of the legion.

"The Celestial Engine and all the guards except Yao En will defend the Tailong Gate." Qin Mo said.

The guards stood at attention and saluted.

In this kind of large-scale all-out war involving many galaxies, the role that the guards can play is limited. They can only assassinate enemy officers, destroy command nodes, etc., but this is enough.

The Chaos Warband's command and communication system is cumbersome and backward, similar to that of the Empire.

The small group of Chaos Space Marines has a fatal flaw, that is, commanding operations often relies on personal charm and skill. As long as the person above dies, the people below will start fighting among themselves and fighting for power.

If the battle situation is bad and one's side is in decline, the Chaos Space Marines may disobey orders unless someone of Huron's level and skill is personally present to supervise the battle.

Based on this alone, the Chaos Space Marines are not as good as the Empire's Space Marines, because no matter which chapter they are on the Empire's side, the company commander roars for the Emperor and the Gene Father, and the people below can really withstand artillery fire and adversity. Launched a suicidal counterattack.

"Yaoen." Qin Mo looked at his Soulless Guards, "You take your legion and Blackstone Fortress and use the webway to move in the Dead Realm. You know what you should do."

"Yes." Yaoen saluted.

Ten years ago, Yao En learned how to fight subspace creatures, and the battle plan was very simple, which was to find an opportunity to kill the big demon.

At this point, Qin Mo has made defensive arrangements.

There is nothing to arrange in itself, because in the Talon Gate defense area, the Tyron Army and the local system defense force have long been permanently stationed. Four hundred light years away around the Dead Realm, countless void fortresses and some of the elite Tyron army have prepared for today's invasion.

There are even millions of armies in the webway.

"In addition, each of the guards carries a living metal body when they rush to the battlefield. If things go bad, I will stick in the body and fight." After Qin Mo finished speaking, he signaled for everyone to leave, "Let's disperse."

Everyone turned and left, and their figures disappeared into the bridge the moment they turned around.

The people participating in the meeting were only holographic projections, and they themselves were on the battlefield or behind the Tyrone star sector.

"What am I going to do?" Burner asked.

"Go to the Webway with the Soulless Ones to deal with the demons." Qin Mo said.

"Leave it to me." Burner turned around and left the celestial engine in an instant.

At this time, only Mimic and Qin Mo were left in the bridge.

Mimicry didn't know what mission it had. It only knew about intelligence matters. The Iron Man Mothership was arranged to deal with demons near the Dead Zone.

So Mimic guesses that his mission may be to assist the Iron Man Mothership? After all, Star God is a professional counterpart in dealing with demons.

"Go to the Gate of Tailong, find a defensive node to fight at, and then find an opportunity to fight out. Try to capture the corroded galaxy outside the Gate of Tailong. Any galaxy will do." Qin Mo ordered.

"Okay." This was not what the mimic expected, but it was willing to do it.

Mimicry did not leave immediately, but looked at Qin Mo and asked after a moment: "You seem to be very anxious..."

"Yes." Qin Mo nodded and looked at the star map displayed on the screen on the other side of the bridge. "Three of the four gods sent their own demonic armies, but Slaanesh did not. It did not participate in this attack. Are you unwilling, or do you have other motives?"

Mimicry realized that Qin Mo might be worried about Guilliman, so he persuaded him: "Our home is Tyrone, and this is where we need to worry."

Hearing this, Qin Mo was silent for a long time and shook his head.

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