Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 377 The determined Xing Yuting

The Primarch and the High Lords arrived at a building on Terra that was second only in size to the Royal Palace.

This is where the high lords hold meetings.

The high lords called the top leaders of the forces they represented to gather here. These people are the generals in charge of the Astra Militarum in several sectors, the casting directors of the forging worlds or the ruling sages... these are key figures in the human empire. The number can only be described as a sea of ​​people.

If someone throws a bomb at the seats where the Mechanicum staff are sitting at this time, it can paralyze a bunch of forge worlds.

When Guilliman appeared before these men, they all saluted him.

Under the gaze of everyone, Guilliman and the high lords walked to the middle of the seats where other forces were seated.

Then it’s time to go through the process.

There are no special arrangements on the first day, just go through the process.

The High Lords welcomed the Primarch for his journey, and then asked if the journey had been tiring.

The principle responds to the high lords, and then makes a positive comment on the perseverance and hard work of each high lord, and encourages the high lords to keep up their efforts.

The two hosts of Xingjuyuan and Xingyuting asked the original body some questions from the side.

These two people are both super human beings among human beings. They just asked Guilliman how he sailed to Terra through some insignificant side questions. It was true. There were previous rumors of the Primarch using the Dimension Engine to come to Terra.

Although the two hosts had estimated in advance that the original body would definitely use the dimensional engine to rush over, there were some things that had to be asked. Only what the original body said would represent the original body's attitude.

At this time, Guilliman was still in a trance caused by his meeting with the Emperor three days ago. He inadvertently confirmed that he was using the Dimension Engine from the side, and did not realize it until he finished speaking.

The wisdom of the high lords made Guilliman feel helpless.

These high lords are definitely the most outstanding people in various fields. Their intelligence and practical ability coexist. Their ability to play tricks on the original body is enough to prove that their intelligence has been honed to the extreme in conspiracy and interest struggles again and again. .

These people can rule the entire empire most efficiently, wisely and diligently, but only if they have no desires or desires.

Today's high lords have almost no sleep and devote their lives to ruling. However, their intelligence will not be entirely devoted to ruling, but 60 to 70% of their intelligence will be devoted to internal fighting. .

Guilliman knows some gossip about the Parliament, and knows every step of the calculations and things done by the high lords for their own interests, which can make the scriptwriters of suspense dramas in the Five Hundred Worlds shocked and amazed. . If it were adapted into a play, even the old audience who had watched tens of thousands of plays in the Macragge Theater would not be able to understand the simplest and most clumsy of all the methods they used in the internal struggle.

It is said that carnivores are incapable of far-sighted planning, and this statement is extremely suitable for the high lord.

After a set of meaningless mandarin greetings, Krapias, the host of the Astropathic Chamber, stood up and issued an invitation to the Primarch: "I have been proposing to the Council to invite the Primarch to live on the surface, but this matter has not yet been discussed. There is no result yet... I would like to invite the original body to come to the residence arranged by Star Language Court to rest. On behalf of everyone in Star Language Court, I humbly and respectfully plead with the original body to grant this supreme honor to Star Language Court."

Guilliman took a guess and felt that Krapias must have something to discuss with him, but it was not something that could be discussed openly.

Guilliman also knew what this matter was. He happened to want to talk about it, so he nodded.

"It's better to invite the original body to the Assassin's Court." The Grand Master of the Assassin's Court stood up and said.

"Going to the Court of Assassins to watch your Assassins juggle?" the Forge-General spoke. "I have arranged a residence for the Primarch on Mars."


The high lords began to argue, and the question of where the Primarch would stay at night had escalated to the point where all the lords and spokesmen were required to vote.

Guilliman stopped him, saying that he would only go to the Starwing Garden at night.


The Astral Court arranged the best residence for Guilliman - a separated single room in the library of Terra.

Guilliman indeed liked this arrangement, devouring every book in his library that contained the deepest secrets and past of the Imperium of Man.

While the primarch was reading the book, Krapias, the Master of the Astropathic Chamber, came to meet the primarch at his residence.

The two had already tested each other when they met during the day, and both knew that the other was a human spirit, so Krapias did not make any meaningless beating around the bush and directly explained his purpose to the original body.

"The host of the Star Torch Academy, all the astropaths in the Star Court, and various navigator families..." Krapias said softly, while observing the expression of the original body, "They hope to get an accurate message. , so let me be the microphone..."

"They want to know about the Dimension Engine, don't they?" Guilliman asked.

"Yes." Krapias nodded vigorously.

He no longer needed to explain in detail, Guilliman knew exactly what he wanted to know, so he gave Krapias the simplest, direct and clear answer.

"Dimension engines must be promoted, and the engines sitting in the warehouse must be installed where they should be installed."

"Do you know how inefficient the super-light speed method currently used by the empire is? A large amount of manpower and material resources cannot even be transported to where they should go. Just the subspace navigation will consume a lot of resources."

"I have made a calculation. Let a ship equipped with a dimension engine replace the astropaths. It can transmit messages to the people of the super ancient era of Terra with the same inefficiency. It is also more stable and timely than the astropaths."

"As for the arrangements for the Astropaths and Navigators... they will still enjoy their current status and rights in the future, and the Five Hundred Worlds will use part of the tax revenue to support them."

After hearing Guilliman's words, Krapias almost laughed out of anger.

Navigator Astropaths will still enjoy their current status and rights in the future... Isn't this a joke?

The reason why navigators and astropaths have a high status is because the human empire cannot do without them when it travels at super-light speeds. When they are later replaced by the dimensional engine, they will become a piece of dispensable rotten meat. What will happen then? Dealing with them all depends on the whims of the Primarch and the other High Lords.

By that time, Xingyuting Xingjuyuan will not even have the high-ranking chair position.

Guilliman also knew what Klapias was thinking, but he still wanted to be simple and direct.

The promotion of the Dimension Engine is imperative. This is more important than anything else. There is no time to play tricks and nonsense with Navigators and Astropaths.

"The navigators and astropaths may have strong resistance..." Krapias said awkwardly, "As a microphone, I can only guarantee you that what you say tonight will not be spread."

Guilliman shook his head: "You are a microphone, you can spread it, otherwise I would not tell you this."

Guilliman thought that Krapias was slightly right when he said that the host was a microphone.

The high lords are not the emperors of the forces they represent, so to speak.

In the loose governance system of human empires, it often happens that the vassal of a vassal is not my vassal.

But then again, a High Lord is a High Lord and still has a lot of power.

This is a complicated and cumbersome matter. It is impossible to accurately explain whether a force will listen to their high lord, and how much power this high lord has.

"Now give me an accurate answer." Guilliman put down the book and looked directly at Krapias, "Whether the Astropath and the Navigator will accept the dimensional engine."

"I...I can't say for sure...but...because..."

"I can talk to you while reading and think about many things. I know you can give me accurate answers."

"All right……"

Krapias took a deep breath, gathered up his courage, and said to Guilliman: "The Navigators and Astropaths will never accept the use of the Dimension Engine. This is intolerable and indifferent."

"I understand." Guilliman nodded, indicating that the host could leave.

Krapias left the original body's residence and came outside the library, where he met many senior members of the Astrotaph who accompanied him.

After explaining the original body's attitude, Krapias looked at his assistant: "There are still many families who are unable to come because of the subspace storm. You have to spread the original body's attitude and let them know."

The assistant nodded and then made a request: "The storm that just appeared is difficult to get through. I need a ship that is fast and safe..."

Very fast and safe.

There is only one such ship in the hands of Krapias, and that is his favorite ship, the ship that has allowed him to escape death countless times.

"Use my boat."

After thinking twice, Krapias took out the token he used to command the crew of the ship and gave it to his assistant.

But when the assistant stretched out his hand to take it, Krapias took it back and then told the assistant: "The Voyager is my favorite ship, do you understand?"

"I understand, sir." The assistant nodded respectfully.

"Use it gently baby."

Krapias put the token in his assistant's hand, patted his back gently, and warned him again.

"The dimension engine on it is a custom-made one that I got from Tyrone Rogue Trader. If you dare to overcharge and use it, I will pull out your spine and make it into a crutch."

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